Week at Windsor 1.19.20
Looking back and ahead at Windsor news and happenings...
Dear Windsor Families,
As a reminder, all 2nd through 5th grade students came home with NWEA MAP reports on Friday 1/17. Middle school students will be going home with their reports this Friday.
We emailed this letter (click on link) Wednesday with all teachers' conference sign up links.
- Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday 2/13 and Friday 2/14. The conference times on Thursday include morning, day, and evening 20-minute appointments. The conference times on Friday only include morning appointments.
- If you are unable to make an in person time on our two conference days, you may sign up for a phone conference or email teachers to schedule a phone conference during their regular school days/hours of 8:15 AM to 3:45 PM.
- Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate additional 20-minute fourth or fifth grade math teacher time slots on our conference days. However, if you already know you have specific math questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your child's math teacher via email. Teachers will then follow up with you accordingly.
We are looking forward to this Friday's 1/24 Windsor PTA Wildcat Dance Party starting at 6:30 PM. Here is a flyer (click link) with more information.
We do not have school tomorrow, Monday 1/20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday. Wishing all our students a wonderful long weekend. We will see everyone again on Tuesday!
Piper Boston, Principal @PrincipalBoston
Lindsay Anastacio, Assistant Principal @lindzana
Check out our Windsor Twitter page for different insights into our school days!
Our Twitter page provides lots of great highlights into each school day and week at Windsor!
Windsor Clubs
We are so proud of the many clubs happening here at Windsor and appreciate the different staff members who support them.
If you check out our @WindsorWildcats Twitter feed, you will see many more different club highlights and moments!
Third Grade Science
You will see many great moments on our Twitter feed this week around our third graders experimenting with force, gravity, and friction. Check it out!
Windsor PTA
MON (1.20) – Family Movie DOLITTLE – 10 AM at CMX in Downtown AH. Click to reserve your ticket. https://windsorpta.org/2020/01/08/family-movie-2020-2/ **This is a PTA-only sponsored event. No school staff or administration will be in attendance.
- JAN 24 - Wildcat Dance - 6:30 - 8:15 pm in the gym. Sensory friendly time 6:30-7 pm. Click to RSVP, https://tinyurl.com/yhwjn2fy. We need volunteers! Email Kathy Dieringer <krousonelos@gmail.com>.
- STARTING the WEEK of 1/21 - Junior Great Books - 8-week, JGB small discussion groups meet during their 30-min lunch recess. Contact Leah Ross <lraeross6@gmail.com>.
- YEARBOOK ORDERING COMING in February (online only)
- FEB 6 – Science Fair – download info here, https://windsorpta.org/programs/science-fair/.
- FEB 6 – Scholastic Book Fair
- FEB 10 - Green Team Meeting, LMC, during lunch recess.
- FEB 12 - Classroom Valentine Parties
- FEB 13 & 14 - Spring Conferences (PTA provides Teacher Dinner)
Absences and Signing Students In/Out
We want to remind families the importance of notifying us of absences as soon as possible. You can call (847) 398-4297 and follow the prompts. Or, new this year, you can use the online attendance link. Both are permanently featured in our weekly updates and on our website.
Additionally, it is important that children arrive to school on time as much as possible. If your child is being dropped off after 9:05 AM, we need a parent/or guardian to escort him or her into the office to sign in, similar to how an adult needs to sign out children anytime they are leaving before before 3:35 PM. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Winter Weather!
We are truly into our winter weather months. As a reminder, we still try to be outside as much as possible. The students do not go outside if it is raining, the wind chill is below zero, or we have deemed conditions unsafe for any reasons (ice, heavy snowfall, etc.). We appreciate you continually sending your children to school appropriately dressed to be outside during arrival and recess times.
Erin's Law Presentations
Erin's Law presentations will start the week of January 27th. Erin’s Law is an Illinois Public Act that requires us to provide child sexual abuse prevention education for children in prekindergarten through 8th grades. Similar to previous years, we will be teaching about Erin's Law in January and February to all K-5 classes. All Erin’s Law information can be found on the District’s website (link). The site also has the opt-out form for interested parents/guardians.
2020-2021 Kindergarten Pre-Registration is NOW OPEN!
**Registration packets should have arrived to 2020-2021 Kindergarten or NEW families who pre-registered on the site.
Incoming Kindergarten families can drop off registration materials and receive assistance on Wednesday, January 22nd from 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM -OR- 4:00 PM to 6:45 PM.
Registration for current Windsor students will begin in the spring; you will receive an email in April/May.
If you know of someone with a kindergarten-aged child, please feel free to let him/her know to check out the District 25 website or give us a call.
Valentine's Day Parties
District 25 Parent-Student Handbook
Wildcat Way and Mission
We value our Windsor community that is strengthened by diversity, inclusion, and a growth mindset.
- We believe in a kind, safe and responsible community because our students are important.
- We believe in designing lessons that promote inquiry, academic risk taking, and flexible thinking.
- We believe in supporting cultural, emotional, social, and academic diversity.
- We believe in working collaboratively as a school community for continuous improvement in a trusting environment.