Slice of Summer
June 9, 2023

Message from Ms. Smith
Hello Hawks!
Guess what? This is the final edition of Slice of Summer for 2023. That means that next week it will be a Hembree Highlights. I will keep today super short because you received SOOO much information today at Open House. It was wonderful to see everyone here today. I cannot wait for Monday! I know I will not sleep a wink Sunday night.
Three things:
1) You can walk your student to class Monday - Wednesday. This will cause us to move a little slower this week. Expect delays during arrival. Please allow for plenty of time by getting here early. Also, expect carpool and buses in the afternoon to be slower than normal. This is part of the process, but it will speed up in just a matter of days.
2) Please join us at Hembree Park (not Hembree Springs) for an informal meet and greet on Saturday, August 5, 2023 10:00 - 12:00 pm. Meet us at Hembree Park Playground and Pavilion. 850 Hembree Road
3) We need your feedback. Please share with us about your experience at Open House. We hope to get better every year which means we need to know your thoughts while those thoughts are still fresh. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! SEE YOU ALL MONDAY!!
AJ Smith
Hembree Springs ES
470-254-2905 - office
678-525-7704 - cell
Previous Newsletters
Important Dates
8/7/23: First Day of School
8/8 - 8/11: Practice Safety Drills
8/18: Back to School Picnic
8/22: SGC Meeting
8:21 - 8/27: Provide Feedback (Parents, Students, and Staff) on Departmentalization in grades 2-5
9/4: Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
9/5: Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL for students
9/6: Professional Development Day for Staff - NO SCHOOL for students
9/8: STAR/STEM Night (details to come)
Please Let Us Know How We Can Improve
It is short and sweet, so please take just a few minutes to help us improve our practices.
Want to be a Room Parent?
Hi Families!
Our amazing teachers are in need of equally amazing Room Parents. If you love to connect with your child’s teacher, communicate with other parents, and help to organize various needs and events, this is the opportunity for you! Meredith, our excellent Room Parent Coordinator, will answer any questions you have, provide training, and support you every step of the way. Kids LOVE seeing their parents in the classroom - this is the perfect way to be involved!
If you are interested in becoming a Room Parent or need more information on the many, many ways to volunteer and be involved at school, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/LLbnTvvW5o5gFHSL9
Reach out to Meredith at roomparents@hembreespringspta.org with any questions. We are excited for a wonderful school year!
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Lunch visitors will start the week of August 21, 2023.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
I am ready to get kids excited about the first day of school. Please spend some time this week listening to the songs and voting on which song should be played on the first day of school. The music will be played as we enter the building on August 7th from 7:10 -7:35 am. This is a great way to spend some time singing and dancing with your child as you come up with your family favorite. You and your child can vote as many times as you like! The process will close on August 2nd. But don't worry, I might need help again after our first narrowing process!
Principal Smith
Roar by Katy Perry
Happy by Pharrell Williams
Try Everything by Shakira
Visitors for First 2 Weeks of School
Will not allow visitors of any kind the first two weeks of school as we are learning routines. Please reach out to AJ Smith if you have any questions or concerns around this.
Homeroom Change Request Process
Homeroom Teacher Change Request Procedure
Hembree Springs Elementary School teachers and administration work hard each year to ensure that each child is placed in classrooms where they can be most successful. The process is a detail oriented process that requires thought, collaboration, and planning. However, if you as the parent feel as though there has been an error or you would like to change the classroom teachers of your child, you will need to complete the following procedure.
1) Pick up a Teacher Change Request form with attached envelope at the front desk.
2) Complete the form and return to the principal by the given deadline, August 16th, 2023.
3) Parents will have a meeting scheduled with the administrative team.
4) All meetings will be held after the ten (10) day count. At the meeting you will have an opportunity to explain why your child needs to be moved to another teacher. You will not be able to request a move to a certain teacher.
5) The administrative team will make a decision regarding the placement of your child. You will be notified of the decision within 24 hours.
Classroom Assignments are Tentative Pending Seat Count Day
Your child is getting ready for school. They have probably asked who their teacher is going to be. You will learn that news via Infinite Campus Parent Portal on July 31st. I wanted to let you know that all of this is pending "Seat Day Count." After the first 10 days of school, Fulton County Schools looks at actual enrollments of students. We have staffing based on enrollment projections. If we have grown over the summer or had a decline in enrollment, then our staffing may be impacted. I wanted to remind you that all classroom placements are pending the final staffing determinations made at the 10 day count. I will be transparent in this process as we closely monitor numbers.
What does this mean for you and your child? Simply put, there may be a teacher change shortly into school. I understand the impact to students. I will explain the details of the process if have this change. The process differs depending on whether we are adding a staff member or losing a staff member. Either way, know that there will be a great deal of communication prior to this happening.
I don't anticipate this for any grade level, but things do happen some times. Don't fret! If you have questions, please let me know.
AJ Smith - smithaj3@fultonschools.org
You Are Invited
Join the Hembree Springs PTA on Saturday, August 5th, 2023, 10 am - 12 pm, for an informal park play date! Meet other parents while your kids run around! We'll be at the playground at the rear of the park, and the pavilion is reserved. Your HSES PTA board members will be there to answer any of your questions.
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902