KES Family Newsletter
March 1 (Eighth Edition), 2022
Message from the Principal
This month the KES Staff worked to build an updated mission and vision for our building. Read below the KES Mission and Vision.
Mission: The mission of Kewaskum Elementary School is to develop the whole child by providing a motivating, stimulating, and nurturing environment to build a better future together.
Vision: The vision of the Kewaskum Elementary School is to guide our students to be respectful, compassionate, and responsible individuals who recognize and value their educational journey.
Important Communication
- Read Across America Week begins Monday, February 28th. Please review the attached flyer for more information about the events of the week.
- Wisconsin State Foward Exam will begin for students in grades 3-5 from April 4-29. Please review the attached informational letter to learn more about the Forward Exam.
- Library: Kindly remember to have your child turn in their library books or report any missing books to the office. We are also looking for donations of plastic bags for the book fair. If you have some to donate, send them with your child or to the office.
Elementary Transition Update
We have created a web page to communicate with staff and families on the Elementary Transition process. There is a link on the top navigation bar on the home page or you can click here. We have an FAQ on the website that includes questions from the staff, family, and community listening sessions. As we receive more questions, we will add them to this document. We also created a Rumors document to address some of the rumors that have been circulating, and we will update this document as needed.
One of the questions that many people have asked is related to what the District plans to do with the property. The Board decided to put the property up for sale. We will be posting a sign in front of the building concerning the sale of the building, as well as placing advertisements in the local newspapers and on our website. We will be collecting closed offers until April 29, 2022, which the Board will review at the May 12 Board meeting. At that time, they will have the opportunity to make a decision if they would like to accept any of the offers received.
We have opened up our window for Parent Initiated Requests for an Intra-District Transfer a little early this year. If you are interested in putting in a request, please contact your building principal for more information.
Book Fair Information
Our Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon! We hope you will be able to visit the Fair!
Tuesday, March 15th, 3:45-7:00 pm
Wednesday, March 16, 3:45-6:00 pm
Thursday, March 17th, 3:45-7:00 pm (Open during conferences)
Students will also have the opportunity to shop the fair during school, and you will have the opportunity to set up an e-wallet for them. This is a great way for them to purchase books without having to bring money to school! There will also be the opportunity to shop online. More information will be coming in the next weeks.
Once again this year, we will be running the All for Books program. Students are encouraged to donate just $1 or any loose change. All of the money collected will go directly to purchasing more books for our classrooms. For every $1 a student donates, their name will be put into a box for the drawing of a prize. Slips will be coming home soon. If students wish to donate more than $1, extra slips will be provided at school for those students. Scholastic will match monetary donations raised with a donation of up to one million books to Kids in Need Foundation. I hope you will be able to support our cause. On behalf of the students and teachers of our school, thank you!
KES Library
Everyone has fun on dress up day!
Upcoming Dates
Monday, February 28-March 4: Read Across America Week
Monday, February 28: Heart Healthy Day-Wear workout gear and come ready to exercise the mind and body
Tuesday, March 1: 6:15 PTO meeting in the LGI
Friday, March 4: 4th grade Lumberjack Day,
Monday, March 7: Hobby Day for all students
Thursday, March 10: 6:00 School Board Meeting
Saturday, March 12: 5:30-10:00 PTO Adult Night at Jugs Hitching Post
Tuesday, March 15: Report cards shared in Skyward, 3:45-7:00 Book Fair
Wednesday, March 16: 3:45-6:00 Book Fair
Thursday, March 17: 3:45-7:00 Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4:00-7:00 Book Fair
Monday, March 28-Friday, April 1: Spring Break-no school
Resources Links
Shelley Hyde
Email: shyde@kewaskumschools.org
Location: 1415 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI, USA
Phone: 262-626-3101