First Grade Newsletter
Week of 8/7-8/11
Welcome First Grade Families!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! We are so excited to have your students in our classes! We will be sending out a weekly news letter, along with information in your student's folders. Please make sure that you are signed up for your student's ClassDojo to connect with your students individual teacher.
Meet the Team
Ms. Kuranda
Mrs. Gonzalez-Soto
Mrs. Sanchez
Mrs. Sato
Ms. Reed: EIP Support
Mrs. Rakestraw: ESOL Support
Inside Our Classrooms:
What we learned this past week:
Classroom rules and procedures.
Writing: Students wrote "All About Me" and responses to reading.
Math: Numbers are all around me. We worked on review from kindergarten and the numbers that we see in our everyday lives. Students worked on classroom rules and procedures with math manipulatives.
Social Studies: Learned about building a community and the community around us.
What we will learn this week:
Writing: We will begin talking about informational writing, and the writing process. Students will be working on their writing skills and handwriting throughout other areas of the day.
Math: In math we will begin looking at place value and how to make tens using a variety of numbers and models. Students will engage in framework task and practice.
Social Studies: What is a community? How do we build a community?
Vocabulary Words for the Week:
empathy, persevere, related, polite, honest, cooperate, discovery, transforming,
community, coincidence, unique, diversity, adversity, interrupt, patient
How to Help at Home:
Go over your student's lunch number, and how they are getting home everyday.
If your students know the alphabet and numbers to 120, see if they can fill in the blanks or give them a starting number other than 1 and A and see if they can continue from there.
Students should be able to fluently count on from any number up to 120! We will be working on this in class, but it is important to work on it at home as well!
Students will begin getting homework this week: Homework will be sent out on Monday for the week. Please assist your student, as questions about how they are doing their work, and what they are learning while doing it! Having conversations is a great way to see what they know!
How to help at Home from DLI:
Upcoming Events
Coming up:
8/11: Coffee with the Principal 8:30am
8/15: Open House 5:00 pm
8/22-8/25: MAP Testing
8/23: Vision 2 Learn
9/4: Labor Day (No School)
9/14: DLI Math Family Night 5:00-7:00pm
9/25-9/29: Fall Break
Uniform Reminder
Reminder that all students should be wearing tennis shoes every day.