Anderson School News! 1/5/21
Digging "IN"to the New Year!
Dates to Remember
- Tuesday. Jan. 5 - School resumes
- Thursday, January 7th: Monthly PTO Meeting (Zoom Call - Link Below)
- Tuesday, January 12th: Buona Beef Dine Out Fundraiser (date correction)
- Monday. Jan. 18 - Martin Luther King Jr, Day - No School
- Friday, January 22nd: The Burger Joint Dine Out Fundraiser
- Thursday, January 28th: IHOP Dine Out Fundraiser
- Thursday, February 4th: Monthly PTO Meeting (2021-2022 Board Nominations)
- Tuesday, February 9th: McAlister's Deli Elgin Dine Out Fundraiser
- Thursday, February 25th: VIRTUAL BINGO NIGHT and MOD Pizza Dine Out Night
- Wednesday, March 3rd: Portillo's Elgin Dine Out Fundraiser
- Thursday, March 4th: Monthly PTO Meeting (2021-2022 Board Election)
- Friday, March 19th: Yearbook Order Deadline
- Thursday, March 25th: Panera South Elgin Dine Out Fundraiser
- Thursday, April 8th: Monthly PTO Meeting
- Thursday, May 6th: Last PTO Meeting of the School Year!
Welcome Back!
Hello Anderson Parents,
It was so fun to see our students arrive this morning and get settled back into their classrooms, and learning routines. I saw a few parents at the front drop off lane, and I think many of you are also very excited to send your kids back to school as well. :)We are looking forward to "Digging In" and building on the learning momentum from the first semester. Thank you for all you do at home to encourage and help your child learn and grow as much as possible.
Parent Checklist for 2021:
- Sign the COVID backpack tag every morning
- Fill out and submit the COVID Certification App every morning
- Give your kid a hug and tell them you are proud of them for doing their best
- Don't ask, "What happened at school today?". Instead ask, "Tell me about the best part of your day". Check out this article. "Ten Questions to Ask kids About Their Day at School"
- Ask them to show you their iReady progress for the week. They can show you how many minutes and how many lessons they have completed so far that week. Remember they should have at least 30-45 minutes of Reading and Math every week.
- Give your kid a high five and tell them a funny story about when you were a kid. :)
Again, thank you for all you do to encourage your child's learning and the support you give our school and teachers. We are in this together.
As always, don't ever hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher, the school office team, or myself if you have any questions. We are always happy to listen and help.
Happy New Year!
Mr. Jarot
Dress for the Weather
If your family is in need of any winter wear, (Coats, Hats, Gloves) simply email Mr. Jarot or call the front office (331)228-3300. We have plenty of donated new items from our community. Just let us know.
Every Student, Every Day - COVID-19 SELF CERTIFICATION
Parents! You are doing a great job! Keep it up! It really helps us get kids right to class when they have their backpack tag signed and you filled out the online certification app.
Please make sure to certify online AND initial the tag on your student’s backpack.
If you have someone in the household with symptoms that could be related to COVID (fever of 100.4 or higher, new onset of moderate to severe headache shortness of breath, new cough, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain from an unknown cause, new congestion/runny nose, new loss of sense of taste or smell, nausea, fatigue from an unknown cause, muscle or body aches) keep all children in the district home, even if they are feeling well, until a clearance note is provided to return to school (see chart).
If you pick up one child from school with any symptoms related to COVID, you must pick up their siblings as well. If you work in the district and you or your child goes home sick with these symptoms, all family members in D303 must go home until the individual with symptoms is cleared. Other family members may be cleared if the individual with symptoms has a diagnosis other than COVID. Your school nurses can help you in determining your options for the symptomatic child and the siblings to return to school.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
From the Anderson PTO
Monthly PTO Meeting
Join us on Zoom for our first PTO meeting of 2021, Topic to be discuss include: virtual BINGO night, board election process for the 2021-2022 school year, the D303 Foundation silent auction basket, and more. Click here for the meeting agenda.
Time: Jan 7, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 602 217 7354
Passcode: E6hVSk
Mark Your Calendar
Thursday, January 7th: Monthly PTO Meeting
Tuesday, January 12th: Buona Beef Dine Out Fundraiser (date correction)
Thursday, January 22nd: The Burger Joint Dine Out Fundraiser
Thursday, January 28th: IHOP Dine Out Fundraiser
Thursday, February 4th: Monthly PTO Meeting (2021-2022 Board Nominations)
Tuesday, February 9th: McAlister's Deli Elgin Dine Out Fundraiser
Thursday, February 25th: VIRTUAL BINGO NIGHT and MOD Pizza Dine Out Night
Wednesday, March 3rd: Portillo's Elgin Dine Out Fundraiser
Thursday, March 4th: Monthly PTO Meeting (2021-2022 Board Election)
Friday, March 19th: Yearbook Order Deadline
Thursday, March 25th: Panera South Elgin Dine Out Fundraiser
Thursday, April 8th: Monthly PTO Meeting
Thursday, May 6th: Last PTO Meeting of the School Year!
We NEED Your Pictures!
Anderson Yearbook is looking for various pictures of your child for this year’s yearbook! We’re sure you have plenty of pictures on your phone to share. Below are picture subjects to consider:
-Back to School
- Fall
- Holidays
- Virtual learning
- School Spirit Wear
-Playing in the snow
Send your pictures to: Please make sure your pictures include Anderson students only. In your email include the name(s) and grade level(s) of the children in the pictures. Thanks for your support!
Anderson Elementary School
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300