The Branch
A Monthly Newsletter from RootEd
Legislative Update
Student Allotment:
House Bill 100 (the school budget bill) has included a $90 increase in the student basic allotment. Keep in mind we are asking for a $1000 increase to make up for the inflation since 2019. This will be decided in conference committee...please call all below and ask for more funding:
Budget Conferees:
Rep. Greg Bonnen (512) 463-0729
Rep. Mary Gonzales (512) 463-0613
Rep. Jacey Jetton (512) 463-0710
Rep. Gary Vandeaver(512) 463-0692
Rep. Armando Walle (512) 463-0924
Senator Joan Huffman (512) 463-0117
Senator Robert Nichols (512) 463-0103
Senator Lois Kolkhorst (512) 463-0118
Senator Brandon Creighton (512) 463-0104
Senator Charles Schwertner (512) 463-0105
The House will hear SB8 (the Senate Voucher Bill) in the House probably next week. Please call your Representative (and surrounding area Reps) and let them know that you do NOT want a voucher put in place. Be sure to leave them with a story of your neighborhood school!
Go to: Who Represents Me? (texas.gov) and please call their office. We are hearing that they aren't hearing from the anti-voucher crowd enough.
Senate Bill 8 Text: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/SB00008I.pdf#navpanes=0
HB 4402 builds a better accountability system. Please call your Rep TODAY and let them know that this is a good bill and share with them your personal STAAR stories.
Just Fund It day in Austin
We had a great day in Austin with 60 other students, parents, retired teachers, school board trustees and advocates who love their neighborhood schools. Thank you Laura Yeager and Just Fund It for hosting a wonderful day!
Let's fill up our stories with this graphics!! Look for stories on social of how vouchers will affect our kids and neighborhood schools! Please share! If you would like to be a part of the campaign, Please complete the google doc and we will create the attached green graphic with your info and then it will be shared on social. It’s really important for our Representatives to see how Vouchers will negatively affect our lives and how much we love our neighborhood schools. Voucher Testimonial Intake Form (google.com)
An oldie but goodie from Dr. Miller who speaks the truth on what truly matters.
Election day is THIS SATURDAY!! Southwest ISD and Alamo Heights ISD have presented bond information to the public to vote on at the May election. Video with information listed below. Please vote!!
Stories from RootEd schools that we think are AMAZING! #RootEd
Baldwin Elementary - Austin ISD
RootEd Scholarship
If you'd like to donate to ease the financial burden of an outstanding high school senior, you can donate here: https://proudlyrooted.com/support.
What would you do with $1,000 for life after high school??
Friday is the last day to purchase a raffle ticket for an Americus Diamond pendant where all proceeds goes to the scholarship program.
RootEd Social
The April gathering was so much fun!!!! Thanks to everyone who came out...the wheels were turning!!
The next gathering will be in June!
RootEd Facebook Groups
Ready to dive into some podcasts that may get you fired up about public education? Or want to be in the know about our legislative priorities and what's going on in public education in Texas?
Check us out. Click on the graphic below for links.
Go Public Partnership
RootEd out in the Community
Garcia PTA Meeting
RootEd spoke at the Garcia MS PTA meeting in NISD on how to be RootEd for your school! Thanks for having us!!! Interested in having a RootEd speaker? Reach out to us at info@proudlyrooted.com .
RootEd Updates
How to be RootEd this Month?
Does your school have a RootEd Rep? Let's make that happen!!
Be sure to use your RootEd hashtag!
Market Senior Walks.
Plan Future Football Game dates.
Line up a Rep for the next year.
Come to a workday or a social.
Use those RootEd hashtags!
Parents are constantly asking where they should send their kids to school whether we like it or not! The hashtag system helps RootEd share your stories to those who are shopping. Did you know you can retroactively add hashtags to your Facebook and Instagram posts?
About RootEd
For past newsletters: https://www.smore.com/u/rooted
Email: info@proudlyrooted.com
Website: www.proudlyrooted.com
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Phone: (210) 617-0824
Facebook: facebook.com/RootEdTexas
Twitter: @RootEdSA
Instagram: @rootedtexas