Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 27 May 2021
A Prayer for Reconciliation
God of Justice and Unity,
Help us to listen to, respect and appreciate the history,
culture and achievements of First Nations People.
Thank you for opportunities all around us to learn the ways
of our nation's first peoples, which are precious and
important to all life in this Country.
With your love and spirit, let us walk together in unity,
peace and harmony on this precious land.
2021 Important Dates
Week 6
Fri May 28: Free Dress Naturaliste/ Bishop Visit / 2pm: National Sorry Day Assembly
Fri PM: Bogan Bingo
Week 7
Wed Jun 2: Wheelie, Walkie, Waste-Free Wednesday
Thu Jun 3: Winter Carnival Y5 & Y6
Fri Jun 4: Student Free Day
Week 8
Mon 7 Jun: WA Public Holiday
Tue 8 Jun: Student Free Day
Wed 9 Jun: Wheelie, Walkie, Waste-Free Wednesday / Y2 Parish Mass 9am
Fri 11 Jun: 3M Prayer Assembly
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Future Development at OLC
Following our recent discussions with CEWA in regards to capital works at our school, it will be valuable to explain the overall vision for capital works at the school, not only works that have been included in the current application, but also future works. With the school being double stream across all year groups, it is imperative we have two general learning areas for all years, multi-purpose spaces for extracurricular learning for music, dance, arts etc. The library reinstated, the junior primary areas renovated, revamped and in line with the best facilities in the state. The administration facilities upgraded to include more undercover areas at the entrance to the school, new reception and a better layout considering the growth of the school.
Our wish list includes two new plexi-pave basketball/ netball courts with a rebound wall, which at some stage, will eventually be undercover, however, this part of the future works will be subject to school fundraising and donations as these type of works generally fall outside of critical capital works for CEWA.
If anyone has access to sources of funding for our proposed new basketball courts, please contact Mr Lee.
Professional Development Days
Friday 4 June and Tuesday 8 June are pupil free days.
It is always difficult to line up the guest presenters that align with our OLC Strategic Plan on days that are suitable for our school community. We were fortunate to be able to lock in FrTony Chiera for the Friday and Laura Allison for the Tuesday to allow our families (and staff) a five-day break in the cold eleven-week term. Those of you who have met FrTony will know he is as good as you will get as an inspirational speaker on our faith and Laura Allison is off the top shelf when speaking about the wellness of our students.
Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday. It is known as the birthday of the Church. On Pentecost Sunday we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his followers not to be sad or afraid, but to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Pentecost is about the sending of the Holy Spirit onto the people of the Church.
Extra-Curricular activities
On Wednesday mornings at 8am we have running club, Wednesday lunchtimes we have chess club, Junior Friendology on Tuesday lunchtimes, Senior Friendology on Thursday lunchtimes, library open every lunchtime and on Friday mornings at 8am we have elective dance for Year 5 and 6 students. We are currently working on a football and netball developmental skill competitions at lunchtimes.
We also have the giant Connect4 and Corn Hole games equipment to play with a lunchtimes. Our teachers have a duty 4 days per week and the one day they do not have a duty some of them give up their time for our students. (The editor thinks they must just love kids.)
In the pot cooking
- In the background we have Honor Saunders and her team coordinating 473 different things so our Bogan Bingo will be a great social and fundraising evening for our school tomorrow night. Huge thanks to Honor’s team and the very generous sponsors involved in this exciting event.
- We have a talented team organizing an extension of the Year 1-6 playground on the hill overlooking the oval.
- The Uniform Committee have been working on suitable quality shorts and long trousers for girls to wear in winter if they choose to.
- We have just submitted our business plan to CEWA for our Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) to help support our families at OLC. The timeframe is roughly three months till we know if we are successful.
- Last Monday and Tuesday, representatives from the Executive Director of CEWA were at OLC to carry out the Principal Review Process (PRP).
- We presented our Capital Development Plan (CDP) to 7 reps from the CEWA commission last Monday. We will find out in August if we are successful in achieving funding for 2 new classrooms, a new toilet block and an extension and refurbishment of our junior primary area allowing us to have a 3-year-old Kindy on site.
NSIT Survey
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill in the online National School Improvement Tool survey. (NSIT) The valuable data collected will be used when we are creating our new School Strategic Plan and school Improvement Plan.
Uniform Committee Update
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are enrolling a sibling for next year at school. We have had a large number of new enrolments throughout the school recently and a lot more to follow. We need to know estimated numbers ASAP to support our application for funding our potential new and refurbished buildings.
AFL 2 Minute Footy Challenge
It will be run over the next few weeks with a pair of students registering how many marks they can take over a certain distance within a 2 minute time frame.
We will also have a netball, hockey and soccer competition over the winter terms.
Did you know
Zoe Starr and Eva Patterson (5) catch the bus to gymnastics on Tuesdays
- Heaps of boys wear shorts to school, even on days when the polar bears are sitting in front of the heater.
- Elena (1) was writing a story on Friday morning about her black and white border collie dog named Jett. She also won an award
- Wombat poo is shaped like a cube.
- Lots of year 2 boys love playing ground tennis ...whatever that is?
- Every dollar raised at ‘Bogan Bingo’ goes directly to your children at school. We want to have the best playground on earth for our kids. We currently have a great crew of parents quietly working on plans.
- Sullivan (6) plays footy mainly in the backline. He totally denies that he is placed there as his goal kicking skills are similar to Nat Fyffe.
- Kelley (PP) is going to his grandma’s birthday party. She is thirty, then 40, then 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, then 20, then 21, 22, 23, 24........
- Twenty-two roos were bouncing round our school oval last Wednesday evening.
- Mrs Marrell has three grown-up boys. One of them just loves lizards, one is married and the other works very hard. However, they all love their beautiful mum.
- One of our clever young mum’s with a truckload of beautiful little kids used a line last week, “ Yes, the days are long but the years are short!”
- An emu can run up to 45kmh. We are looking forward to any local emus challenging Flynn Eastaugh (6) on our school sports day on August 26.
- Mrs Meyer won a special staff award last Monday. (We have two students named Ari and both beautiful mums are named Shelley.) Mrs. Meyer had a 50% chance of contacting the right parent but unfortunately....
- Boxwood Hills defeated Lake Grace-Pingrup by 7 points last weekend.
- Hudson Archer (5) skillfully pointed out to Mr Lee that his socks were inside out last Thursday....Hudson should be released from detention any day now.
- Forty-six Year 5 and 6 students attended elective dance before school last Friday morning. (When it was wet and cold).
- When Mrs Leahy was modelling her Bogan Bingo mullett for Friday's event, the Sherry twins asked why she was dressed as Jesus!
Watching Tara Tutt skipping and dancing happily into the hall to join the ‘Dance for Sick kids’ last Friday.
- Watching Lu Lu Rechichi (3 years old) babysit Kobie and Saige (5 months old) during Little Seedlings.
Learning Around the Classes ....
We have some wonderful examples of engaging and deep learning around our school this term.
Pre Primary – “You say potato…..” the PP’s are learning about night and day and people who work at night. They have also been planting potatoes with Mr Lee, reading stories about “Potato People” and made potato people in art.
Year 1 – “Cool Cats”. Local artist Rebecca cool visited the Year 1 classes, discussing her art and journey. The Year 1s are also creating art inspired by Rebecca – very cool!
Year 2 – “Paddock to plate”. In Design and Technology, the Year 2s are investigating and exploring where our food comes from and the process it goes through to get to us.
Year 4 – “Eggcellent Investigation”- This term the Year 4s were challenged to create an “Egg Drop Protection Unit” EDPU. Their investigation brief was to create a casing to protect and egg when being dropped at 1m, 2m and 3m heights. What a great idea, I’m not yoking!
Year 5s - “Let’s talk about it!” The Year 5 students are presenting speeches based on “A prized possession” and “Someone who inspires me”. They have also made “God’s eyes”, a Mexican art tradition that connects nature and prayer.
Year 6s – “Project Numbat” – With a focus on sustainability and their own carbon footprint, the Year 6s are investigating the documentary “2040”. They are also planning a fundraiser for “Project Numbat” a WA charity involved in the conservation of WA’s numbat.
Adrian Torrese
Assistant Principal
Little Seedlings
Look who got to have a cuddle last week with beautiful Trinka!
Dance For Sick Kids- THANK YOU!
A huge thank you to all families for giving generously for our Dance For Sick Kids Fundraiser! As a School we managed to raise 577 - what an incredible achievement! Our donation page is still open if you would like to make further donations:
Check out the video of the Whole School and Staff members busting a move!!
(Please keep Turpin family in your prayers and thoughts while Ayla is receiving treatment at the Children’s hospital in Perth)
Thanks again, Mrs Ellie Haynes
RE Updates
First Eucharist Parent Workshop
Our Year 4 students, under the guidance of Mrs. Delane and Mr. Danaher, have begun their preparations for the lead up to receiving the Sacrament of the First Eucharist, which takes place at the end of the term. Training commenced on Tuesday evening with a Parent and Child Workshop, where the Candidates and their families participated in activities to broaden their understanding of Eucharist as a commemoration of Jesus’ last supper with His disciples. We would ask that you keep our Year 4 Candidates in your prayers as they make this next important step on their faith journey.
Staff Faith Formation
Next Friday the 4th of June is a pupil free day where the OLC staff will be visited by the Vicar General of the Bunbury Catholic Diocese, Father Tony Chiera.
Fr Tony will spend the day teaching staff about understanding, preparing, and celebrating the Eucharist. Days spent with Fr Tony are always highly engaging and eagerly anticipated, so we are very much looking forward to his visit.
OLC Celebrates National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week
On Wednesday we celebrated National Sorry Day with a whole school aerial photograph and classroom activities from the Healing Foundation. The resources created by the Foundation are designed to educate young people about the Stolen Generations and to make it easy for school communities to start the conversation and inform classroom discussion using facts, real examples, and member stories. National Sorry Day precedes the beginning of National Reconciliation Week. This Friday afternoon at 2.00pm we will be acknowledging National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week with a prayer assembly in the hall, led by our Year 6 Catholic Ministry group. These are important dates for us to acknowledge as we work toward harmony and intercultural understanding as a nation. All parents are invited to attend this service.
The Presbytery's Bathroom is is in a very poor state and in serious need for repair. We are looking for some help from our Parish and School Communities.
We are looking for a Plumber and Builder to repair it. The QMI Tile and Stone in Dunsborough would be happy to donate the floor and wall tiles for the job. So, if you know someone who can help us further, please approach Fr Francis and/or any of our Parish Finance Committee ASAP. Thanks again.
Help an OLC Family
Dear OLC Community,
Thank you for your efforts alongside that of our Dunsborough community to support the Clift family following the sudden passing of Dave earlier this year. So far, we have raised a massive $13,625 of our $50,000 goal! Amazing effort! If you are able, even if in a small way to contribute to this Go Fund Me Campaign and share it on your social media platforms, Annemarie and the children would be forever grateful. With many thanks and blessings
Bookfair 2021
What an amazing effort for Bookfair – we made $5550 worth of sales! For the last couple of years, to reflect being an environmentally aware school community, we have chosen not to sell the ‘landfill’ items, so that total is for actual books. Thank you for everyone who helped over the two days.
Congratulations to all the students who participated in the book scavenger hunt - winners of a book of their choice were - Ivy Hoang, Emme Gleeson, Indi Rose Overton, Tiare Dorizzi, Jacob Heitman and Holly (Yr 6)
Along with taking $670 worth of books for the library, we have 400 Scholastic points to spend on Scholastic items and $449 in cash that can be spent at local bookshops.
Thank you again for such a wonderful effort.
News from the P&F
Bogan Bingo
Silent Auction items can also be bid on in the office prior to the event.
Community News
Painting workshop for kids- MY PET
DATE: Sat 29th May
TIME: 9.30-11.30 AM
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/