Bulldog Bulletin Weekly eNews
Here's what's on top for October 25, 2023
Red Ribbon Week is This Week Oct 23-27
From Your Principal
Good Evening Buena Vista Parents,
Here is what is on top for us a Buena Vista! Tomorrow is our PTA Fun Run. I am so excited to see all of our Bulldogs running around the track tomorrow to earn money for our PTA. So far we have reached half way to our goal. If you have not signed your child up yet, it is not too late! You can sign them up at pledgestar.com/buenavista. Right now Mrs. Gould's class is in the lead for fundraising with Ms. Wheritt's and Mrs. Thompson's close on their heals. Top earning class gets the Top Dog Trophy to house in their room for the year and a donut party!
Any donation you can give to our BV Fun Run goes directly back to our students. Our PTA puts on amazing community events like Multicultural Night, a Parent/Student Glow Dance and our BV Jamboree....not to mention the support they give teachers and their classrooms. There is an opportunity to earn spirit gear too. Just one donation will get your child a BV water bottle sticker AND if your child get $75 in donations they will get Special Edition BV spirit socks!
So far as a school we have earned a Spirit day of Crazy Hair/Neon Day. If we make it to our next goal, we will unlock another Pajama Day. The top three earners at our school will get to cover Mrs. Gramlick in Silly String at our next School Wide assembly. Oh boy, I am really looking forward to that!
Student Learning
Over the last week I have been able to observe many great things going on. We had our all school assembly last week, where we had our leadership share about the reason behind Red Ribbon Week and we also were able to celebrate the great fundraising we did for WCEF! The top earners were able to wrap me up in toilet paper. It was hilarious!!!
Mr. Haller our Grades 2-5 Special Day Class teacher also gave a great presentation to our 4th and 5th grade classes on Ability Awareness and how we can embrace and celebrate differences at Buena Vista. I was very impressed on how our 4th and 5th grade students engaged in thoughtful discussion around how every student has a place and belongs at Buena Vista. It truly was heartwarming.
I also was able to visit Mr. Haller's classroom where students were practicing their reading skills and learning about all of the living things they can find in the ocean. I enjoyed watching them track their words as they were reading and finding the big idea on each page.
Do you speak multiple languages?
Through our District English Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting, an idea brought forth in efforts to increase connection and supports for our newcomer and multilingual families is to form partnerships/ambassadors. We would connect our families who share the same home language as a point of contact to answer school/community questions, and most importantly connect. We're better together!
Please let us know if you’d be willing to connect with other families by filling out this 2 question form. The next DELAC meeting is scheduled for January 18th, 2024.
It's a Great Day to Be a Bulldog!
Angela Gramlick
Buena Vista's 5th Annual Bulldog Fun Run!
Lace up your sneakers Bulldogs, we're kicking off the 5th Annual Bulldog Fun Run! Our school fundraising goal is $40,000 and we plan to have a lot of fun along the way!
Register your runner here: https://pledgestar.com/buenavista/. It only takes a few minutes to register. Click here for step-by-step instructions.
We’re also looking for volunteers for the day of the run. Sign up here!
Halloween Celebration
On Tuesday, October 31st, students will be allowed to wear their costumes to school. Our Halloween parade will take place at 8:30 am around our track. Our amazing PTA will have coffee on the blacktop for parents to come enjoy our parade.
ALL TK/K students will attend school from 8:10-12:55. This way they will all be able to join in all of the activities!
To support our efforts to ensure we are an inclusive school community where everyone feels as though they belong, students should avoid wearing costumes that are racially, ethnically, and/or culturally based, or those that play on gender stereotypes. Here are some thoughts to consider as families prepare Halloween costumes to wear at school:
Please consider the impact a costume depicting an ethnic/racial/cultural group can have on others, including making people feel unsafe and/or disrespected.
Please reflect on what it means to depict a culture or race even for a day because for many people it is not just a costume, it is part of their identity. Even if your child is part of the group of people the costume is intended to represent, it is helpful to ask if the costume is perpetuating a negative stereotype.
Consider that a costume meant to be funny because it is making light of an ethnic or racial group is most likely a caricature, and thus not appropriate.
Also, please see the following costume guidance below:
We must be able to identify students; no masks that cover the entire face.
Face paint is acceptable as long is it not gory (i.e. no blood)
No weapons. Even fake weapons made of plastic, foam, etc.
Inflatable costumes are ok for the parade only. Students must be able to remove their inflatable costume for class time
Costumes must not reference weapons, drugs, or alcohol.
If you do not wish for your child to participate in the Halloween celebrations please let your child's teacher and the office know ahead of time. We will have alternate opportunities for them in our School Library or our Paw Patch Wellness Center.
Important Dates
- Monday, October 23rd- Tuesday, October 31st- Red Ribbon Week
- Thursday, October 26th- Bulldog Fun Run!
- Tuesday, October 31st- Halloween Parade 8:30am
- Wednesday, November 1st- Non-Student Day-Staff Development
- Thursday, November 2nd- 5th grade field trip to Chabot, 8:30am-2:30pm
- Wednesday, November 8th-Coffee with the Principal 9am
Is your child home from school?
Parents, it is very important that you remember to leave a message on the attendance line at (925) 944-6822 ext. 3801 or email jlouie@walnutcreeksd.org if your student will not be coming to school. Emails to teachers or the Principal do not always get communicated to the office. Thank you!
Recess volunteers needed!
We are looking for volunteers to help facilitate some playground games & activities during lunch recess on Friday, November 3rd and Friday, November 17th (weather permitting). Please complete the volunteer training module and email Shelley Purcell in the office if you're interested!
CAC Parent Trainings
Our Contra Costa SELPA invites parents to attend the following information sessions: CAC Parent Trainings.
Extended Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) Available
Walnut Creek School District’s new Extended Learning Program offers student enrichment from dismissal time until 6:00 pm each day. Some families qualify for free tuition based on income. To learn more and to register, visit our ELOP website here.
Get Connected with BV PTA
This is an unofficial community group for families of Buena Vista Elementary School! It's a place to share, connect, and get to know each other and the happenings of our Bulldog community.
Thank you!
Ongoing PTA Volunteer Opportunities
Please take a look at the Sign Up Genius for ongoing volunteer opportunities. You are not required to be a PTA member to contribute. This is a great way to build community and support our students - we can't do it without you!
Come find WCEF at Trunk-or-Treat in Civic Park on October 27
Calling all ghouls, vampires, and princesses: Walnut Creek Recreation is hosting its annual “Trunk-or-Treat” in downtown Civic Park on Friday, October 27 from 3-6 p.m. WCEF will be there – be sure to stop by our WCEF “trunk” for a treat.
Registration for the Forma Turkey Trot increases Oct. 30!!
Home for Thanksgiving? Add Forma Gym’s 31th Annual Turkey Trot to your holiday plans. Start the morning off right and gather your friends and family for a morning run/jog/stroll through downtown Walnut Creek. Or sign up for the energetic Kids Fun Run! The Turkey Trot donates to WCEF and is a BIG supporter of our public schools.
Register here today as the cost increases on Oct. 30!
We also need volunteers on Thanksgiving morning! Direct racers, cheer them on, or help with packet pickup. Grab a friend or family member and sign up to volunteer today. You can also email contact@wcefk12.org for more info.
Support WCEF with Corporate Matching!
Does your employer offer corporate matching? You can DOUBLE YOUR GIFT with corporate matching! Last year corporate matching brought in almost $200,000 for our schools. It all adds up! Visit wcefk12.org/match to see if your company will double or triple your WCEF donation.
Important Links
Angela Gramlick-Principal
Email: agramlick@walnutcreeksd.org
Website: https://www.walnutcreeksd.org/Subsite001
Location: 2355 San Juan Avenue, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Twitter: @BuenaVistaWCSD