Boone Meadow Friday Flyer
April 14, 2023
Dear Boone Meadow Families-
Since yesterday's event with our school closure, I have lived in constant reflection over the details of the day. As I've processed with our safety partners, our central office team, ZWest staff, and our own Team Meadow, I continue to hear these few words, "Students and staff were safe and happy." (See photos above.) My own word of the day to describe the event? "Community"
In addition, we heard from the Indiana Department of Education (Office of School Accountability) regarding our 180 school day requirements. Based on our history of a performance-quality school and our instructional minutes for the year being over the State requirement, we will not need to make up the school day nor apply for a waiver day. This is great news that we will not need to adjust the school calendar due to yesterday's events.
Please check out the information below to remain updated with all the upcoming events and happenings.
- Boone Meadow Blood Drive is next Wednesday, April 19th, from 2:45-7:00 PM. More details are located below.
- ILEARN testing officially begins next week for all of our 3rd and 4th grade students. Parents, we thank you in advance for tending to the communication from your child's teacher regarding timelines and requests.
- 4th grade students/families to ZWEST next Tuesday or Wednesday evening for band, orchestra, and choir trials. Families should visit on either evening between the hours of 4:30-7:00.
- Mark your calendar for BME CleanUp day on Sunday, April 23rd from 11:00-1:00. Grab your gloves, rakes, trowels, and weeders to spruce up Boone Meadow for spring.
- School Supplies 23-24 - Click here if you are interested in pre-ordering next year's school supplies! Feel free to check it off your list in advance!
Enjoy your weekend with your family.
Mr. H
ZEF Announces Spring Grants
The Zionsville Education Foundation is excited to announce more than $37,700 in grants to the Zionsville Community Schools (ZCS). Two types of grants were awarded: $23,393 for Classroom Grants and $14,330 for Imagine Professional Development Grants.
Learn more about Mr. Doublestein’s grant and all the ZEF Spring Grants here: Join us in congratulating this fabulous Boone Meadow Elementary teacher!
Blood Drive on Wednesday on April. 19th 2:45-7:00
People need people; Give someone another chance.
When you give blood, you give another birthday, another anniversary, another day at the beach, another night under the stars, another talk with a friend, another laugh, another hug, another chance.
Please join us on WEDNESDAY, April 19th at BOONE MEADOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL to donate blood and give the gift of hope, healing, and life to local patients in need. We are striving towards a goal of 25 donors - and since every donation can impact up to 3 patients, our upcoming drive can save 75 people in our Indiana hospitals!
04/19/23 (2:30 pm - 07:00 pm)
5555 SOUTH 650 EAST
Kindergarten Registration Open
Pre-registration for 23-24 kindergarten is now open!
Click here to create an account and get started!
You can also visit our website for more information
about kindergarten in ZCS
Spring Music Programs/Celebrations!
I'm so excited to tell you that this year every kindergarten through fourth grade student at Boone Meadow will have a special after-school music performance, and I'd like to send you some information so you can mark your calendars and save the dates :) These programs will be celebrations of our entire year in music class, and we're hoping to have as many students as possible participate. Many of our grade levels have already started preparing, and you can trust me when I tell you that you won't want to miss it! More information will come closer to the event, but here are the details we have so far:
First Grade
The first grade "Music Is Reading" program will be held Tuesday, March 28th from 6:15-7:00pm in the gym. Come enjoy this unique program where each class turns a picture book into a music performance, either through song, instruments or dance. Books will include Mortimer, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Bedtime At The Swamp, Muncha Muncha Muncha, The Pout-Pout Fish, and Click Clack Moo- Cows That Type. Students should arrive between 6:00-6:10pm, and they don't need to dress up. After the first grade performance, families are welcome to leave or stay and enjoy the second grade program (beginning at 7:15pm the same night).
Second Grade
The second grade "Music Is Reading" program will also be held Tuesday, March 28th from 7:15-8:00pm in the gym. Just like the first grade program (beginning at 6:15pm the same night), each class will turn a picture book into a music performance, either through song, instruments or dance. Books will include Ten Sly Piranhas, Green Eggs and Ham, There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Fly, and The Napping House. Second grade families are welcome to also attend the first grade program if they would like. If not attending the first grade program, students should arrive between 7:00-7:10pm, and they don't need to dress up.
Fourth Grade
The "Fourth Grade Music Celebration" program will be held Tuesday, April 25th from 6:30-7:30pm in the gym. This program will be a celebration of student's time at Boone Meadow, and it will include songs, dances, recorders, drums, and mallet instrument pieces. More information will follow.
Third Grade
The "Third Grade Recorder Showcase" program will be held Thursday, May 4th from 6:30-7:15pm in the gym. Come see all the hard work your kids have put into learning their new instruments! More information will follow.
The "Kindy Sing" program will be held Monday, May 22nd from 6:30-7:15pm in the cafeteria. This is a performance you won't forget, and kids will be encouraged to dress up to make it extra special! More information will follow.
I'm so looking forward to all these great opportunities for our students and their families. Thank you for encouraging your kids in their love of music, and thanks for saving the dates!
-Will Doublestein
Boone Meadow Music
BME Bash!
We are thrilled to be able to host the 2nd annual BME Bash! The BME community is a very special one, we hope to see everyone there!
Please go to for pre-sale tickets!!
It is extremely helpful for planning of food if we have a good sense of how many families plan to join us. We have also put all waivers for the event online this year, please complete those even you prefer to pay by cash or check.
The Bash is an opportunity for our community to come together and support our school. All funds raised from the event and the auction go to the PTO and are put directly back into supporting our schools students and staff!
ParentSquare Notification Settings..
ParentSquare is continually applying system updates to enhance individual communication experiences and offer customized options for receiving messages.
We highly recommend checking your individual ParentSquare settings to ensure you have selected to receive messages that align with your preference in consuming information. You can elect to receive messages instantly or you can choose to put them on a daily digest.
In the event of emergencies, including school closings and delays due to weather, the sender will attempt to override your individual settings to ensure you receive information instantly.
In a recent ParentSquare update, some individual settings were adjusted based on individual user consumption activity.
It is important to check your individual ParentSquare settings to be sure you are receiving the communication you desire on the timeline that you prefer.
This ParentSquare tutorial will guide you through accessing and selecting your individual ParentSquare message settings. If you have any questions, please contact ZCS technology to walk you through this process.
Upcoming Events & Important Info
March 31 - April 7 - Spring Break
April 10 - School resumes; preschool eye exams
April 12 - Kindergarten State Fairgrounds Field Trip; PTO Meeting
April 18 & 19 - 4th grade instrument trials @ ZWest 4:30-7:00 PM
April 19 - Blood Drive @ BME
April 17-May 12 - ILEARN State Testing Window (3rd/4th grades)
April 21 - 4th grade field Statehouse field trip
April 25 - 4th grade Music Celebration (6:30 in gym)
April 26 - 2nd grade Fairy Tales
April 28 - 3rd grade State Museum Study Trip; Boone Meadow Bash! (5:30-8:00)
May 2 - Boone Meadow Voices Concert @ ZWEST
May 4 - 1st grade field trip (STEM Connection) & 3rd grade Recorder Showcase (6:30 gym)
May 8-12 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 10 - PTO meeting
May 12 - Field Day (Rain date - May 15)
May 16 - Kindy 500
May 17 - 2nd grade to STEM Connection
May 19 - 2nd gr Market Day
May 22 - Kindy Sing (6:30 in cafe)
May 23 - 3rd grade Zionsville Walking Tour
May 24 - Fourth Grade Celebration
May 25 - Last Day of School
Lunch Guest Sign Ups
Lunch Guests
We are ready to welcome lunch guests! Students and their guests will have lunch at designated locations in the front lobby area. Please no more than 2 guests per student due to limited space. So that others may have the opportunity, we ask that you not sign up more than 1 time per month. As we implement this new system/procedure, we will limit availability one more week to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday visits.
Here's how it works:
- Sign up for a reservation in advance using this link: When you sign up, please be certain to complete all fields requested.
- Be sure to notify your child's teacher so they are informed to send your child to the front lobby to meet you/guest during their scheduled lunch time.
- Bring a photo ID and arrive 5 minutes early (lunch times are listed on the signup form link above).
- Your child will meet you in the front office area when they are ready.
School Safety: Visitors & Volunteers Background Checks
When volunteers are needed and approved, appropriate staff members will reach out to you in effort to welcome your support and assistance.
If you plan to volunteer or visit in the future, please note the following information.
Click here for information regarding required Background Checks for volunteers: ZCS Volunteer Background Check
We value partnerships with our families and welcome parents and guardians to serve as volunteers in our schools. Each ZCS building typically offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. If you plan to assist as chaperones or engage with children in a volunteer capacity, we strongly recommend getting a criminal background check completed well in advance to have on file.
Examples include:
- Field Trip Chaperones
- Out of Town/Overnight Chaperones
- Tutors
- Volunteer Coaches
- Classroom Helpers (PTO parties/room parents)
- Library Helpers
- After Prom Workers
- Field Day/Jog-A-Thon Volunteers
- Book Fair Sales/Athletic Ticket Sales
During the school day, all volunteers are expected to sign in at the front office. Prior to the volunteer opportunity, all volunteers must sign a Non-disclosure Acknowledgement Form and have successfully completed a Full Criminal History Background Check. Volunteers must also view the state mandated confidentiality/bullying video, provided on the Volunteer/BRAVO website.
During the school day, all visitors must enter via the front door and sign-in at the front office. Visitors need to be prepared to present a government issued photo ID which will be scanned against the National Sex Offender Registry. All visitors will be issued a visitor badge/tag to be worn inside the building at all times.
Examples Include:
- Lunch Guests
- Classroom Guest Speakers
- Classroom Special Events (Grandparent Day/Famous Hoosiers/etc.)
- Parent/Teacher Conferences
*ZCS thanks all volunteers for generous support of our youth and schools. Thank you, too, for supporting assurance of student and staff safety by completing and paying for a volunteer background check.
Contact Us
Location: 5555 S Main St, Whitestown, IN, United States
Phone: 3178732226
Twitter: @ZCSBoone_Meadow