Padbury Newsletter
Issue #16 - 15 October 2020
Friday 16 Oct - Year 5 Sleepover
Sat 17/Sun 18 Oct - First Reconciliation Commitment Masses
Tues 20 Oct - Year 4 Class Mass
Thurs 22 Oct - Year 3 Reconciliation Retreat
Fri 23 Oct - Online Assembly for Students / Icy Pole Day
Tues 27 Oct - Year 1 Liturgy
Wed 28 Oct - Year 3 Sacrament of Reconciliation (pm)
Please check the community calendar for future dates as the calendar is regularly updated.
Dear Parents
Welcome to Term Four. I hope that you were able to enjoy our Perth beautiful spring weather and spend time connecting with family and friends. The children have returned in their summer uniforms and they look so fresh, clean and neat. This term we have many important events and school activities planned. Please check the school calendar and continue to read the newsletter on a weekly basis for further information.
The liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7 and the month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. We dedicate this month to honour Mary in thanks for her love and protection. The Rosary draws its mysteries from the New Testament and is centred on the great events of the Incarnation and Redemption with each decade referring to an event in the life of Jesus and Mary. Mrs Woodall will be working with the Yr 6 Spirituality council to pray a decade of the rosary with each year level during October.
Please keep the Year Three children in your prayers as they celebrate the Sacrament of Penance in the 28 October 7pm at Our Lady of the Missions Church. Making their first Reconciliation is so special as the children are drawn closer to Jesus as they ask him to help them to make the right choices in their daily lives and understand that saying sorry and showing forgiveness is such an important part of starting afresh in our relationships with others.
Please keep the Year Six children in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on the 14 and 15 November at Our Lady of the Missions Church.
On the 30 October we will be having an All Saints Mass which will be held in our hall. This mass is a celebration of the communion of saints, those people we believe are in heaven, through good works and God's grace.
Our Padbury CPS Prayer Group recommences this term in the Prayer Room at school near the administration building. Parents are invited to come and join this group either on a regular basis or as suits each Wednesday at 2.30pm. The Prayer Group provides an opportunity for our families to pray for those in need in our school community and wider. Thank you to Rafaela Rogers for coordinating the Prayer Group. She can be contacted on 0450704014 should you require any further information.
The Year Five classes have enjoyed a week of leadership events with a leadership retreat day on Wednesday with the 24/7 Youth Ministry and elections for 2021 Year 6 Councillors this coming Friday with the Electoral Education Centre. The children then conclude their week with a Sleepover this coming Friday. I will be staying for part of the evening and celebrating the Leadership Liturgy however big thank you to Ms Wilson, Mr Dias, Mrs Tardrew and Mr von Bergheim for sleeping overnight and giving up their own family time to share this special event with the children. The Year Five children are displaying some excellent leadership skills and I look forward to them demonstrating the Mercy Value of Service in their various leadership roles next year.
On the 6 November we will be holding our second Aboriginal Education Expo. Last year the Year Four classes and teachers led the expo at our school however this year we are involving the whole school. It promises to be an exhibition demonstrating authentic and respectful learning activities which promote meaningful reconciliation and an honest understanding of our shared history, from all year levels PK- Yr 6. Please continue to read future newsletters for further information on viewing times. As a lead up to the expo the children were entertained this week with a dramatic incursion called Bilya Kaatijin, a collection of Dreaming stories from various countries around the world.
P&F Icy Pole days are back! Big thanks to Elva MacDonagh for coordinating. I am sure the children will welcome something cold on the warm days in Term 4.
Building and refurbishments - Over the past two years since the new Leadership Team has been at PCPS, we have seen the completion of our refurbished administration area, brand new prayer room, total renovation of the junior, middle and upper children’s toilets and a brand new bike shelter for the large number of children who ride to school.
Educationally there have been many improvements as well with a strong focus on Literacy, Mathematics, Information and Communication Technology, Early Childhood Education and the Arts. Our focus on Information Technology saw the development of our new look Hub where the children gather to collaborate, create, innovate and explore with the latest technology at their fingertips. Our Arts focus saw the development of The Studio, our wonderful Arts Centre, which is used for both drama and the creative arts. This year we even had our inaugural Art Show showcasing a magnificent display of the children’s art work. Our Science Lab was also completed early this year in order to further spark scientific interest and enjoyment of the Science learning area. A Green Space has been developed to support the area of Sustainability and is a work in progress. In addition, new furniture and carpets have been placed in Yr 4-6 as well as new Apple TVs.
We are very excited to announce that we are currently in the beginning stages of planning for a redevelopment of the playgrounds within the school which will see contemporary play areas for the children for both the Juniors (Yr1-2) and our Middle/Uppers (Yr3-6). This will, no doubt, be a large scale project which will need to be carefully planned and staged over a couple of years. We will be ensuring student voice with the children being able to continue suggestions and ideas for the playgrounds. The Leadership Team will also be taking a selection of approximately 30 children, from various year levels, to visit, take notes, make drawings etc. of some of the outstanding playgrounds within the wider community. These ideas will add to the collection of the children’s suggestions. We also value the educational expertise of our staff and have already had a preliminary discussion with them regarding the playgrounds. Their contributions will be invaluable as we draw upon their educational early childhood knowledge as well as their knowledge of our most senior students. A Playground Committee will be formed which will include the Leadership Team, some staff and a representative from the P&F and School Board. Keep an eye out in future newsletters on progress in this area.
Our new Strategic Plan 2021-2025 has been completed and can be viewed on our school website - During the year, the Leadership Team, staff, P&F, School Board and our senior students were involved in the Strategic planning process. I appreciate and value the input from each of these stakeholders enabling us to look at Where is our school now? Where does the school want to be in 5 years’ time? How are we going to get there?
The four key elements established by the Catholic Education Commission of Western Australia (CECWA) are core to PCPS strategic focus – Inspiring Christ-centred Leaders, Catholic Schools of Excellence, Catholic Pastoral Communities, and, Accessible, Affordable and Sustainable System of Schools. It is these key areas that define PCPS priorities and will guide our school’s work over the next 5 years. In addition, the Strategic Plan also outlines the school’s performance outcomes and is intended to build upon our strengths and be consistent with our school’s commitment to our values of Respect, Excellence, Sacredness and Togetherness.
Staffing update: Please welcome Ms Nicoloff who is currently teaching Art this term whist Mrs Randazzo is on parental leave.
COVID restrictions remain in place as per last term until we are advised otherwise by the Government and CEWA. I thank you for your continued support in regards to this and remind parents to observe the social distancing rule at all times whilst on the school grounds.
Mrs Margaret Williamson
religious education
The First Reconciliation Commitment Masses are on this weekend at OLM Parish. The Year 3 teachers this week sent out a letter with information regarding Reconciliation.
This year, before Booklists are due in, teachers will be sending home any leftover items so that you can also sort your 2021 booklist based on any remaining items from this year.
Parents will be notified when Booklists are uploaded and available on the school website in the coming weeks.
We are sure parents will be very happy with these large savings and refined procedures.
Uniform Blitz
Teachers are currently completing a uniform blitz of all Year 1 - 6 students. If students have incorrect uniform items they will be given a Uniform Infringement Notice which parents will need to sign and return to school. Please note that correct uniform includes having the correct PCPS school bag.
We thank you for your support.
Mondays - 1M, 2PH, 4WvB, 5W, 6R & 3H
Thursdays - 1B, PPC, PPW, 2V, 5D, 6T, 3B & 4B
The end of year EduDance performances will be determined by COVID restrictions.
Thought for the Week
It is wonderful to see the smiling faces of all our PCPS students back at school this week! We look forward to an exciting and fun-filled term of learning ahead!
Mr Ryan von Bergheim & Mrs Loretta Hutcheson
Assistant Principals
Mercy Celebration Day
Icy Pole Fridays are back!
Changes for 2020:
Icy Poles have now gone cashless and are available to order on Flexischools for the rest of the term. Children will only receive the icy pole you order for them on Flexischools, they can't choose one on the day like they did previously.
Cut off for orders is 12 mid-day the Wednesday before.
Parent volunteers & teacher assistance are essential to bring this special treat to your kids, please be patient over the coming term as this new process evolves.
Any queries please contact: Elva MacDonagh via email
Boy Choir...Tuesdays...8:15am in the hall.🎶 All Boys welcome in years 3,4, 5 and 6.
Girl Choir ...Wednesdays...8:15am in the hall.🎶 All Girls welcome in years 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Mrs Sylvia Grigoroff-Cusack
Music Teacher
This Week’s focus: NEW APP: BEACON
A new cyber safety smartphone app for parents called “Beacon” has just been launched by the cyber experts at Telethon Kids Institute and Bankwest! Beacon provides the most trusted and up-to-date information that you and your family will need to navigate the ever-changing online world. Beacon will shine a light on the online world, helping you to keep your children safe online.
- Articles and videos backed by the latest research
- Tailored content and alerts, unique to your family needs
- Create your own family agreement
- Find help and services that are available to you and your family
Download the free Beacon app today:
Facebook - @TelethonKids
Instagram - @telethon_kids
Mr von Bergheim
Assistant Principal
Social Worker's Corner
Pastoral Care
Please keep the Gardiner family in your prayers on the recent passing of Eden (K) and Mya's (Yr 3) Nonna. May she rest in peace.
Prayer Group
For the past eight years our PCPS Prayer group has been meeting, praying for our children, families, teachers and members of our extended school community.
We are delighted that the Prayer group can now resume.
We welcome you to join us when you can, or if you feel that you or any other member of our school community are in need of prayer.
WHEN: Wednesday 2:30 pm
WHERE: PCPS Prayer Room (near the admin building opposite the sandpit)
Please contact Rafaela Rogers 0450704014, should you require any information about this prayer group.
"Be still and know that I am God." ( Psalm 46:10)
Rafaela Rogers
PCPS Prayer Group Co ordinator
If you haven't already done so, please like/follow/share us!
padbury cares
Parish Update
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Whitford Parish
Website :
24:7 Whitfords Youth Group
For all youth in Years 6 to 12
1st, 3rd & 5th Fridays @ Whitfords Parish Hall, 7pm
Coming up: (Next week for Friday youth groups) Friday 16th October Tropical Holiday Party!
Call Amanda 0421144992 or Luke 041822932 for more information
community news
Padbury Catholic Primary School
Location: O'Leary Road, Padbury WA, Australia
Phone: 94044000