Radiologic Technology Guide
Trocaire College Libraries
Research Databases: Journal Articles and Images
The library subscribes to dozens of databases for you to access for your research needs. The complete list of our databases and more are available in the Resources section of the library website.
When prompted to log-in to access a database, the username and password are same as your e-mail login credentials
Articles not available in full-text can be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
EBSCO is one of the providers of the library's databases. EBSCO has a collection of different databases that are useful for Radiologic Technology research:
- Academic Search Elite
- CINAHL Complete
o Applied Radiology, Radiation Therapist and Radiologic Technology are available here
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Collection
Click here to link to an in-depth guide to searching EBSCOhost.
Citation Tips for EBSCO databases
Look for the Tools on the right side of the window. Click the page icon. Select the citation style needed. Copy and paste the citation to your paper's Reference Page.
Please be aware that the information in your citation may be correct but the format of the citation may be incorrect. If you need help setting up a citation or reference page, check out the library's Citation Help page or contact a librarian.
ProQuest is another database provider and has five useful options for research on Radiologic Technology:
- ProQuest Central is a large collection of scholarly and popular articles in a broad range of subjects
- ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health offers scholarly articles for nursing and allied health education.
o The academic journals of Applied Radiology and Radiology and Oncology are available here
- Science Database
Click here to link to an in-depth guide to searching ProQuest Central.
Citation Tips for ProQuest:
Click on the Cite icon to open the citation options in ProQuest. Select the citation style needed. Copy and paste the citation for your paper.
Please be aware that the information in your citation may be correct but the format of the citation may be incorrect. If you need help setting up a citation or reference page, check out the library's Citation Help page or contact a librarian.
Gale also has a collection of different databases to use:
- Academic OneFile
- Science (Gale One File)
- Health and Medicine (Gale One File)
- Nursing and Allied Health (Gale One File)
o The academic journals of Applied Radiology and Radiology Research & Practice are available here
Click here to link to an in-depth guide to searching Gale.
Citation Tips for Gale:
Look for the Tools on the right side of the window. Click the Cite icon in the middle of the list. Select the citation style needed. Copy and paste the citation to your paper.
Please be aware that the information in your citation may be correct but the format of the citation may be incorrect. If you need help setting up a citation or reference page, check out the library's Citation Help page or contact a librarian.
- Image Quest- is a database of rights-cleared photographs (you do not need to worry about copy-right violations). You may search of photographs and clip art for use of visual aids in your research.
X-Ray Films and Lightboxes
- X-rays used in Radiologic Technology classes and for review are housed in the library.
- Films and lightboxes can only be used within the library.
- You will need your Trocaire ID to check out film envelopes and the lightboxes.
Call Numbers and Subjects that are useful in Radiologic Technology:
QC: Radioactivity
QM: Human Anatomy
QP: Physiology
QR: Microbiology
R895- RC78.7: Radiology
R895-920: Medical radiology and Nuclear medicine
RA: Environmental health, radiation
RC71-78.8: Radiography
Reserve Books
- Bontrager's Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy (2 copies) RES-RT78.4 .B67 2018
- Comprehensive Radiographic Pathology (6th ed.) RES-RT RC78 .E533 2016
- Handbooks of Radiographic Positioning and Techniques
- Introduction to Radiologic and Imaging Sciences and Patient Care RES-RT R898.I565 2019
- Lange Q & A Radiography Examination RES-RT RC78.15 .S252 2018
- Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positioning & Procedures (Vol. 1, 2, 3) RES-RT RC78.4 .F736 2016
- Pathophysiology for the Health Professions (2 copies) RES-RT RB113 .G64 2011
- Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and a Science
- Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography RES-RT RC78.3 .S73 2018
- Radiographic Imaging and Exposure
RES-RT RC78 .F33 2017 - Radiographic Imaging and Exposure (eBook)
ebook RC78 F33 2017 - Radiography in the Digital Age: Physics, Exposure, Radiation Biology
- The Radiography Procedure and Competency Manual
RES-RT RC78 .B48 2018 - Radiography PREP: Program Review and Exam Prep
RES RT RC78.15 .S255 2018 - Radiologic Science for the Technologists : Physics, Biology, and Protection (11th ed.)
- Radiologic Science for the Technologists : Physics, Biology, and Protection (eBook) (11th ed.)
ebook R895 .B86 2017 - Radiologic Science for Technologists : Physics, Biology, and Protection (10th ed.) RES-RT R895 .B85 2013
- Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals RES-RT QM25 .K45 2018
- Torres' Patient Care in Imaging Technology RES-RT RC78 .T67 2019
Newer Circulating Books*
- Basic Radiological Physics - R895 .T494 2017
- Beyond the Images: The Insightful Memoir of a Life in Medicine - R895.6 .U6 C64 2017
- Bones and Joints: A Guide for Students - QM101.G86 2018
- Essentials of Radiology - R896.5 .H83 2016
- The Foreign Body: A collection of the most interesting X-rays of things that don’t belong and the stories behind how they got there! - RC78.5D45 2013
- Guidance on the Personal Monitoring Requirements for Personnel Working in Healthcare - RC965.M39 M374 2018
- Hendee’s Physics of Medical Imaging (eBook) - ebook R895 .S26 2019
- Introduction to Radiologic Technology - R898 .I57 2020
- Looking Within: Understanding Ourselves through Human Imaging - RC78.7.D53 R84 2020
- Radiobiology for the Radiologist - R895 .H34 2019
X-Ray Contrast Agent Technology: a Revolutionary History - RC78 .H34 2019
*Circulating books may be check out for 28 days with a valid Trocaire ID.
eBook titles owned by the library have a direct link in the catalog.
*eBook Clinical Collection from EBSCO and eBook Collection from EBSCOhost can be downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions.
Mobile devices may also need Bluefire Reader.
eBooks from the eBook Collection
Digital Radiography: Physical Principles, and Quality Control
Social and Ethical Aspects of Radiation Risk Management
Radiographic Imaging and Exposure
Digital Radiography in Practice
Dose, Benefit, and Risk in Medical Imaging
eBooks from eBook Clinical Collection
Other eBook Databases
Streaming videos have a direct link in the catalog.
You can also access the videos through Films on Demand .
Outside Resources
American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
ARRT is a leading credentialing organization that recognizes qualified individuals in medical imaging, interventional procedures, and radiation therapy. The registry offers certification and registration in a wide range of disciplines. With more than 330,000 registrants, the organization promotes high standards of patient care.
American Society of Radiologic Technologists
Professional, educational and certification resources for educators and students from ASRT.
Here you will find links to descriptions and pictures of the human body's parts and organ systems from head to toe. Includes an overview, videos and tutorials and topics within anatomy. Medline Plus is from the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Training modules that introduce the structure and function of the human body.
Anatomy Modules and Radiographic Anatomy of the Skeleton
This site contains online teaching materials from the University of Washington School of Medicine radiology program. The modules include, knee antomy, distal thigh anatomy, temporomandibular joint anatomy, radiographic anatomy of the skeleton, an online muscle atlsa, and ultrasound imgaes of the shoulder. Each section provides detailed anatomy, illustrations, and examples of pathology where appropriate.
To view, click on "Go to Material".
Comprehensive site for radiologists and related professions in the medical imaging industry. Covers news, conference, professional information, etc.
Teaching files, protocols, learning modules and media resources from Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
At the Introduction to Radiology there are tutorials and quizzes for the student.
Animated videos that show the anatomy of body parts and organ systems and how diseases and conditions affect them. From the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Short video that discusses the discovery, development and basic physics of x-ray generation.
HON was founded to encourage the dissemination of quality health information for patients and professionals and the general public, and to facilitate access to the latest and most relevant medical data.
Provides quality information about health, wellness, and the science behind the human body. Topics include the human body, diseases & conditions, DNA testing, health careers, home health tests and nutrition & fitness.
Interactive Radiology & Cross-Sectional Anatomy Guide
From the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Introduction to Radiology
Interactive tutorial from the University of Virginia. This is a series of PowerPoint-style slideshows covering the basics of imaging for different parts of the body, as well general overviews of topics such as informed consent, patient confidentiality and medical billing.
The Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. The committee
promotes excellence in education and elevates the quality and safety of patient care through the accreditation of educational programs.
From the Merck Manual for Consumers, a pronunciation dictionary. Click on a letter or word and hear how to pronounce the term or phrase.
MedNar is a free, publicly available deep web search engine that uses advanced federated search technology to return the most relevant results from over 40 authoritative medical collections. Using the Advance Search option users can limit by collection, full-text, year of publication or range, author and title.
MedPix, from the National Library of Medicine, is a free open-access online database of medical images, teaching cases, and clinical topics, with images and textual metadata including: patient case scenarios, topics, and images. Database is searchable in various ways. For allied health students and professionals.
Medscape is a leading site for physicians and healthcare professionals. It offers the latest medical news, expert perspectives, essential point-of-care drug and disease information and relevant professional education.
You need to register to access information. Registration is free.
New York State Department of Health- Radiologic Technology
FAQs, statistics and licensing information for the Radiologic Technologist.
New York State Society of Radiologic Sciences
The mission of the NYSSRS is to promote the Radiologic Sciences and Medical Imaging Professions, establish and maintain the appropriate education to achieve the purpose of elevating and promoting the highest standards possible for patient care in the communities of interest and also protect the general welfare of Radiologic Science Professionals.
PennMedicine Conditions Treated
A to Z list of conditions from PennMedicine (University of Pennsylvania).
A digital library containing quality radiology educational websites.
Sponsored by the Radiologic Society of North America (RSNA) and the American College of Radiology (ACR). This site is a trusted source of information for patients, families and healthcare providers about the vital role of medical imagery, image-guided therapy and radiation therapy in healthcare.
Containing over 700 images, this site is a comprehensive anatomy encyclopedia presented in a visually-appealing, easy-to-read format. Created by a team of doctors and medical students, each topic combines anatomical knowledge with clinical pearls, bridging the gap between scholarly learning and improved patient care.
Site sponsored by Healthline, a consumer health information company. The maps cover the 11 body systems with information and 3-D interactive diagrams.
VCU- Rebecca Harris Keith: Director of Radiography, VCU
Modules, videos and information on: radiographic procedures, introduction to CT and MRI and cross-sectional anatomy review.
From the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Includes an overview, videos and tutorials, glossary, topics within radiography and more.
Jessica Gavin, MLS
Radiologic Technology Subject Librarian
Phone: 716-827-2434
Rachel R. Savarino Library
Location: 360 Choate Avenue, 4th Floor, Buffalo, NY, United States
Phone: (716) 827-2523