OVS Weekly Update
January 12, 2017 Edition, Volume 57
Mark Your Calendars!
Learning Coach Trainings
Jan 16-18th: Synergy Social-Discussion topic is: Preparing for the new term (Bring a treat to share!)
Other Important dates:
January 15th-No school/NO ONLINE LESSONS (Martin Luther King Day)
January 17th at 1:30pm-2:30pm -- School Picture Makeup day
January 23rd-- STEAMFEST @ 6-8pm at K-8 School
Every Friday at 1:30-3:30 Ms. Sechrest will be offering LC Office Hours in the LC Lounge. Come in for some hands on assistance or to answer any questions you may have!
Principal's Corner
In our unique learning environment, it is essential that we are building connections between students, learning coaches/parents, and teachers. Without this connection, our students will struggle. At the start of this new semester, we want to try to provide learning coaches opportunities for you to connect with teachers and each other.
Ways learning coaches can connect with each other:
- Lounge in the LC Lounge: I hear the coffee is good in the Learning Coach Lounge! Join learning coaches during your student's class session to meet and share experiences with other parents who are going through the same journey as you are. Share success stories, and stories of failure (failure is how we grow), share tips and tricks, and your own expertise. We even have toys for the little ones to play with! So, don't just drop off, come in and learn with each other.
- Mentor a new Learning Coach: We have 10+ new students joining us in January. Introduce yourself to a new learning coach on your day and see if you can share some words of wisdom and support. The first few weeks are the hardest, and having a mentor who knows the ropes goes a long way.
- Attend an OVS family event: We have STEAMfest on January 23rd, a family game night on March 23rd, and a night at the StormChasers game in April. Join us!!
- Volunteer to help at upcoming events. Currently, Ms. Blackburn is looking for science fair judges or next week. Email her if you are interested/availalble at molly.blackburn@ops.org
- Join the OVS Synergy board (our Parent Teacher Organization). We have vacancies on the board for Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer. The board only meets once/month to help plan our family events and fundraisers. Please contact Ashley Muller if you are interested: ashmuller2103@yahoo.com
- Email your teachers if you are finding that your student is struggling in a particular subject area or skill. Our teachers can suggest some strategies and resources to support you, and schedule one-on-one skill support time with your student on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays between 1:30-3:30.
- Email your teacher about successes you have with your student at home. We love to hear these stories! Especially if we can reinforce that success in the classroom.
- Attend one of Ms. Sechrest Learning Coach office hours on Fridays from 1:30-3:30 to answer any questions/concerns you have about the K12 platform, schedule, organization, etc.
- If you are sending your student to Independent Study Lab in the hopes that he/she will work on a particular subject area, send your teacher an email to let them know. This way we can ensure that this occurs.
Picture Make-Up Day
Join Us For the STEAMfest!!
Tuesday, January 23rd @ 6-8pm
There will be STEAM fun for the whole family, with various stations including:
- STEM Stations facilitated by UNO STEM education department
- Robotics
- Dash and Dotrobots
- Bee Bots
- 3D Printers
- Osmo
- Art Station w Mrs. Barry
And let's not forget the prize drawings.
We hope to see you there!
Synergy Corner
Spirit Week Don't forget the second week of each month is OVS Spirit Week and students are encouraged to wear their OVS shirts with pride! Go Ocelots!
Boxtop Collection Please start sending your clipped BOXTOPS to school. The teacher that collects the greatest number of box tops in the month of December will receive a prize for each of their students.
Be on the lookout for Ocelot paw prints We have asked our teachers to let us know of any classroom needs. They will keep posting these items on the Learning Coach Lounge door. Please consider adopting a paw print! You can then return the items directly to the classroom teacher. THANK YOU!
Synergy Board Vacancy The Synergy board is still seeking board members. Please contact us at omahavirtualschoolpto@gmail.com if you are able to help serve our community.
OVS T-shirts Available: We still have grey and blue t-shirts available for sale. There are limited sizes and quantities. The blue shirts are $10 and the grey shirts are $17. Here is what is available:
- Blue Shirt: Youth Medium (2) and Youth Large (1)
- Grey Shirt: Youth Extra Small (2), Small (3), Medium (3) and Large (5), Adult Small (2) and Adult Medium (2)
Classroom Happenings
Ms. Roger's Classroom
Next week, we will complete the Reading MAP Test. Again, please encourage your child to do their best and take their time! We are looking at growth! There will be dates to sign up for make-up testing. We will be getting our Literature Circle groups started this week. As a class, we will go over expectations during the groups and the different roles that students will have as they are reading.
Reminder: No online lessons this Monday due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday!
Mr. Dowling's Classroom
Week in Review:
Students took the MAP-Math test. They were all focused and did an amazing job. We also introduced Literature Circles. Lit Circles will be how I will be teaching our ‘You need to make a choice’ books. Each student will have a section of reading to complete. They will also come home with a bookmark describing their ‘job’ and a graphic organizer to complete. A copy of the bookmarks are attached for your reference.
Looking Ahead:
We will be taking the Reading MAP test this week. I’m looking forward to seeing how students have grown over the year. Online lessons have also started. We had a math lesson on Friday, January 12th. If your student was unable to connect with us, please make sure they complete the follow-up in their OneNote.
I will also be assigning them reading in their Lit Circle books. They will need to have their book in class. I have linked a page from my OneNote with students and their books. Please review it. It is important they have their book with them and that they complete their reading at home. Thanks!
Q3 Students and their books (Web view)
Lit Circle Job Descriptions (Web view)
***Reminder: No online lessons this Monday due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday!
Mr. Dowling Skill Support Schedule Sign up
Ms. Nommensen's Classroom
Happy new year and new semester! I want to thank all the parents that came to the info-sessions. We had great attendance and I think we are all off to a great start!
This Monday, there are no on line lessons. Friday will be lessons as usual.
We are going to be taking the MAP test for Reading this week. We will also be starting our literature circles and Hands on Equations if there is time after testing. That test is a beast! For literature circles, it is important that the students have the book. If you are having trouble finding the book, please let me know so I can help. I want to make sure the students have the book and can be successful with literature circles.
I have an ADR meeting on Wednesday, so I will not be here for ISL in the afternoon. Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all this week!!
Mr. Gamble's Classroom
Week in Review:
Students took the MAP-Math test. All worked hard to show their best effort and represent growth.
Looking Ahead:
In class we will be having our science fair! Students have worked hard to question, research, test, analyze, and conclude on a variety of concepts. We look forward to seeing the results of all their hard work!
Weekly Online Math Lessons:
Each week I am teaching the current math lesson, per the pacing guide, for each subject online via ClassConnect. These sessions are mandatory and students will learn the concept through interaction with the teacher. Upon completion, students will take their check-up and be complete with that lesson. Recordings are available within the Content area after each session has completed.
Ms. Blackburn's Classroom
9th Grade
Community Events
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
Inspire a Girl’s Future! Introduce her to the world of engineering.
Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day will occur during national Engineers Week: February 18-24.
Calling all girls to celebrate and learn:
Saturday, Feb. 24, 2018; Nebraska Innovation Campus – 2021 Transformation Dr.
Dream Big, Engineering Our World will be shown followed by engaging and age appropriate hands-on activities.
Two sessions: 9-11am & 10am-Noon
Event is free for girls grades 3-12, but registration is required. Register here today!
Questions can be directed to swei2@unl.edu.
Checkout these FREE Resources for student learning!
A few great and free resources that are research based for instruction or can be used as interventions and are aligned to state standards are:
- Learn Zillion Close Reading Lessons https://learnzillion.com/resources/17016
- SAS Curriculum – reading comprehension and strategies https://www.sascurriculumpathways.com/portal/Launch?id=1503
- Read Works http://www.readworks.org/
What they have to offer:
•Facilitate close reading, precise questioning based on evidence in the text and focused discussion
•Include read-aloud lessons and paired text questions
•Come with graphic organizers, student worksheets, and authentic paired texts
•Prepared lesson plans, inclusive of materials and aligned to state or common core standards feature
Troubles with your device?
Parents will get an email response following your submission. One of our staff members will email parents back to provide assistance, so be sure to check your email after sending your concern.
Mission Statement
Omaha Virtual School
Email: virtualschool@ops.org
Website: ovs.k12.com
Location: 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE, United States
Phone: (531)299-0269
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OPSVirtualSchool/
Twitter: @OPS_Virtual