8th Grade Celebration Reminder
James Workman Middle School, 2023
Drive Through Promotion Celebration
To avoid congestion at the entrance of the celebration, cars will enter via Santoro Drive and follow the path around the soccer park, make a right onto 30th and then an immediate right into the staff parking lot, where they will be checked in. Certificates will be handed out in the 8th grade quad, cars will exit through the PE area gates these are the areas that service vehicles typically use when on campus. At the end of the route, cars may proceed to the photo area in front of the admin office, where there will be a snaked traffic pattern. Staff members will monitor the photo area to ensure that there is no back-up. Cars who will not be staying for photos may exit via San Eljay with no congestion. Orange star=check-in, blue=certificate handout, yellow=photos.
Driving pattern for the event will be as follows:
After the Celebration
Please note that Friday, the 9th is minimum day, with school releasing at 12:45.
James Workman Middle School
Email: jwmsinfo@psusd.us
Website: thecrag.net
Location: 69300 30th Avenue, Cathedral City, CA, USA
Phone: 760 770-8540