AEHS Weekly Newsletter
February 4, 2024
Good evening, Titans!
We are moving into week two of the second semester and I can hardly believe how quickly time is moving by. This is the final semester of high school for our seniors and our 9th graders are rounding out their freshman year. Wow! Let us finish this school year on a strong note.
As I shared previously, we are fortunate to be in such a richly diverse community, and as such, we make every effort to celebrate our diversity each month. This month we celebrate Black History Month and Ash Wednesday on February 14, which is also Valentines Day,
On another note, Groundhog day was last Thursday, February 2nd, and the groundhog did not see its shadow. It looks like we might see spring sooner rather than later. Until then, stay warm!
Have a great week!
Mark Brown, Jr.
AEHS Calendar Items
Reminders & Dates (UPDATED)
- Tues. & Thurs. Feb. 6 & 8 - Senior Photo Make-ups 3:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Thurs. Feb. 14 - Ash Wednesday & Valentine's Day
- Mon. Feb. 19 - Presidents' Day. No School for Staff and Students
- Tues. Feb. 20 - PTSA Meeting
- Fri. March 1 - AEHS Career Fair / Early Release
- Follow the AEHS Website - Upcoming Events link to see more events that are coming up at AEHS
- MCPS SY23-24 Calendar
Happening at AEHS
New Administrative Secretary (NEW)
Dear Albert Einstein staff, families and students,
My name is Sara Rivera, and I am honored to be the new administrative secretary. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself. I have worked at Albert Einstein for the last year as a Paraeducator and support staff for our Special Education office. Additionally, I am the Costume director for our STAGE program. And almost as Importantly, I am a previous Einstein parent and Titan through and through. In serving in this new role, it is my hope that my understanding of the school and community needs allows me to serve not only our students and staff but our families and community to the best of my ability. It is my mission and goal to provide the utmost in dedication and support as the administrative secretary. I look forward to working with each one of you.
Sara Rivera
AEHS Administrative Secretary
2nd Annual AEHS Career Fair - March 1, 2024 (REPEAT)
On Friday, March 1st, we will host our 2nd annual AEHS Career Fair. Our goal is to have one professional in each classroom, during each class period. Last year was a huge success, and we are hopeful to follow up in a big way this year!
Please consider volunteering your time to be a presenter, a sponsor, or just lending a hand the day of. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Also, questions can be direct to assistant principal, Alyson_L_Gordon@mcpsmd.org.
Get Your Senior Banners (REPEAT)
Do you want to order a senior banner for your graduating senior? Please see the attached flyer and be sure to order now at the Early Bird price. Please see Ms. Tasha_E_Kelly@mcpsmd.org if you have questions.
Help AEHS Instrumental Music and Choral Students (REPEAT)
Help AEHS Instrumental Music and Choral Students Attend the Spring Trip to Quantico & Williamsburg!
Hello Titan families!
The AEHS Instrumental Music and Choral students have a great opportunity to perform at the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico and attend music and choral clinics at William & Mary University in Williamsburg in April 2024. Please help students cover the costs of this 3-day trip by making a donation!
This is an incredible opportunity for our AEHS musicians. Travel and other associated costs are not covered by the school, so we need your help. Please consider making a donation to PACE, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible.
If you are supporting a specific student-musician, please check the "Write us a comment" box on the donation form and enter the student's full name in the comment section to ensure your donation will help cover costs for that student. Contributions without a comment will be used to support the entire experience and students who are most in need.
Please share with your family, friends and neighbors! Every dollar contributed will help offset the costs of this trip for our hardworking and talented student-musicians.
Thank you!
Karin Rudolph
PACE Theatre and Choral Liaison
Sylvia Augustein
PACE instrumental Music Liaison
Dance Company Regional Dance Festival Fundraiser (REPEAT)
ONE more week to donate and help send Dance Company to the Regional HS Dance Festival in Norfolk, VA!
We are more than halfway to our goal!
AEHS Dance Company will be traveling to a 4-day high school dance festival in March. They recently learned that they were one of a limited amount of groups chosen to perform during the festival!! Besides having the opportunity to represent the AEHS Community, the Einstein dancers will also be able to take master classes, audition for college and summer program scholarships, and see other schools perform from all over the country. We want to be sure that ALL of our dancers have access to this experience, so please consider donating to help offset the cost for our families – every little bit helps. Please donate by January 31 and share with your family, friends and neighbors!!
To donate:
Thank you!
Kirstin Goldston
AEHS PACE Dance Liaison
PACE Volunteers Needed (REPEAT)
PACE (Patrons of the Arts Community of Einstein) is seeking volunteers to succeed those leaving Einstein this school year or next. PACE is an independent non-profit organization that supports the visual and performing arts at Einstein (choral music, dance, instrumental music, visual art and theater) by raising funds, arranging publicity and providing volunteer help for all extra-curricular activities. For more information on PACE, see https://www.aehspace.com
Visual Arts Liaison: Starting 2024-25 school year. Work with the Fine Arts faculty to represent visual arts within the PACE organization and help devise and promote fundraisers for the program, attend PACE meetings to coordinate with the organization.
Concessions co-chair: Starting 2024-25 school year. Work with continuing co-chair to organize concessions at AEHS arts events. Work with SignUp Genius to recruit helpers, Coordinate with AEHS Arts staff, rose sales at select events, attend PACE meetings to coordinate with the organization.
Theater and Chorus Liaison: Shadow current liaison during the second semester of the 2024-25 school year before taking over as the liaison in 2025-26. Shadow the current theater liaison, Karin Rudolph and work with the Fine Arts faculty to represent theater and chorus within the PACE organization, attend PACE meetings to coordinate with the organization..
Contact PACE at aehs.pace@gmail.com to volunteer or learn more about these important volunteer positions!
PACE Meetings: Held on Zoom monthly on the third Wednesday of the month from 8pm to 9pm where we discuss ongoing and upcoming initiatives and needs with the Einstein Fine Arts faculty. The meetings are open to all Einstein families via Zoom using this link:
Meeting ID: 811 9870 2072
Passcode: 682835
Join us to hear everything PACE is doing to support the arts at Einstein. Volunteer as a liaison to do your part in making Einstein Arts the best in MCPS!
Titanes Salseros @ the Annual Women's Legislative Briefing (REPEAT)
While our Albert Einstein community was closing out the first semester and working towards transitioning to new beginnings, the Titanes Salseros were kicking off Montgomery County’s Commission for Women’s annual Women’s Legislative Briefing. We were happy to take our charismatic group of ladies over for the briefing where they would cover topics from “Ensuring Women’s Safety” with Delegate Charlotte A. Crutchfield to “Shaping the Future of Women in the Workplace” with Councilmember Marilyn Balcombe. The Salseras enjoyed brushing shoulders with our Montgomery County Councilmembers, Board of Education and other elected officials from Maryland.
Be sure to keep up with Albert Einstein's all-inclusive Titanes Salseros as they represent our school, county, and state by following their Instagram @lasu_titans Please consider filling out their interest form to become a part of the family, whether it be as a dancer, a photographer, a cosmetologist, or any other talent you would like to share with the team!
Einstein's Closet (REPEAT)
Einstien's Closet (previously Project Prom) is collecting donations until April 1st. We are only in need of men/women's suit jackets and pants as well as long prom/bridesmaid dresses. Donations can be dropped off in Ms. Klenk's Room (150). Any questions you can reach Ms. Klenk at: katelyn.a.klenk@mcpsmd.net
Happening Around MCPS
HBCU College Fair (REPEAT)
The 16th Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) College Fair will be held on Friday, February 16, 2024, from 6:00–8:30 p.m.
The in-person event will take place at The Universities at Shady Grove for students in Grades 8–12 and their families to meet with representatives from over 50 historically black colleges and universities. The HBCU College Fair will include the following:
- Workshops on financial aid, assistance with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and scholarship opportunities.
- A panel discussion on college life with representatives from the Montgomery County National Pan-Hellenic Council Fraternities and Sororities.
- Workshops that include scholarship information from the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and an overview of HBCUs and how to find your best-fit HBCU.
Volunteers are needed to help with monitoring workshop sessions and logistics. The volunteer registration information is located on the HBCU Fair website.
Important Dates:
- Friday, January 19, 2024, registration opens.
- Friday, February 16, 2024, from 6:00–8:30 p.m., HBCU Fair
Mu Nu Chapter of Omega Psi Phi - Talent Hunt Showcase (REPEAT)
The Mu Nu Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is hosting our annual 2024 Talent Hunt Showcase at Our Lady of Good Counsel High School on Sunday, March 17, 2024. We need assistance from local high schools with seeking talented students to participate in the upcoming Talent Hunt Showcase. Please disseminate this email to your performing arts teachers within your school.
Student participants can click on the following link: https://formfacade.com/sm/wT40SyvCJ to access the program application. Students and parents must complete and submit the program application to be eligible to participate in the Talent Hunt Showcase. For additional information about the Talent Hunt Showcase, please contact a member of the Mu Nu Talent Hunt Committee at munutalenthunt@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support in advance.
Lorenzo R. Prillman, Ed.D.
Assistant Principal
Clarksburg Elementary School
School Bus App (REPEAT)
The school bus application for families and students to track the real-time location and arrival of their bus will be available to all schools at the end of January of 2024. This smartphone app will support important two-way communication and enhance safety for students while they wait and ride the school bus. To support a smooth implementation, students and families at 10 pilot schools (AEHS is not a pilot school) are currently using the application. Additional information about registering for the bus application will be sent next week.
Only those parents and guardians listed in Synergy with the “HC: Parent has custody,” and “RT: Student can be released to this parent” designations will be able to access their assigned student transportation information via the Edulog Parent Portal App. AEHS will be working to ensure information is accurate in Synergy.
Einstein Athletics
Spring Tryouts (REPEAT)
Spring Tryouts 2024 interscholastic athletics online registration through the ParentVUE Portal opened on January 22, 2024. The ParentVUE online registration portal, available in English and Spanish, incorporates all required paper forms and documents into an internet-based platform that can be accessed using a secure ParentVUE Portal login. REGULAR SPRING REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE ON FEBRUARY 28TH AT 12:00 NOON. ALL ATHLETES NOT REGISTERED BY THIS TIME WILL MISS THE FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE. LATE REGISTRATION OPENS ON MARCH 2ND AT 11:00am. LATE REGISTRATION QUESTIONS MAY BE ASKED AT COACH HOWELL’S OFFICE STARTING AT 11:00am.
Parents/guardians are also able to scan and upload their student’s physical as part of the registration process. The first day for spring tryouts will be March 1st except for Allied Softball. If you have any questions about registration, please contact our Assistant Athletic Specialist, Alberto Jimenez, director of registration. alberto_j_jimenezguedez@mcpsmd.org
For more information can be found at einsteinathletics.org
MCPS - Things to Know
Thurs. February 1 (UPDATED)
Dear MCPS Families,
Here are things to know for Thursday, Feb. 1. Get information about the state End-of-Course Exam requirement for grade nine students starting this semester, how you can provide feedback on inclement weather days, the Community Engagement Officers (CEO) program and food menu, the now open student transfer application, upcoming events, opportunities for students and more!
February Highlight: MCPS is recognizing Career Technical Education (CTE) month and Black History month.
Non-MCPS/Community Information
PAVE Essay Contest (NEW)
We wanted to let you know about a STEM scholarship opportunity that is only available to students in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC.
The 2nd Annual PAVE Essay Contest and Scholarship Program encourages high school students to imagine the future with automated vehicles, and write a well-crafted essay about what that could mean for their communities. Submissions are due March 15, 2024, and winners will be notified in late spring 2024. The top three awardees will win $2500, $1500, and $1000, respectively.
The contest sponsors are Partners for Automated Vehicle Education (PAVE), which is a 501c3 education nonprofit, as well as STEER Tech, an autonomous vehicle technology company, the Maryland Department of Transportation and the District Department of Transportation.
Questions? Please reach out to Marsha Camp, PAVE Membership Manager, at marsha.camp@pavecampaign.org.
Kind regards,
Marsha Camp
PAVE Membership Manager
Steam Ahead 2024 (REPEAT)
Happy New Year Students, Parents, and Administrators,
The Greater Washington Urban League Guild is pleased to announce year two of Project STEAM AHEAD! This immersive experience will teach basic coding skills or allow students to sharpen and enhance already existing skills in a fun and interactive way with the end result being the production of a video game with storyline and illustrations. The key is to fully engage the intellect and imagination! The program will run for five weeks from Feb 10 - March 16, with a celebration and presentation on week six. We will meet at the Greater Washington Urban League Headquarters on Saturday mornings from 10 - 11:30. If possible participants should bring a laptop, but if you don't have one don't let that be a barrier! Come prepared to have fun and learn a new skill or sharpen the ones you already have.
If you are interested please Click to complete the form and indicate your interest in "Project STEAM AHEAD," (some of you may have completed the form in the past, but please complete it again.)
Feel free to email any questions you may have, you will find the link for the interest form included in this email and an information flier attached.
We hope to see you in February and please share with any friends in grades 8-11!
All the Best,
Dr. Lynn
Youth Education and Development
Committee Chair