CMIT North Middle School Newsletter
Week of November 27, 2022

Week of May 7, 2023
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Important Dates
5/10: PTO Meeting @ 6:30pm
5/19: 4th Quarter Progress Reports Released
5/29: Memorial Day - PGCPS Schools Closed
6/12: 2-Hour Early Dismissal
6/12: 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony (5 pm)
6/12: 2-Hour Early Dismissal
6/13: 2-Hour Early Dismissal (Last Day of School for Students)
Sync school calendars with your own Google Calendar using the links below.
Teacher Appreciation Week May 8th - 12th
Parents and guardians. Teachers can have such a huge impact on a young person's life but are among the lowest-paid professionals, given the required level of education. That's why even small gestures of appreciation are so important. This is especially true at this time when the profession is grappling with many teachers leaving the classroom and historically low applicants to replace them.
Please reach out in any way you can to one or more of your student's teachers. Show them how much you appreciate them and the very hard job they do. This year's theme is travel, "It's Plane to See We Have The Best Teachers in The World".
School Dismissal
Need to update your scholar's "Dismissal Type"? Email receptionist@cmitacademy.org. Include the following in your email:
1. Student's Full Name
2. Dismissal Type: Car Rider, Bus/Van Rider, Walker, Enrichment
Reminder: All Car Riders must be picked up at the rear of the school building. Pick-up along the street is not permitted.
Dismissal Procedure
Car Riders - 2:48 pm
Bus/Van Riders & Walkers - 2:55 pm
After School Activities - 3:00 pm
Thank you for helping us keep our dismissal process safe and orderly!
Academic Announcements
2023 PGCPS Student Art Exhibit
The PGCPS Student Art Exhibit is back! A limited number of student artwork from across the county has been selected to represent each school in this year's county art show. We were limited in the number of works we were allowed to display in this north county exhibit, so I hope you share my pride in our scholars' accomplishments.
The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center
8270 Alumni Dr
University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
The exhibit will be on display in the lobby Tuesday, May 2, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. through Friday, May 12, 2023, until 2:00 p.m.
Ms. Knox, Art Teacher
Math Tutoring Opportunities (Grades 3-12)
FREE Online Math Tutoring is available for all students in grades 3-12.
Prince George’s County Public Schools has teamed up with Carnegie Learning to provide students with virtual, 1-on-1, on-demand or drop-in tutoring. All at no cost to families! Highly-qualified math tutors are available to support students with coursework using MATHiaR, Carnegie Learning’s adaptive software, or other available resources. Tutors will identify and close skill gaps, accelerate learning, and build academic confidence!
2023 Soccer Game Schedule
May 8 - CMIT North @ Benjamin Tasker (BOYS 1ST 5:30PM)
Mr. McCain, Athletic Director
Upcoming Events
8th Grade Promotion
**Save the Date**
The 8th Grade Promotion will be Monday, June 12th at 5 pm!
The ceremony will be held at CMIT North High School's gymnasium.
Each 8th-grade scholar will be provided with three (3) guest tickets. Please plan accordingly.
CMIT North MS PTO is providing each 8th-grade student with a commemorative t-shirt. Please complete the 8th Grade T-Shirt Order Form. The shirt will include the name of each 8th-grade student on the back and a class-selected design on the front.
Attire, rehearsal, and ticket distribution details will be shared soon.
PTO Announcements
PTO Uniform Drive
We are accepting any gently used uniforms that you would like to donate to the PTO Uniform Drive at the front desk starting on Tuesday 2/21/23.
PTO Volunteer Sign Up Sheet
Please use the following link to sign up if you want to be listed as a volunteer for any upcoming activities or events sponsored by the PTO. PTO Volunteer Sign-Up
Breakfast/Lunch Menu
Stay up to date with the monthly breakfast and lunch menu with Meal Viewer.