Partners in Prevention
Quarterly Update
Local coalitions, coordinators, and youth go to CADCA's 33rd Annual National Leadership Forum and SAMHSA's 19th Annual Prevention Day!
Talk 2 Healthy Choices partners with local law enforcement to educate youth on cyberbullying!
The team had the opportunity to work with YES Officer King from the Airway Heights Police Department. Even Sergeant Madison came to support! We spent the day educating Westwood Middle School students on Cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying is a problem and can cause mental health consequences in youth and even lead to substance use and more.
Here are the steps that youth can take;
Tell an Adult
Think before you post!
Assessing for vape use and misuse and evaluating for long-term changes
Here are some screening and assessment tools used to screen and assess youth for vape use and misuse and working to evaluate for individual vape-related changes.
Hooked on Nicotine Checklist for Vaping (HONC)
How to talk to kids about vaping
Spring Medication Take Back Day
Medication Take Back Day will be April 22, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM