The Sewell Sabercats
Welcome Back to School, August Newsletter
Meet and Greet Your Teacher
Come visit us Wednesday, August 2nd from 1:00-3:00 pm to meet your classroom teacher. Parents can log into ParentVue to find out the name of their child's classroom teacher.
Kindergarten teachers: Ms. Barraza & Ms. AW
1st grade teachers: Ms. Dolan & Ms. Harry
2nd grade: Ms. Mendoza
3rd grade: Ms. Petrino
4th grade: Ms. Doerr
5th grade: Ms. Ryan
FREE Breakfast and Lunch
All students at Sewell receive free breakfast and lunch. Please make sure your child comes to school early to get their free breakfast. Breakfast begins at 8:00 am.
Parent Drop-off in the morning.
Students can be dropped off in the front of the school in the morning and enter the building through the front door. Please do not drop off you child before 8:00 am, there is no adult supervision before 8:00 am.
See the map below to identify where your child will line up in the morning.
Parent Pick-up at the end of the day
Please be patient the first few days as we work through the parent pick-up routine.
Kindergarten parents, please park in the westside neighborhood on Chantilly Drive (do not park in front of mailboxes or in the bus bay). Enter the gate on the westside playground then wait outside the kindergarten wing. Kindergarten teachers will release your child to you.
All 1st-5th grade students will be waiting for their parents on the field, by the parking lot gate. When you arrive to the pick-up area your child's name is called. Students will exit through the gate, and walk on the sidewalk to their car, and enter the car from the passenger side so they are not going out into the street.
1st - 5th grade parents, please remain in your car when picking up your child, we do not want parents and children walking through the parking lot at the end of the day for the safety of you and your child. Remember safety is key, please drive slowly.
In the passenger side window display your child's name on a piece of paper along with their grade level. This will assist staff members in locating your child more quickly.
School Supplies
All basic school supplies are provided to students (paper, pencils, crayons, etc). Teachers may have a classroom wish list. If they do, they will communicate that with the families in their classroom.
If you are a family in need of a backpack, clothing, or food, please let us know. Our community liaison, Ms. Bonnie Mort, is here to assist families in need.
Save the Date
August 2nd: Meet and Greet the Teacher, 1:00-3:00 pm
August 3rd: 1st day of School
August 22nd: Title I Night & Open House, 5:00-6:00 pm
August 23rd: No School for Students, Professional Learning Day for Staff
September 4th: No School, Labor Day
September 20-22: 1/2 day of school, Parent/Teacher Conference
Attendance or Tardy Reporting
If your child will be absent on any given day for any reason, please call our attendance line, 520-584-7200.
If your child is tardy to school, they will need to be checked-in, by a parent, in the front office before going to class.
Excellent attendance is a high priority at Sewell. Missing school can be detrimental to your child's progress. When a child is absent from school, they will need to make-up missing assignments. Please contact your child's teacher via email for make-up work.
School Hours
8:00 am - Earliest arrival
8:00 am - 8:25 am - Breakfast served
8:25 am - 2:35 pm - Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
8:25 am - 1:35 pm - Wed (early dismissal)
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Office Phone Number: 520-584-7200