Chopps Chat
November 2020
Headteacher's Comment
Christmas preparations are in full swing, I know many have already got their houses decorated. In school we are working hard to prepare for our different Christmas this year too, with parties, pantomime, Christmas dinners and performances all to look forward to. Further details are found later in this newsletter.
Once again I would like to thank you all for your support during these continued 'uncertain' times. You have helped keep school Covid free, so far, with only a few weeks until we break from Christmas on Friday 18th December. On the last day of term we will be finishing at 1.30pm, so please collect your children promptly.
Mr D. Nelson
Christmas Activities
Christmas Jumper Day
This also coincides with Leading Link's 'Remotely Christmas' - where the children will be meeting Santa and completing festive activities, throughout the day.
Christmas Dinners
Tuesday 8th December - Early Years & Year 1/2.
Thursday 10th December - Year 3/4 & Year 5/6.
If your child doesn't normally have a school dinner but you would like them to have a Christmas Dinner then please let us know as soon as possible.
Class Christmas Parties
Early Years & Year 1/2 Performance
Year 3/4 & Year 5/6 Performance
PTFA Raffle & Tombola
The draw will be made LIVE on the school Facebook page - this will be held on Thursday 10th December from 10am.
Reception Admissions
Poppy Appeal
Absence Reporting
It is your responsibility to inform school if your child is going to be absent or late.
About us
Location: Choppington Primary School, Eastgate, Scotland Gate, Choppington, UK
Phone: 01670 823197
Twitter: @choppingtonps