St Peter's Primary School
Friday 9 June 2023
God of mercy and compassion,
We praise you for your goodness.
May your will be done on earth
As it is in heaven.
Fill us with the spirit of loving service
As we recognise in those we meet
The face of Jesus your Son.
Through the generous work of our
Lifelink welfare agencies.
May burdens be lifted from the
shoulders of your people,
And may they feel the warmth of
your kindness and love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Message from the Principal
STAFFING UPDATE - At the end of this term, we will be farewelling four staff members:
Ms Kayla Anzellino, Mrs Cassandra Visser, Mrs Tracy Arnold and Mrs Sophie Stajka.
In Week 10, this term, we are excited to welcome Miss Alessia Fraser to Year 1W. Alessia will be replacing Mrs Cassandra Visser for the next six months, as Cassandra begins her maternity leave.
I am also pleased to advise that Mrs Tahlia Gismondi will be commencing in Pre Kindy in Semester Two to replace Ms Kayla Anzellino as she leaves St Peter’s to welcome her second child.
Congratulations to Mrs Tracy Arnold on her appointment as the new Finance Officer at
St Simon Peter Catholic Primary School in Ocean Reef. Tracy has been an integral part of the St Peter's team for nearly four years. I cannot thank Tracy enough for the hard work and dedication she has put into the St Peter's finances, to ensure we are in a well-grounded position for our future build. We will definitely miss Tracy's efficiency, reliability and thoughtfulness. I wish Tracy all the best on her new adventure!
Congratulations to Mrs Sophie Stajka on her appointment as the Year Four teacher at
Holy Rosary Catholic Primary School in Doubleview. Sophie will remain at St Peter's until the end of term and commence her new job next semester. Sophie has been part of the St Peter's community for seven years and I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Sophie for her hard work and commitment. She has been a great part of the St Peter's team and I thank her for the valuable contributions she has made to our school. I wish Sophie all the best for her new role at Holy Rosary!
UNIFORM UPDATE - Last week, the leadership team met with a representative from Uniform Concepts to discuss the timeline of our updated logo being embroidered on the new maroon polo tops. I am pleased to share that these new polo tops will be available towards the second half of Term 3. Once they are available for purchase, we will send communication to the community.
As mentioned at our last P&F meeting, Uniform Concepts will be introducing elasticated ties as an additional option to the current standard ties available. The new ties will be available later this year. Regarding the faction polo shirts, at this point in time, they will not be available until 2024.
Please remember that commencing in 2024, there will be a three-year transition phase for our new uniform, so there is not an expectation for families to purchase the new uniform immediately.
REPORT CHANGES - This year, the layout of our school reports is changing.
St Peter’s Primary School are updating our reports to align with the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) Pre Primary - Year 10: Teaching, Assessing and Reporting Policy. Our school will ensure that assessments enable students to demonstrate their knowledge, understandings and skills in relation to the year-level achievement standard. Report descriptors will no longer appear on the St Peter’s Mid-Year Report and End of Year Report. Communication to parents regarding the content being covered in the classroom will continue to be shared via the classroom weekly newsletter as well as Seesaw.
If you would like to hear more about the reporting changes, we are holding a Reporting Parent Information Night on Wednesday 21 June at 6pm.
Please RSVP via the link below by Monday 19 June - https://bit.ly/3NiADbG
PARENT AND CARERS’ LITERACY WORKSHOP - On Tuesday 20 June at 9am and 5:30pm, Mrs Angela Seal (Literacy Teaching/Learning and Support Coordinator) will be running a Literacy Worksop for parents and carers. These interactive workshops cover instruction on how to assist children with Reading and Spelling learning. They provide parents and care givers with a common language and a clear understanding of the teaching practices and specific approaches to assist learning used at St Peter’s School.
Please indicate your expression of interest via the link below by Monday 19 June, indicating the workshop session you would like to attend. Please note sessions must have a minimum of 10 participants to go ahead. Depending on numbers, workshops will be confirmed by Monday 19 June.
Please click here to book in - https://bit.ly/3qBl4mF
Best wishes for a wonderful weekend! We look forward to welcoming you to our Parent Information Sessions being held in Week 9.
Courtney Caputi
Assistant Principal RE News
RECONCILIATION - Last week, our students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation over two beautiful Masses. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an ongoing Sacrament of healing that recognises that sometimes we make poor choices that lead us away from God. Through Reconciliation, we are forgiven and we restore our relationship with God and we can experience the healing power of God’s forgiveness.
These children are now one step closer to being fully nourished in their faith as they prepare to receive the Body and Blood of Christ next year when they will receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.
LIFELINK - On Wednesday, Mr Nettleton and Mrs Caputi accompanied Jayda Verona, Cristian Parrella, Cleo Firth and Ellie Ryan, all members of the Spiritual Ministry, to the official launch of LifeLink Day 2023.
LifeLink Day provides a wonderful opportunity for students attending Catholic schools within the Archdiocese of Perth to join together to show their support for the Church’s social service agencies – agencies which on behalf of us all, reach out to provide practical care and direct assistance to thousands of people in need each year. This will be the focus for our fundraising this term, and it will be directly linked to the upcoming St Peter’s Mission Day.
For further information regarding LifeLink, please visit the website at: https://lifelink.com.au
MISSION DAY - St Peter’s Feast Day Mass will be held on Friday 30th June in the Undercover Area, led by our Year One students. Families are most welcome to attend. Our Mission Day stalls and activities will follow the Mass. More information to come over the next few weeks.
Merit Certificates Week 7 - 09/06/23
PPB Bradley Tu / Arlo Ledger
PPM Aston Koidis / Blake Barrett / Luelle Tran
PPW Aidan Toh
1B Layla Pangilinan / Michael Jiang
1M Georgina Dodd / Clara Attard
1W Winston Tang / Emma Zekas
2B Flynn Swords / Lauren Hoang
2M Veliana Kule / Raphael Catania / Lucas deGraaf
2W Whole Class
3B Eva Mackolisky / Leo Hora
3M Skyla Guardione / Emerson Davies
3W Thalia Eddy / Aidan McLean
4B Dion Cole / Erin Nguru
4M Charlie Palmer / Alexis Meagher
4W Olive Ridley / Ava Sikora
5B Anastasia Nardelli / Noah Cutri
5M Cohen James
5W Isabelle How Kim Kam
6B Stella Vlahos / James Davis
6M Arthur Lydon / Cristian Parrella
6W Kendi Ercegovich / Selena Costarella / Isabella Clozza
Person of the Week - 09/06/23
ARCHIE KOTLARCZYK - PRE PRIMARY MAROON - Archie, from the moment you enter the classroom in the morning with your bright, beaming smile to the final bell at the end of the day, you set a wonderful example for your peers on how to live the TRUE values.
You are a trustworthy and reliable student who has demonstrated wonderful leadership qualities by being fair and always listening to others’ ideas.
You show respect in all your interactions with your peers and teachers. You are always polite and use your manners while maintaining that cheeky personality that has won you many friends and provided us with lots of laughs.
Archie, you are a friend to all and demonstrate unity through the kindness and compassion you show to everyone around you. You are always the first to offer assistance to those in need, without seeking recognition or praise. You are motivated to achieve and always strive to produce work of a high standard. You aren’t afraid to ask questions and you love sharing your insights with our class. Archie, your bubbly personality and wonderful sense of humour fills our classroom with endless joy and your smile is contagious to all those around you.
PPM is lucky to have you as a class member and St Peter’s is truly blessed to have you as a part of our school community.
Congratulations on being named the Junior Person of the Week!!
AMELIA LIONETTI - SIX BLUE - It is with great pleasure that I present you with the Person of the Week award. Your remarkable qualities and exceptional character make you truly deserving of this recognition.
Jane Austen once said, “It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.” Amelia, continue to let your light shine, and know that your contributions make a difference in the lives of those around you.
Your kindness and caring nature shine brightly in everything you do. You consistently demonstrate a genuine concern for others, going out of your way to offer a helping hand and a listening ear. You have a remarkable ability to make those around you feel valued and supported. Your unwavering determination is truly inspiring. Each day, you approach challenges with a positive attitude and a drive to succeed. Your commitment to excellence is evident in your academic pursuits and the outstanding effort you put forth in everything you do.
You embody the core values we hold dear in our school community. Your display of Trust, Respect, Unity, and Excellence serves as an example to your peers and contributes to the positive atmosphere we strive to foster. Amelia, you are a shining star in our school. Your kindness, determination, and embodiment of our core values make you an exceptional role model for your peers.
I am honoured to present you with this award and express my heartfelt congratulations on this well-deserved achievement.
School Photos 2023
Canteen News
Parish News
Parish Secretary position at St Peter the Apostle Parish
We are seeking someone for 4 days per week, 4 hours per day.
Expressions of interest for this position can be made in writing to Father Jeronimo.
For a detailed job description, please contact the parish office—admin@stpetersbedford.au
P&F News
To purchase your Entertainment Book please click
Community News
- SWAN DISTRICTS FOOTBALL CLUB - welcomes you to a Fathering Project afternoon of Footy on Sunday 11 June at 1.30pm for both dads and kids. Free entry!! Come along to Swan Districts Football Club A Old Perth Road, Steel Blue Oval, Bassendean.
- SWAN DISTRICTS FOOTBALL CLUB - invites PP - Year 6 students to a holiday clinic on Wednesday 12 July from 10am - 2pm at Steel Blue Oval. To Register, please click - https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1066053?eid=1066053&
- WESTERN AUSTRALIA ADHD CONFERENCE - will be held on Saturday 17 June at Perth Exhibition and Convention Centre. Book online today - www.myspiritedchild.com
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900