This Week at BLE
Important Details for the Week of 1/22 to 1/26
School Schedule
Late Start Monday: 10:35 am - 3:45 pm
School starts at 10:35 am on Mondays. Please drop your students off no earlier than 10:20 am on Mondays. Bus routes run 90 minutes later on Mondays.
Tuesday through Friday Schedule: 9:00 am - 3:45 pm
Classes begin at 9:00 am. Please drop your students off no earlier than 8:45 am.
Character Trait of the Month for January
Upcoming Dates to Remember
22 NEHS Clothing Drive Kick Off for
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Puget Sound
23 PTA Family Night Out Fundraiser at Don Chuy
26 PTA Bingo Night 5:30pm
29 Hat Day
29 Viking Pride Assembly
30 Regional Elementary Curriculum Showcase
STEM Fair & Art Show - Deadline To Register Is Extended
This is a quick reminder that our STEM Fair and Art Show is coming up on February 24th, and we would love to see all buildings represented with student projects and art! Below is a quick blurb you can add to your newsletters to encourage students and families to participate in this event. Please let me know if you have any questions!
The annual STEM Fair and Art Show is quickly approaching! This event is an interactive showcase of student inquiry and creativity, and students of all grade levels are welcome to participate. To register a student project, please fill out this form.
The deadline for project registrations has been extended to Friday, February 2nd. In addition to the art docent programs at each elementary school, students are also encouraged to submit individual art pieces to be digitally showcased throughout the event. To submit individual student art, fill out this form. Here are the details for this year's STEM Fair:
Saturday, February 24th
Sumner Middle School
We are looking forward to seeing you at this year's STEM Fair! Please reach out to Abigail Finney with any questions: abigail_finney@sumnersd.org
Community Cultural Celebration Event
NEHS Hosts a Clothing Drive for Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Puget Sound
Save the Date: Elementary Curriculum Showcase
Greetings Bonney Lake Elementary Parents/Guardians,
Please join us for our Regional Elementary Curriculum Showcase*
When: Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Time: 5:30-7:00 PM
Location: Maple Lawn Elementary
Address: 230 Wood Ave. Sumner, WA 98390
This district event will feature:
Our Elementary core curriculum in Language Arts, Math, and Social Emotional Learning for each grade level as well as intervention materials and additional curriculum used to support multilingual students and students in Special Education.
An opportunity to view our 5th grade Human Growth and Development (puberty) and HIV Videos
Opt out forms for current 5th grade students will be available after viewing the videos.
Meet and talk with some of our Bonney Lake Elementary staff as well as teachers in nearby SBLSD schools.
Obtain information about 2024-25 Kindergarten Registration and programs like READY for Kindergarten.
Visit resource tables hosted by elementary specialists in PE, Music, and STEM.
Light refreshments available
Spanish, Russian, and Ukrainian Interpreters will be available
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If you are unable to attend this event, please consider attending our other regional Curriculum Showcase:
Thursday, February 1 at Victor Falls Elementary- 5:30-7:00 PM
Address: 11401 188th Ave Ct E Bonney Lake, WA 98391
*This is an adult event to provide parents with information about the elementary curriculum.
There will be no activities for children nor childcare available.
Student Resource - Mental Health Support
Calling All Parents of Birth to Age 5 Kids
PTA Bingo Night
BLE Spirit Wear
The PTA is excited to present the new line of spirit wear available for online purchase. These orders are shipped directly to you! Visit the store at: https://apparelnow.com/bonney-lake-elementary-apparel.