Parkview Panthers Newsletter #7
August 28, 2023
Principal's Message
Hello Panther Families,
Let's give our PTA a huge THANK YOU for coordinating our first Family Flick Night! Everyone had a great time spending the evening with their family while watching a great movie!
Let's continue to support our PTA and send the emails/texts and fundraise for our Panther Prowl Bubble Jog-a-thon (Fun Run)! This is an amazing fundraising event that helped our school raise $20,000 last year. The money was used towards the BMX assembly, free yearbooks, mini grants for the teachers to use with their students, field trips, and so much more. Please help us and promote our fundraiser! Our Panther Prowl Bubble Jog-a-thon is scheduled for Tuesday, September 5th!
Parent Forum for students in grades 4th, 5th, & 6th...
Parents, please join me and our upper grade teachers, this Wednesday, August 30th at 5:00pm in the school auditorium (MPR) for a meeting to discuss the upcoming changes for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students.
Students may use the restrooms before school, but please remember that they are designated for primary and upper grade. Primary grade students (TK-3rd) are to use the restrooms located in between the 200 and 300 building. Upper grade students (4th-6th) are to use the restrooms located in between the 300 and 400 building.
Also, we continue to receive a lot of drop off items in the front office, unless the item is essential to a students health, these items will stay in the front office until the student can pick it up either doing recess or lunch recess. Thank you.
Reminders for the Week:
School Safety Committee...August 28 @ 3:30pm (Rm. 202)
If you are interested in attending our Safety committee, we will see you Monday afternoon in room 202!
Parent Forum for 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade Parents...Wednesday, August 30 @ 5:00pm
Parents, please join me and our upper grade teachers, this Wednesday, August 30th at 5:00pm in the school auditorium (MPR) for a meeting to discuss the upcoming changes for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students.
Labor Day (Legal Holiday)...Monday, September 4
There will be no school on Monday, September 4th for Labor Day. Be safe and enjoy the day off.
Panther Prowl Bubble Jog-a-thon...Tuesday, September 5 SCHEDULE
9:05 - 9:50am TK and Kinder
9:55am - 10:40am 1st & 2nd
10:40am - 11:00am Recess
11:10am - 11:55am 3rd & 4th
12:00pm - 12:45pm 5th & 6th
*SDC parents, please contact your child's teacher to see what time they will be running.
*Panthers, don't forget to wear running shoes, sunblock, a hat, and bring water. PTA will also be providing water for all students.
Parkview school website: https://parkview.cvesd.org/
DASH after school program information...
For any parent questions, please email dash@ymcasd.org
Monday - Thursday DASH hours 3:10pm - 5:40pm
Friday & Minimum Day DASH hours 1:40pm - 5:20pm
School-wide Expectations: We ask that all students, staff, and community follow our 3 school-wide expectations.
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Have a great weekl!
GO PANTHERS! #PantherPride!
Warm regards,
Ms. Valdivia
Principal - Parkview
Mrs. Ayer's Kinder Friends
Panther Pride Assembly
Raffle Winners!
Mrs. Rodriguez' First Grade
Mr. Ramirez' Class
STEM Project!
Panther Pride
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Mr. Ramirez' Class
STEM Project!
PTA Family Flick Night!
Upcoming Events
September 4: Labor Day (Legal Holiday)
September 5 PTA FUN RUN event
September 12: DAC/DELAC District mtg. 12pm
September 12: PTA Executive Board mtg. 5pm
September 13: Board of Education mtg. 6pm
September 14-21: Parent-Teacher Conferences (minimum days)
September 14: School Site Council mtg. 3:30pm (Rm. 202)
September 19: Coffee w/ the Principal/ELAC mtg. 9:00am (Rm. 202)
September 20: Red Carpet Awards Assembly - 9am (TK-2), 10am (3-6th)
September 21: PTA General Association mtg. 3:30pm (Rm. 603)
September 22: Family Flick Night w/ concessions 7:30pm
September 22: Last of School for Quarter 1
September 25-October 9: Fall Break (no school)
October 10: Students Return to School (minimum day)