Sheldon Update
October 31, 2022
Welcome from Mrs. Tanner
Dear Sheldon Families,
When I send messages to all families, such as this weekly newsletter, delayed buses, event reminders, etc., I send those via email and text. If you have not been receiving them via text, it could be that you have not yet opted in to that service. If you would like to begin receiving messages this way, text "YES" to 86088.
Families of OT students, the car line is a RIGHT TURN ONLY out of our parking lot. DO NOT BLOCK intersections or driveways!
Click the link to access the 2022-2023 Family Handbook.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to me!
Thank you for the privilege of serving you ~
Mrs. Gabrielle Tanner, Principal
Upcoming Events
November Events
We will practice a Secure Campus Drill during the month of November.
You can find all school events listed on our school calendar which you can access on our webpage.
Items That Need Your Attention
Have you had a positive experience at Sheldon? We would love for that to be highlighted on the website! Please take 1 minute to visit, search for Sheldon Child Development, click on the Review icon, and share what you love about our program!
Sheldon Shirt Days
Time to Eat!
Policy & Procedure Review
Each week the Sheldon staff reviews one of our Head Start Policies & Procedures and felt it was important that families stay up to date on these as well. This quarter our focus is on Mental Health, Disability, and Child Development and Education. If you ever have any questions regarding our policies and procedures, please reach out!
Children who fail, or have abnormal screening results, will be referred for further assessment/evaluation. This policy relates to Head Start Performance Standards 45 CFR Part 1302.33; 1302.61; 1302.62; and 1302.63
Step 1: Level 1 screening (ASQ-3) collected at the beginning of the year. A low score on this screening would trigger the process. Teacher submitted Concern Sheets also triggers the process.
Step 2: Develop and implement classroom intervention to target the area of concern for 4-6 weeks (4 weeks for behavior, 6 weeks for academics).
Step 3: Assess effectiveness of classroom interventions. Determine if intervention needs to continue, be modified; or if the child should be dismissed from intervention or referred for GEI or a Special Education evaluation.
Step 4: Consent from Parent/Guardian for Special Education evaluation or GEI.
Step 5: If a GEI referral, the GEI team (Principal, Mental Health/Disabilities Coordinator, Compliance Coordinator, Education Coordinator, Classroom Teacher, Parent/Guardian, other providers as needed) will meet to develop and implement a GEI plan to target the area of concern for 4-6 weeks (4 weeks for behavior, 6 weeks for academics). Access effectiveness of intervention and determine if it needs to continue or be modified; or if the child should be dismissed from GEI or referred for a Special Education evaluation.
Step 6: Level 2 screening will take place. A Dial will be completed by Special Education staff. Scores under 7% move forward to a Special Education evaluation. Scores above are reported to teachers for referral to GEI.
Step 7: If a Special Education evaluation, each specialist evaluates their own area. The team takes all scores into account and determines the child’s qualification. This process should be completed within 40 school days.
Step 8: Evaluation meeting is held. If the student qualifies, an IEP meeting will be scheduled. If a student does not qualify, a meeting to go over evaluation results and the team's recommendation not to qualify will be scheduled.
Informational Items
Child Tax Credit
Households with low or no incomes across the country could still get thousands of dollars in federal money with the Child Tax Credit - even if they have never filed taxes before (and have not filed taxes this year).
Families can receive up to $3,600 with the Child Tax Credit if they file for this credit before November 15.
Claim your tax credit at The form takes about 15 minutes to complete, and tax documents are not required. If you want to claim additional money with the Earned Income Tax Credit, you will need your W-2(s) from your employer.
KCSL Parent Leadership Conference
Election Day - November 8
For the convenience of students and staff, the district will begin offering two (2) over-the-counter COVID-19 tests to each student and staff member, upon request. Please contact Nurse Andrea Ferrell to make a request. You can reach her by email at or by calling the school office.
Home Depot Workshops
Workshops take place the first Saturday of each month from 9:00-12:00.
November 5: Scarecrow Napkin Holder
November 26: Train Ornament
December 3: Santa Letters Mailbox
COVID Protocols
Please be sure to review both the COVID Update and the information on the Parent Resources page for the latest information from the CDC. Masks are encouraged, but not required. We will maintain strict sanitation protocols.
Late Start
Academic Calendar
Family Resources
Sheldon Food & Clothing Bank
Community Resources Council Directory
If in need of resources, you can also contact the United Way by dialing 211.
Sheldon Head Start Child Development Center
Location: 1155 SW Seabrook Ave.
Phone: 785-438-4530