The Good News - November 13, 2022
St. John XXIII Catholic School
Welcome Back to School Tomorrow: Monday, Nov. 14th
Leadership Message
As Catholic parents and educators, we are reminded daily of the universal call to bring our students to Christ. Choosing Catholic schools for our children is our way to put Christ and His message of peace, hope, and love at the center of all we do and all we are.
We celebrate the partnerships of our parents and parish priests. We continue to be so grateful for the many blessings they bestow on our school community and the support given every day.
Thank you to each and every parent who supports our school community in their own way. Your commitment to working together with our school staff makes a difference every day.
Our parish priests, Father Carlos and Father Tomasz continue to lead our community of St. John XXIII in faith and spiritual guidance. There are so many ways they foster the faith journeys of our staff, students and families and we are very blessed for their presence every day.
November 2022
Monday, Nov. 14:
- Metis Alive Presentations
- PSC Meeting 7:00 at the school
- Faith Assembly pd. 1
- Father Tomasz visit
- Hot Lunch
- No events in the calendar
- No events in the calendar
Dec. 7 - Early Dismissal 2:15
Dec. 15 - Christmas Concert
One Book One School
We are now just over half way reading "The Wild Robot". Please refer to the reading schedule that was sent in your child(ren)'s backpack. Start planning your family made robot. Remember, any size, shape or design! These can be sent to school Nov.24-28th to be put on display in the library!
Here are the important links:
- Activity link - to find all the great activities link to our book
- Library link - to hear a staff member read to your child
Thank you families for sending your kids dressed and ready for outdoor play each day.
At Saint John, we believe strongly in children heading outside for play and fresh air every day. This will continue to be a priority at St. John this winter season. We know from research that outside play is so important for a child's mental, social, emotional, and physical well-being. It builds confidence, allows for creativity and imagination, it connects students to nature, promotes opportunities for problem solving and conflict resolution, and gets kids MOVING! Raising resilient kids is an important focus at our school and we will do all we can to support daily outside play as much as possible.
Thank you for your continued help to ensure your child comes to school with all the proper gear to be outside.
St. John XXIII School Council Poinsettia Sale
This year we are again offering a variety of Christmas cheer in beautiful, locally-grown poinsettias and other holiday greenery to help raise money for our School Council who in turn help support our wonderful school.
The plants we’ve received each year are gorgeous and make incredible Christmas gifts!
We've tried to make this as easy as possible by going completely online!
To see the plants that are available and to place your order please go to:
Simply choose the quantity of the plants you wish to purchase, select credit card under payment options, and place your order.
You are welcome to share the website with family and friends who may wish to order as well and further support our school.
Orders are due on Thursday, November 17th and must be picked up from the school on Friday, December 2nd Pickup times will be from 1-3pm and 6-8pm.
Thank you for your consideration for support.
Shannon Dahlseide
Winter Sale Coordinator
Winter and our Parking Lot
Please continue to make safety, rather than convenience, the top priority.
A gentle reminder of our parking lot protocols:
- *Most important* Please do not allow students to cross the parking lot at any time. Encourage use of the sidewalks adjacent to the lot and crosswalks. Our students are little and are hard to see when people are backing up. Modeling and reinforcing Pedestrian safety is key for young children. It’s always best to walk on sidewalks or paths and cross at street corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks.
- Our kinders line up beside our parking lot, please do not park in front of the basketball area or double park. There is a sandwich board sign to help remind you not to enter that section. Help us keep all students safe.
- Visitor parking spaces: We have 15 visitor parking stalls (identified with the Visitor parking sign). These spaces are closest to the road. These stalls are available on a first-come, first serve basis and we would like to encourage our families to try to be courteous and leave these spaces for our families with infant children or our families with children with complex needs. If these spaces are full, please do not come into the parking lot to drop off your child.
- Park and walk: As has been a familiar practice for most of our SJXXIII families, please make a plan with your child for a meeting spot, park down the street or around the corner. This keeps kids active and safe and greatly reduces the congestion in between the two schools. Some parking is available across the street. Please do not park in a numbered stall as these are reserved for our friends at Win Ferguson.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe.
Remembrance Day
Growing Brains & Sharing Smiles! It's a GREAT Day to be a St. John Kid!
NAIT Teeth Cleaning for Kids and Teens
NAIT’s Dental Assisting program provides teeth cleaning and fluoride application to kids and teens aged 7 to 18. It's only $30 per kid/teen and $50 per family with two or more kids/teens in the same household. This service takes approximately three hours and is carried out by students under supervision of a registered practitioner.
Appointments will be offered during the following months:
- January
- February
- March
- May
Sacramental Preparation Info
Our Lady of the Angels Church is happy to be able to celebrate all the different stages of you and your families life in Christ. We have excellent preparation programs for the Sacraments. Below is information about how to begin preparing for the Sacraments.
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
Location: 9526 89 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-998-7777
Twitter: @St_JohnXXIII