September 2022 Hawk Talk
Welcome Back Message
Please help us keep the students safe here at Maple Hill. Below are safety slides with pictures to help everyone understand the safety rules in front of our school. Please share these slides with any family or friends who may be picking up or dropping off your child. The student's safety starts with the choices we all make when we are driving near or around our school.
As always, this Hawk Talk is filled with everything you need to know for the month. Please take a moment to read through it carefully, so you and your student are up to date with all of the important information.
Important Dates in the Month of September
September 7 - MHCC Meeting (see below)
September 8 - Early out day- TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st -5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
September 9- Lockdown practice drill using a new alert system
September 14 - English Learner Advisory Council Meeting (see below)
September 15- Early out day- TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st -5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
September 22- Early out day- TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st -5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
September 26 - Practice Fire Drill
September 28- Picture Day - Look for flyers coming home soon
September 29- Early out day- TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st -5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
Frequently asked questions:
What should I do if my child is sick?
- If your child is sick, please keep them home and monitor their symptoms. Call our front office at 909-861-6224 and press the #2 to report the absence that morning. Please follow all instructions from the front office or the school nurse before having your child return to school.
How can I get missed classwork and homework for my child when they are sick?
- First of all if your child is truly not feeling well please make sure they rest and get plenty of fluids. If you would like to request classwork or homework while your child is out of school please do so when you report the absence. The front office will let the teacher know and your child's work will be placed in the black cubbies in the front office for pick up at a later time.
What should I do if my child forgot something at home and needs it for school?
- If your child has forgotten something at home that they would need for school, please bring that item to the front office. Fill out a slip with your child's name and teacher's name and place it on the black cart in the office. Our staff will deliver it to the classroom with as little distraction to instruction as possible.
Maple Hill Community Club (MHCC) Meeting
MHCC Meeting
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
From 8:10 am -9:15 am
In the Multipurpose Room at Maple Hill
8:10 am - 8:25 am Light breakfast and get to know other parents
8:25 am - 9:15 am Hear from our MHCC Executive board, the principal Mrs. McNeil, and the teacher representative Theresa Rovira
Mrs. G's Pizza Family Night Out
2022 Fall Enrichment Fundraiser Information
Maple Hill Giving Tree
English Learner Advisory Council Meeting
Wednesday, September 14th, 2022
8:15 am - 9:00 am
Location: Maple Hill Multipurpose Room
September Hawk Character Trait: Self-Control
Our SEL enrichment lesson this month will be on Self-Control. We will be learning about self-regulation and mindfulness. The lessons will include engaging activities and thoughtful discussions such as calming strategies and body control. My hope is that your child will develop a better sense of their body and emotions and how to manage it. I would love for you to talk with your child about self-control at home.
Here are some strategies you can try at home to support your child’s self-control development:
Family Book Guide:
· When you come across a point in the book when the character is expressing a certain feeling, ask if your child has ever felt that way and what they did to show self-control.
· Allow your child to put themselves in the shoes of the character. Discuss what they would do if they were in that situation.
Family Self-Control Activity:
Freeze: Play freeze dance with your favorite music. Start the music, dance around, and when the music stops, freeze!
Simon Says: Someone is Simon. They give an action using “Simon Says,” and the action can only be done if the phrase “Simon Says” is used.
Mrs. Derry
Maple Hill
School Counselor
Diamond Bar Library Information
Locally we have a wonderful library in the city of Diamond Bar. Yu Ting Lin is the Children's Services Librarian for Diamond Bar Library, part of LA County Library. Below are resources and services LA County Library offers for students.
- Books and other print materials to support students’ educational and recreational needs are available at any LA County Library location. Diamond Bar Library is open Monday – Thursday 10 am – 8 pm, Friday & Saturday 10 am – 6 pm.
- Downloadable eBooks and audiobooks are available for check out via OverDrive and Hoopla.
- Free online resources can be accessed on any device with an internet connection including Brainfuse for online homework help with live tutors, LearningExpress for test preparation assistance tools, and many more databases through the LA County Library website.
- A variety of programming is available including Dot & Art: A Creative Workshop, Bilingual Stories and Songs with Baila Baila Virtual Program, Take-Home Activity Kit and more!
- Library staff are available to help with research and other homework needs in person, over the phone, or via our chat/text message services.
- Library staff are also available to visit classes in-person or virtually to provide an overview of library services and resources.
Additional information on services and programs may also be found online at
2022-2023 School Year- Free Brunch and Lunch
Please visit our nutrition service website link below to find out more information. Families may also fill out a meal benefit application form to determine eligibility for school funding, computer network access, discounted fees on college applications, and discounted fees on standardized tests.
Mrs. McNeil- Principal at Maple Hill
Location: 1350 Maple Hill Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: 909-861-6224