The Lion's Den: Week at a Glance
Parent and Community Week at a Glance 12/5 - 12/9
Fantasy of Lights Chorus and Percussion Ensemble Performance
Fantasy of Lights Chorus and Percussion Ensemble Performance
Fantasy of Lights Chorus and Percussion Ensemble Performance
Lemira Elementary School Updates:
Welcome to a new week of growth and opportunities! Thanks for being apart of our village as we continue to motivate, inspire, and educate all students to be college and career ready. We are the Lions, and we'll have it no other way!!!!!!
School Announcements
1. Community Services: CROWNED Girls Group
- Our CROWNED girls group will be hosting a Canned Food Drive for Crosswell Children’s Home beginning November 30th- December 16th. Please help us give towards this worthy cause by donating can goods to support our local organization.
- You may send the can goods through your scholar or drop off in the front office.
2. Interim Parent Conferences
- Parent interim conferences are currently being scheduled through your scholar's teacher. Qtr. 2 conferences will be scheduled for students who are needing additional support in meeting grade level standards.
- Third Grade Parent conferences are also being scheduled for students, according to our state's Read to Succeed criterion.
- If you need to reschedule your conference, please reschedule with your learner's teacher or you may call the front office desk for support in rescheduling.
Join in the fun and festive countdown to our winter break beginning Dec. 12th - 16th. See the flyer above for details!
4. Upcoming Assessments:
- MAP Testing: December 1 - 15th for Grades K-5
- Quarterly Unit Assessments: Assessments-Unit 2 (SAVVAS) - December 5, 2022-December 9, 2022 (Kindergarten, First, and Second Grades Only)
5. Make-Ups: Fall Picture Day
- Dec 7 will be reserved for make-ups (students who missed the first day)
- New Photographer: LifeTouch
6. Upcoming December Family Engagement Events:
A. December 13th - (Tuesday) Title One STEAM Night - Come join us for a night of STEAM. South Carolina State University will be on campus to host STEAM activities for our students and families.
Location: Lemira
Time: 6:00pm
B. December 15th (Thursday) Christmas Concert: The Lemira Chorus and Percussion Ensemble will perform their Winter Concert on 12/15. Come join us for this festive celebration.
Location: Lemira
Time: 6:00pm
(Please see flyer attached for additional dates)
7. Santa Pictures: Monday, December 12th
- Please see flyer for details
8. Holland's Corner: Title I T & T (Tips and Tidbits):
Family Support For At-Home Learning
As a parent, you can do your part at home to reinforce this important family-school partnership. To help prepare your children for school readiness to stay on track and expand their learning opportunities:
Set up a daily family routine, including healthy eating and sleeping habits
Provide a place and time at home for homework
Check on assignments, homework and projects
Talk each day with your child about his/her activities
Promote literacy by reading to your child and by reading yourself
Limit and monitor TV watching, gaming, social media and computer time
Express high expectations and standards for your child’s learning
Attend parent-teacher conferences, Open House and Back-To-School events
Participate in decisions that affect your child’s education
Tap into community resources with visits to a library, museum, zoo or theater and encourage participation in after-school clubs, sports and art activities
Engaged parents are a key factor in helping students and schools succeed. With families, schools and communities working together as partners, student achievement is enhanced and children are better prepared to do well in school.
9. Reading Coach Henry Tips:A Family That Reads Together Succeeds Together
December’s Book of the Month: Testing the Ice by Sharon Robinson
As a parent, you want your child to fall in love with books and become successful readers. This month, we will spotlight the book Testing the Ice by Sharon Robinson. Here are some activities that you can do with your child using this book.
After reading a couple of pages, you and your child can discuss how your childhood is similar and different. You and your child can draw a picture about your favorite childhood memory.
Read and sip hot chocolate. Discuss how the character changed in the story and what events made the character change.
10. EXACT Path: Students are encouraged to log into EXACT Path daily while at home. They have a dedicated time during the school day to work on their learning paths. However, we do encourage students to continue practicing their "Leveled" skills in their "Reading and Math" learning pathways. Students are recognized bi-weekly for their mastery progress and usage minutes.
11. Want to become a Volunteer?
We would love your assistance as a volunteer at Lemira. Please see the website for details.
Link: https://app.sterlingvolunteers.com/en/Candidates/Account/Register
12. Spirit Fridays:
* Please mark on your calendars the following Days
- 2nd Fridays (Spirit Fridays) - Lemira T-shirts or "Blue and White" colors
- 4th Fridays (Creating College and Career Ready Leaders, the AVID Way) - Wear your favorite college T-shirt
Important Calendar Dates Dates:
Interims / Progress Reports Parent Conferences
November 29th, 2022 - Dec. 16th
November 28th - December 2
Santa Shop
December 2
Fantasy of Lights (Percussion Ensemble and Chorus Appearance)
7:00pm / Swan Lake
December 4th - (Sunday) Christmas Parade:
Student Council and Percussion Ensemble will march in the Christamas Parade.
December 7th (Wed)
Fall Make-Ups
December 12th (Mon)
PTO Santa Photos
December 13th - (Tuesday) Title One STEAM Night
Location: Lemira
Time: 6:00pm
December 15th (Thursday) Winter Concert:
The Lemira Chorus and Percussion Ensemble will perform their Winter Concert
Location: Lemira
Time: 6:00pm
December 19th - 30th
Winter Break
Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and our School Website for the latest updates. The links are in the box below.
Mrs. Stephanie Gregg, Ed.S
Proud Principal of Lemira Elementary School
Lemira Elementary School
Email: step8636@hotmail.com
Website: https://lme.sumterschools.net/
Location: 952 Fulton Street, Sumter, SC, USA
Phone: 803-775-0658
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LemiraLionDynasty
Twitter: @LemiraSchool