Head's Highlights
November 17, 2023
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
Have a wonderful and restful break with family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving!
PTA News You Can Use
Yearbooks are for sale! A great way to remember a fun school year! 2 Custom pages are included in each yearbook, where pages can be personalized for each student at a later date. Use the link to purchase.
Also, we need help collecting pictures from school events and class happenings! Please send any photos you take throughout the year to rdheadyearbook@gmail.com
Veterans Day Program 2023
Thank you to Mrs. Mraz (our music teacher), the Head ES Chorus, our PTA, and the Veterans Day Committee for all of your hard work.
Also, thank you to all of the veterans and their families for attending last week's program. A special thank you to members of the Snellville American Legion Post 232 and VFW Post 4180 for attending and supporting our community. Thank you all for your service.
Pictures from last week's event can be found here: https://sites.google.com/g.gcpsk12.org/headesmediagallery/veterans-day-program-2023
Spelling Bee: The spelling bee is for 4th and 5th graders, but there are spelling lists for all grade levels if you want to practice. The classroom spelling bees will be held before Nov 13, and the school wide bee will be on Thurs. Nov. 30. So, start studying now. Here is how you get to the study lists.
Go to the student portal
Choose e-class
Choose Media Center (not media arts)
2024 Spelling Bee
There are lists for the classroom bee and the school-wide bee The top two students in each 4th and 5th grade class go to the school-wide bee.
Parents' Night Out
Want to help the Head staff have a nice holiday lunch while getting in some shopping time for yourself? Use the QR Code above and sign up for Parent's Night Out! Only 150 slots available. Sign up by November 29th!
Lunch Bunch Fun - December
Make sure to visit the Bidding for Good website using the QR Code above and bid on Lunch Bunch Fun by November 30th! It is sure to be a hit!!!
Connecting With the Community
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
November 20-24 - Enjoy your Thanksgiving Break!
November 30 - Spelling Bee at 9:00 AM
December 1 - Parents' Night Out 5:30-8:00 PM
December 4 - Third Grade Field Trip
December 6 - Fifth Grade Field Trip to BHS
December 9 - Chorus Performance - Sunrise Senior Living at 1:00 PM