Dewing School
Office Update: May 11, 2022
Dewing School Information from Mrs. Gerrish and Mrs. Bosworth
Hello Dewing School Community,
Thank you to each and every person who made our Teacher/Staff appreciation week so special. Your thoughtfulness was much appreciated by all of us.
It is hard to believe we are almost in the middle of May. The end of the year brings much excitement with many fun activities! We are certain that we will see many smiling faces in the classrooms and hallways. We recognize that some students will also be feeling a little sad. We know how much they love their teachers and how much their teachers care for them. It is an important time for us all to recognize the many feelings our little ones have.
COVID-We have seen a bit of a rise in the number of COVID cases over the past two weeks. We ask that families continue to be vigilant in monitoring for symptoms at home. We also ask that you please report any positive cases to our nurse, Mrs. Robinson. As always, our COVID dashboard is linked below.
Pickup Patrol-Yesterday, we sent home information about our new dismissal system. This program also allows you to report absences. If you report an absence through this system, you do NOT need to call the school line to report this absence. Please remember, we continue to need a physician's note for an absence to be reported as excused. The notice is attached below.
Fun Run-The Fun Run will be coming up quickly-Please see the flyer below.
Field Trip Chaperones/CORI's-Our CORI processing window has now closed. If you have not submitted a CORI prior to last Friday, these can no longer be processed. We encourage you to submit a CORI form at the beginning of each school year to prevent the end of year rush. Chaperones-when chaperoning for a field trip, we ask that you do not take photos of students or post any photos of students to social media.
Library News: The library will be coming to a close the week of the 23rd. Students will still come to library, however, they will not be able to check out books. Please make sure your student returns their library books that week. We will be sending notices home the following week for any outstanding due library books.
Kindergarten Graduation Dates:
June 13th - Grace
June 14th - Cameron & Raffi
June 15th - Reardon & Gillotte
June 16th - McCarthy & Molea
Preschool End of Year Celebrations:
Morning Preschool: Friday, June 17th, Dewing Cafeteria
9:00-9:30-Young, Costa, Covino, Smith
9:45-10:15- Casey, Reyes, Hines, Milligan
Afternoon Session: Friday, June 17th, In the classroom
Covino (12:15-12:45, 1:30-2:00)
Young 12:15-12:45
Hines 1:30-2:00
Milligan 1:30-2:00
Enjoy the warm weather!
Terry Gerrish and Alexis Bosworth
Important Dates:
May 16- Grade 2 Field Trip
May 19-Field Day/Carnival Day (rain date May 20)
May 25-Kindergarten Field Trip
May 27-Early Release-Staff PD Day-No PM PK
May 30-Memorial Day-No School
June 9-Dewing School Fun Run
June 13-16-Kindergarten End of Year Celebrations (information will be forthcoming)
June 16-Grade 2 Step Up Day to North Street School
June 17-Grade 1 Field Trip
June 17-Preschool End of Year Celebrations (information will be forthcoming)
June 20-No School-Juneteenth Day (Observed)
June 21-Last Day of School-1/2 day-No PM PK
Pickup Patrol-Please see information below
Dewing School
Location: 1469 Andover Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-640-7858