Welcome Back to WHS for 2019- 2020
The "Official" Back to School Letter from Dave Danielski
Dear WHS Families,
Our school theme for this coming school year:
"One School, One Family, Connected for Success!"
Through the D44 Strategic Planning process last year, a philosophy statement, core values and goals were developed to guide our future success.
The following D44 core value helped to inspire this year's WHS Theme:
In an effort to capitalize on the power of meaningful relationships, this year's primary focus will be on strengthening our "WHS Family." Together we are much stronger than the sum of our parts. By connecting with our students, our families, and one another, we can truly make Hammerschmidt a fun, exciting, and safe place to learn and grow. We are "One School, One Family, Connected for Success!"
Please join me to help strengthen these relationships, so that we can take advantage of all the benefits that out Hammerschmidt Family has to offer. In addition to setting my own goals in this area, I challenge each of you find your own ways to strengthen the bond with our WHS staff and fellow community members.
Celebrating our Hammerschmidt Family
If you have a split or blended family, please feel free to submit more than one, or share in whatever way you are comfortable with!
Have you completed your student's 2019-20school year registration yet?
Sign in today to verify and update any phone numbers, health concerns or emergency contacts.
Also, pay your registration fees by August 8th to avoid a late fee of $20 per a student.
Staffing Update for 2019- 2020
Each new school year provides us an opportunity to extend our well-wishes and welcomes to some outgoing and incoming staff members. The staff changes for 2019-20 are outlined below.
Best Wishes to Ms. Gleason, Ms. Wolski, and Ms. Schroeder!
Heather Gleason
Ashley Wolski
Shani Schroeder
Familiar Faces in New Roles:
Lindsay Kookoothe- Kindergarten Teacher
Kimberly Lynch - Kindergarten Teacher
Anna Traficanti - Infinity Math and Reading Teacher
Cammie Koch - Kindergarten Maternity Sub
Deb Markos - Grade 2 Maternity Sub
Brianna Meath - Grade 2 Teacher
Lindsey Rakosnik - Grade 4 Teacher
Donna Babincsak
Jessica Anderson- Kindergarten Teacher
Kevin Jost- Grade 4 Teacher
Kristen Rosemeyer- Grade 4 Support Teacher
Amy Mook- Instructional Assistant
Daniel Grajczyk - Head Custodian
Upcoming Dates to Note:
Monday 8/12- Class Placement letters will be dropped in the mail. Families should receive them by Wednesday, 8/14.
Thursday, 8/15- PTA Supply Kit Pick Up Session 1, 5:30- 7:00 p.m.
Friday 8/16-
- PTA Supply Kit Pick Up Session 2, 8:00- 9:30 a.m.
- WHS PTA "Back to School Pool Party" at Paradise Bay Water Park (7-9pm)
Tuesday 8/20- Student Supply Drop Off/ Classroom Visitation 12:30- 1:15 pm, WHS PTA Sponsored Popsicle Social- 1:15pm on Playground
Wednesday 8/21- First Full Day of School (Except Kdg. students- the first 3 days of school will be 1/2 days for Kdg. students)
Thursday, 8/29- Fall Curriculum Night at WHS (6:30-8pm)
Friday, 8/30- Early Release Day, student dismissal is 1:15 p.m.
Teacher Assignments
Hard copy letters indicating class placement will be mailed out on Monday, August 12th. Arrival to your home mailbox should be no later than Wednesday, August 14th.
** New Kindergarten students will not be assigned a permanent classroom teacher until after the second week of school. Individual assessments will help our team balance the students into four heterogenous classes.
Classroom Sneak Peek & Supply Drop Off:
The annual Classroom Sneak Peek & Student Supply Drop Off period will take place on Tuesday, August 20th from 12:30- 1:15 p.m.
Parents and students are welcome to come and get a sneak peek in their child's classroom. This is also a great time to drop off any school supplies that would make it easier on in the first day.
This opportunity will last from 12:30- 1:15 p.m.
The Classroom Sneak Peek & Student Supply Drop Off is completely OPTIONAL. If you are unable to attend, students can bring their supplies on the first day of school.
WHS PTA Popsicle Social
David J. Danielski, Wm. Hammerschmidt School Principal
Email: ddanielski@sd44.org
Location: Wm Hammerschmidt Elementary School, Hammerschmidt Avenue, Lombard, IL, United States
Phone: 630-827-4207
Twitter: @ddanielski