Collier Elementary
August 2023 Newsletter
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!! Growing with STEAM!
Message from Principal, Lisa Langford
We are so thrilled to welcome you back to school for the 2023-2024 school year at Collier Elementary School. Our staff has been busy preparing the school and classrooms for another exciting year of learning and growth. We are looking forward to hearing about your summer adventures, getting caught up with returning families and meeting our newest Collier Cougars.
Student success is the goal of every staff member at Collier. We believe with our new focus on STEAM education and dedication to high quality, research-based best practices, every student will learn to their full potential. We are prepared to offer time and support as needed. We ask for your support and participation in this effort by sending your child to school every day, encouraging them to read for pleasure at least 20 minutes every night, monitoring homework and progress, and asking your child to share what they learned at school.
Upcoming Events
August 3rd 8:10am First Day of School Celebration on the Playground
August 15th 6:00-7:30pm Open House and Title 1 Meeting
August 22nd 3:30pm Site Council and Family Engagement Team Meetings
August 22nd 6:00pm PTA Meeting
August 23rd NO SCHOOL TUSD Professional Learning Day for Staff
September 1st 6:00pm PTA Chili Cook Off and Meeting
September 4th NO SCHOOL Labor Day
September 20th -22nd Parent Teacher Conferences Students Dismissed at 11:25am
September 26th Picture Day, Yearbook Photos Taken
Welcome back!!!!!!
For those who may not know me, my name is Wendy Joy, and I am the OMA (Opening Minds through the Arts) teaching artist at Collier. I teach arts integrated lessons to every student in the school and serve as the school’s artistic director. My professional background is in dance and movement, but students will also work with visual art, music, and theatre in my classes. Our OMA lessons will cover every tested curricular area, focusing more heavily on math during the fall semester and science in the spring. Language arts and social studies will be woven into lessons throughout the entire year.
As an OMA Gold school, several grades at Collier receive additional arts instruction:
- First grade will work twice a week with a musical theatre team of professional artists.
- Third grade will receive recorder lessons once a week, beginning in the second quarter.
- Fourth grade will receive violin instruction twice a week.
- Fifth grade will receive band instruction twice a week.
I look forward to a great year of creativity with your students – don’t forget to ask them what they learned in OMA each week!
ms. wendy
Thank You!!
HUGE Thank you to The Friends of the Kirk Bear Canyon Library and Hughes Federal Credit Union for their generous donation to support our Growing With STEAM focus! Stay tuned in the next couple months to see all the amazing things that we are able to purchase with the funding!!
Thank you to eegee's for the donation of kid size eegee coupons to share with students! We are thankful for your support of Reading at Collier!!
TUSD Family Resource Centers
The TUSD Family Resource Centers have a lot to offer families!! Please click here to view their newsletter!
Tucson Unified Food Services
Is your child planning to eat school lunch? If so click here to find out all you need to know about how TUSD Food Services works, make online payments, and view the lunch menu calendar!
Meal Prices
Breakfast $1.25
Lunch $2.50
Milk $.50
Join the Collier PTA
Our Collier PTA supports students and teachers consistently with classroom items, activities, and funding. They need your support to make this happen! Please consider joining their efforts!! Click here for the PTA membership form or scan the QR code and it will take you right to their membership form!
We would love to have adult volunteers to support learning and activities at Collier! All volunteers must complete the Tucson Unified Volunteer Application. Parents and guardians do not need to complete the fingerprint component, however all other adult volunteers must be fingerprinted. If you have questions you can call the school office.
We need you!
Collier Site Council and Family Engagement Team is looking for a parent to serve! Meetings are once quarterly, the first is August 22nd, and help make decisions to support students at Collier! Please let Ms. Ida in the office know if you are interested! Thank you!
3900 N. Bear Canyon Road
Tucson, AZ 85749