Friday Focus
November 17, 2023
Message From the Director
Busy week serving a K-12 Thanksgiving Feast, but what fun we had! It began on Tuesday with Managers attending Turkey Camp (led by Ashley the Alpha Turkey) to learn everything about the special menu. Remember, success is all about the details and planning ahead. Susie roasted more than 800 lbs. of turkey and Team Turkey members sliced and panned 5,400 servings that Rob delivered to all schools for service - all while doing their regular jobs serving 2100 students at VHS. Makes me think cooking a 22 lb. turkey at home next week won't be so bad after all. Jackie Schutz and team win the prize for the most creative Chef names: Bon-Nee Appetit (Bonnie Stephens), Chef Go Home or Go Biggs (Jaclyn Biggs), Chef Corny Coil (Tracy Coil), Chef Puddin' Pie (Jorgi Calombaris), Chef No Polyester (Amanda Cotton) and Chef Reis-ing-Shine (Becky Reising). Celebrity Servers are still talking about how much fun they had and high school students want us to publish our recipe for pumpkin pie mousse. These compliments are because of you and I am so proud of the way you made everything come together flawlessly! Thanksgiving is all about stopping to count the good things in our life. I know I am fortunate to work with the greatest school nutrition team in the world. There's actually nothing you can't do! I watch you jump in and help wherever it's needed and treat each other with professional respect. No matter how your day is going you find a way to make the day special for students with a smile or kind word. Aside from your amazing work ethic, the sense of humor in these kitchens is our best kept secret! Thanks to each and every one of you for the role you play and the value you bring to our students' lives. Happy Thanksgiving!
With gratitude,
Sweet Potatoes
Meals per Labor Hour (MPLH): October
From Ashley
I thought yesterday went over GREAT! I am SO PROUD of all of the hard work on the days leading up to yesterday and the execution of our Thanksgiving Feast! The decorations at schools were ON POINT. Everyone had a smile on their face. Celebrity servers greatly enjoyed their time with you. You all did a wonderful job! I visited a few schools and I just kept hearing that this was the BEST MEAL EVER - even though some thought it was chicken or ham....they were so excited for this special day.
I truly appreciate you all going along with my *sometimes* crazy ideas and I understand just how much prep this day entailed. I LOVE LOVE LOVE bringing more homestyle meals into our schools. And our students love it, too!! As a couple of people said out loud at Turkey Camp, "I'll do the extra work as long as it feeds more kids." Our jobs are to feed as many children during a school day as we can. I understand some tasks are tedious and time-consuming, trust me I was in your shoes not long ago (I still am some days LOL). But if that little bit of extra work in our day will fill the bellies of even just 10 more kids, I am a happy camper!
So THANK YOU, to each and every one of you! Please enjoy your time off next week, spend it doing what makes you happy! Happy Thanksgiving! GOBBLE! GOBBLE!
Train and Win
The Indiana Department of Education used a Team Nutrition grant to create FREE virtual training for directors, managers and frontline staff. You are not required to complete this training, it is completely optional and on your own time. However, you could win cash and it looks pretty impressive on a resume! All training is housed in Moodle, so it is easy and free to access! Ready to hear the most exciting part of this?! The first 250 directors and 250 managers that complete the 40 hours of training within six months will be awarded $500. The first 250 frontline staff that complete the 8 hours of training within six months will be awarded $100.
All training is available NOW for frontline staff. Employees can begin at any time and each employee must do the training individually to be eligible. Several modules of the 40 hour training are available for Directors and Managers.
Click on the links below for instructions and more information:
Rice is Nice
How to Stop Procrastinating
The holidays are fast approaching and often a source of stress. Too much to do, too little time - mainly because we waited until the last minute. Sound familiar? Don't put off reading these procrastination tips...lol
by Steve Keating/csifoodpro
I was going to write this post a while back but… okay, so that’s just too easy a joke for such a serious topic. Procrastination kills a whole lotta people’s chance at success. It’s almost like an addiction. Stopping procrastination can be incredibly challenging, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can overcome it. Here are some ideas to help you stop procrastinating right now.
• Start by identifying the reasons behind your procrastination. Is it due to a lack of motivation, fear of failure, task aversion, or something else? Understanding the root cause can help you address it effectively.
• Clearly define your goals and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. When you have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, it becomes easier to stay focused.
• Use techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Focus on high-priority tasks first, and tackle less important ones later.
• Write down your daily tasks in a to-do list. This helps you visualize your workload and stay organized. Cross off tasks as you complete them to gain a sense of accomplishment.
• Establish deadlines for your tasks, even if they are self-imposed. Having a sense of urgency can motivate you to start working on your tasks sooner.
• Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working hard for a set amount of time (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by a short break, can help you maintain focus and prevent burnout.
• Identify and remove distractions from your workspace. This may include turning off notifications, silencing your phone, or using website blockers to prevent access to distracting websites.
• If a task feels overwhelming, break it down into smaller, more manageable sub-tasks. This makes it easier to get started and maintain momentum.
• Pay attention to when you are most alert and focused during the day, and schedule your most important tasks during these periods.
• Share your goals with a friend or colleague who can help hold you accountable. Alternatively, you can use productivity apps and tools that track your progress.
• Create a system of rewards for completing tasks. This can serve as positive reinforcement and make tasks more enjoyable.
• Developing self-discipline is crucial for overcoming procrastination. This involves training yourself to stick to your commitments and push through resistance.
• Be kind to yourself. Everyone procrastinates from time to time. Instead of berating yourself for procrastinating, focus on learning from your experiences and making positive changes.
• Overcoming procrastination is an ongoing process. It may take time to develop new habits and strategies, so don’t be discouraged by setbacks. Stay persistent and keep working towards your goals.
Stopping procrastination is a journey, and it requires consistent effort and self-awareness. Start by implementing one or two of these strategies and gradually build upon them to create a more productive and focused daily routine.
You can do it, just remember, the sooner you eliminate the scourge of procrastination from your life the better your life will be.
Free Employee Assistance Program
Your Perspectives EAP is here to provide confidential, no-cost support for you and your family 24/7.
Call or text 800.456.6327 to schedule an appointment with a counselor or contact us for in-the-moment support.
Use the “Live Chat” feature on your Perspectives Online Portal to instant message with a counselor 7 a.m.-9 p.m. CST Mon.-Fri. (Remember to use your unique Access Code, and your Password is perspectives
Here’s how to access your EAP:
Access Code: valpo
Digital Resources
Open Positions
Non-employees can apply by completing an online application as an External Applicant here: https://www.applitrack.com/valpo/onlineapp/
Production Lead, VHS, 6.5 hours *new*
FS Tech, Heavilin, 4 hours
FS Tech, BF Middle, 4.5 hours
FS Tech, Central, 4 hours
FS Tech, VHS, 4 hours
2023-24 Calendar
November 22-24, 2023 Thanksgiving Holiday (No Work Days)
December 21, 2023 Half Day K-12 (Regular Work Day)
December 22 - January 5, 2024 Holiday Break (No Work Days)
January 8, 2024 Classes resume (Regular Work Day)
January 15, 2024 MLK Day (No Work Day)
2024-25 Calendar
Did you miss an issue of Friday Focus?
About Us
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Email: kkane@valpo.k12.in.us
Website: https://www.valpo.k12.in.us/apps/pages/nutrition
Location: 2727 N. Campbell St., Valparaiso, IN 46385
Phone: (219) 531-3050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ValpoSchoolFood
Twitter: @ValpoSchoolFood