Stewart Standard
May 2023
2024-2025 Rosters
Thank you to everyone who submitted their Roster Consideration Forms at the start of April. We've begun assembling and setting rosters for next year. We're taking our time to ensure rosters are balanced in regards to student academic success, behaviors, peer relationships, staff connections, and considerations submitted by parents. Our goal is to have rosters finalized by mid-May and to share who your child's teacher is for next year before we leave for the summer. On Monday, May 21st students will participate in Move Up Day where they will get to meet their teacher for next year and spend some time in their classroom. We look forward to students and staff starting to build relationships at the end of May and provide another reason to be excited for the 2024-2025 school year!
Negative Lunch Balance Notices
Just a little reminder about the Negative Lunch Balance Notices your child may receive, students with siblings at other schools are all linked together - so a charge might be from a different school. If your student/family are on Free/Reduced and you student wishes to get an extra milk, al a cart item, or brings a cold lunch and needs a milk those items are not included in the Free/Reduced program so you will be responsible for those charges. If you have any questions or need more information about this please feel free to contact the office and we would be happy to discuss this further with you.
Student Illness
If your child is not feeling well, please use the guidelines below to help determine if your student is able to attend school or not. If your child is not well enough to attend school, please be sure to contact the school to inform us of their absence.
Staff Appreciation Week - 5/6-5/10
Stewart Boosters Meeting - 5/13 @ 5pm
Our Stewart Boosters will be meeting on Monday, May 13th at 5:00pm in the Stewart Library. Any interested parents are welcome to join!
Stewart Pride Award Pizza Party - 5/17
The week of April 13th, we will be announcing our Stewart Pride award winners. Each teacher will choose a pair of students from their classroom that exemplifies our school wide expectations of being respectful, responsible, and safe! These students will get to participate in a pizza party on Friday, May 17th as recognition for a job well done!
PRESCHOOL : Last Day of School - 5/21
Tuesday, May 21st will be the last day of school for preschool students!
Move Up Day - 5/21
On Tuesday, May 21st, students will spend the afternoon with their teacher for next year. This will be a chance for staff and students to start building relationships leading into next school year. Students will learn who their teacher is during the week prior.
Tuesday, May 28th is the last day of school for all K-2 students - Have a safe and fun summer break!
It's a Great Day to be a demon!!
Mike Marsden
Mike is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters