16 February 2024
Week 3, Term 1
Principal's Message
Welcome back and welcome to the many new families who have started with us this year! I hope you all had a restful summer break and got to enjoy lots of time with your friends and loved ones. We had a lovely evening catching up with our families at our Meet the Teacher and Whānau Picnic last Monday. Thank you to the Hautapu Helping Hands crew who helped cook sausages and sell the ice-blocks and water; I know this was appreciated by many who didn’t have the time to bring a picnic (staff included).
Congratulations to our Student Leaders who did a fantastic job of introducing themselves at our first assembly; they showcased the value of Courage and they’re looking forward to leading our school community of learners. Thank you to our Head House Leader, Greta Bailey, who successfully led our assembly for the first time with great confidence.
We have an exciting term ahead of us, jam packed full of learning opportunities for both the students and staff. Please read the Pānui, which gets emailed fortnightly, as this has all the up-to-date information to help keep you organised and informed of our events. Clear and timely communication is what we strive to deliver to our community. We endeavour to provide multiple forms of communication – email, paper copies, Facebook, school website, our SchoolApp and via Seesaw. We have included a page in this Pānui with links to all of these.
Ngā mihi nui
Tracey Bennett
Junior School Welcome Certificates
Junior Class Certificates
Senior School Welcome Certificates
Senior Class Certificates
Meet our House Leaders
Greta - Head House Leader
Hello Hautapu community, my name is Greta I am 11 years old. I am the Head House Leader and I am in Maungatautari House. I love to read and play football and my favourite food is pasta. I wanted to become Head House Leader because I enjoy public speaking, helping and encouraging others and I love Hautapu school.
Riley - Hautapu House Leader
I am Riley and the leader of Hautapu House. In my spare time I like to read and do art. I wanted to be a house leader so I could grow my confidence, run games and support my house during school events. I can help my house by listening to the ideas of other students and trying to make the school a great place to be.
Tyla - Hautapu House Leader
Hi, my name is Tyla. I’m in year 8 and a Hautapu house leader.
I enjoy looking after my 9 chickens, my 11 sheep, 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs and my dog Roxy.
In my spare time I like to get ahead on work, bake and absolutely love putting mini hats on my guinea pigs.
A few fun facts about me are I’ve hand raised 4 sheep and 10 chicks, I do karate, I learnt the drums and piano and I am a hockey goalie.
Thank you for taking the time to read this 😊
Elena - Karapiro House Leader
Kia Ora Hautapu community, my name is Elena and I am one of the Karapiro House Leaders for 2024. I am 11 years old, turning 12 soon, and this year I am in Rata class. In my spare time I love to do some drawing or read a good book. I also really enjoy riding my two ponies whenever I have time! I wanted to become a house leader because I thought it would be a really cool learning opportunity and to challenge myself to improve my confidence in public speaking. I feel like I have already improved a lot, which is saying something as it is only week 2! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year brings if I’m having this much fun now!
Sophie - Karapiro House Leader
Ki ora
Ko Maungatautari te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Nga puhi te iwi
No itarina oku tupuna
No Te Oko Horoi ahau
Ko Lisa toku mama
Ko Shane toku papa
Ko Olivia raua ko Brooke toku tuakana
Ko Ashton toku tuangane
Ko Sophie toku ingoa
Hi, my name is Sophie. I am 12 years old, 13 in July. I am house leader of Karapiro house. I love to play football, dance and socialize in my spare time. I’m kind and open minded (especially to new things). I went for this role because I love to work with everybody and to meet new people. I also went for this role knowing that this would be an amazing experience. I am excited to see what 2024 brings.
Alexa - Waikato House Leader
Ko Putauaki te maunga
Ko Ohinemateroa te awa
Ko Mataatua te waka
No Aotearoa oku tipuna
No Tauranga moana ahau
Ko Tania toku mama
Ko Ben toku papa
Ko Kaea toku tungane
Ko Alexa ahau
Hi, I’m Alexa and I’m one of the Waikato House Leaders.
I like singing, reading, baking, and performing. I wanted to be a House Leader because in this position I am able to help others and I enjoy leadership.I will try to make the school a better place for everyone in this role. I'm looking forward to this year and all the fun things that me and the other House Leaders are planning.
Penny - Waikato House Leader
Hi I'm Penny, one of Waikato House Leaders and I'm a Year 8.
I wanted to be a House Leader because it's such an awesome opportunity and I get to help more around the school.
I enjoy spending time outside and hanging out with my friends.
I'm really excited to experience being a House Leader this year and I loved having this opportunity.
Danae - Maungatautari House Leader
Hi I’m Danae, I am 12 years old and I’m a House Leader of Maungatautari House. I like sports and animals and love doing art in my free time.I wanted to be a House Leader because I love being a role model for kids in our community and like helping the staff and Mrs Bennett lead the school.
Olivia - Maungatautari House Leader
Kia ora
Ko Maungatautari te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Karapiro te roto
Ko Kawhia te moana
Ko Ngati Pakeha te iwi
Ko Hautapu toku kura
No Ingarangi No Kotarangi hoki oko tipuna
No Kemureti ahau
Ko Gail raua ko Raewyn toku kuia
Ko Peter toku koro
Ko Rochelle toku mama
Ko Frank toku papa
Ko Cameron toku tungane
Ko Olivia ahau
Tena koutou tena koutou tena tatou katoa
HI I’m Olivia and I’m one of the Maungatautari house leaders for 2024. I am 12 years old and I enjoy playing sports, horse riding and going hunting. I have 3 pets, a budgie called Fitzy and two guinea pigs, Moose and Skittles. This year I am looking forward to supporting kids at all the school events throughout the year and building my confidence with public speaking. I’m also looking forward to an amazing year throughout 2024.
Sun Safety
We are all basking in the hot sunny weather at the moment which is a timely reminder that we need to be safe in the sun. During Term 1 and 4, at Hautapu School, we expect and support students to be Sun Smart and we appreciate your support with this. Our Health and Safety Policy states that we will ensure that:
Children will wear hats or caps (wide brimmed hats are our recommendation) which protect the face, neck and ears
Children will wear appropriate clothing (e.g. no bare shoulders)
Sunblock will be applied before school (Parents are expected to apply SPF 30 Broad Spectrum Sunscreen for their children)
All children will sit under the shaded areas or under the verandas or shade sails for lunch and morning tea
Staff will act as role models by employing appropriate sun protective behaviour for summer outdoor activities.
Students who do not have the appropriate hat/cap or clothing will be told to stay under the verandah by the hall during morning tea and lunch
Sunblock will be available in classes for students to reapply themselves
Please pickup and drop off from Hana Lane only.
When exiting the carparks please drive to the small roundabout on Hana Lane to turn around. Please do not make u-turns out of the carpark during hte busy pick up and drop off times. Your continued co-operation is appreciated
Parent Information
School hours
Start time is 8:30am
Morning tea break is 10:30am – 10:50am
Lunch break is 12:15pm – 12:45pm (play)
Lunch break is 12:45pm-1:00pm (eat)
Juniors (Yr 0-4) and their older siblings finish at 2:30pm
Seniors (Yr 5-8) finish at 2:40pm
School pick up and drop off
Please pickup and drop off from Hana Lane only. You are welcome to pick up your children from the classroom or from the front steps. For safety our children are not permitted to cross the road without an adult. Any children not picked up by 2:45pm will be invited to wait in the office foyer.
We stagger our finishing times for Health and Safety due to limited car parking/traffic congestion on Hana Lane.
Signing your child in/out of school
There is a tablet at reception for you to sign your child in/out during school time for the following reasons:
- late arrival
- leaving early
- leaving/returning to/from appointments
- all visitors
We have a number of different ways that parents and whanau can keep up to date with what is happening at our school.
You can download our school app (SchoolAppsNZ) via the android and apple store and this has been specifically designed for our school and our community. It allows us to send alerts straight to your mobile devices and it allows you to communicate absences to the school office from the app, as well as also providing a platform for you to contact your child’s teacher directly from the app.
We also have our school Facebook page which allows us to showcase some of the wonderful learning happening at our school. To keep up to date with all new posts please like and share our Facebook page (Hautapu School Community).
We also have Seesaw where children can share their learning with whanau and teachers can use it to communicate with the parents of their children.
Kindo Shop
All fees relating to school are paid through Kindo Shop (including school fees, donations and optional shop items)
Friday Pie Day
On most Fridays we sell pies and sausage rolls for lunch. Please make your orders through Kindo
Your lunchbox
We are able to offer Your Lunch Box (https://www.yourlunchbox.co.nz/) at Hautapu School. This is a great, convenient way to have delicious & healthy lunches made fresh and delivered to your children at school at the click of a mouse. Orders will be delivered to school in the morning and children can collect their school lunch box from the office.
Hautapu Helping Hands
Join the Hautapu Helping Hands page on Facebook to keep up with school events.
Important Dates
Friday 23 February – MusicAl show (during school time)
Friday 1 March – Assembly 8:40am (Nikau Class sharing)
Sunday 3 March – Waipa Fun Run
Wednesday 13 March – Junior School Swimming Display for students Years 1 - 4 (9am-12pm)
Friday 15 March – Assembly 8:40am (Rimu Class sharing)
Friday 15 March – Bingo Night (Fundraising Event)
Tuesday 19 March – Senior School Swimming Sports for students Years 5 - 8
Wednesday 20 March – BOT Meeting 6pm
Thursday 21 March – School Photo Day
Sunday 24 March – Colour Run
Monday 25 March – Japanese Visit
Thursday 28 March – Assembly 1:40pm (including Easter Raffle Draw)
Friday 29 March – No School, Good Friday
Monday 1 April – No School, Easter Monday
Tuesday 2 April – No school, Easter Tuesday
Thursday 4 April – Whanau Learning Conversations (2:45pm-7:30pm)
Friday 5 April - Interschool Swimming Sports
Saturday 6 April - Ninja Valley 9am-10am
Tuesday 9 April – HPV & Boostrix child immunisations (consenting Years 7 & 8 only)
Wednesday 10 April – Whanau Learning Conversations (2:45pm-7:30pm)
Friday 12 April – Assembly 8:40am, Last Day of Term (normal school day)
Bingo Night - All Welcome!
Ninja Valley Fun for all the Family & Friends!
Kit-Markin Construction
Multi award winning Master Builders Kit-Markin Homes will donate $5000 to Hautapu School when friends and family of the school choose them to build their new home or commercial building. New decks from the community will result in a $500 donation to the school. Contact Josh on 0279355435 or josh@kmh.co.nz
Contact Us
Email: admin@hautapu.school.nz
Website: https://www.hautapu.school.nz/
Location: 5 Hana Lane, Cambridge 3493, New Zealand
Phone: +647827 7466