Carlock Corner
Sept 1, 2023
No School Monday, September 4!
Upcoming Dates and Info
Monday, Sept. 4 - No School
Wednesday, Sept 6 - Mum pick up anytime after 10:00am. Mums will be organized outside for anytime pickup.
Tuesday, Sept. 12 - Early Release Day (students released at 10:45am) Sack lunch is available
Monday, Sept. 18 - Law Enforcement Drill -Details below
Monday, Sept. 18 - PTC Virtual Meeting (Virtual Link)
Tuesday, Sept. 19 - School Picture Day
Friday, Sept. 29 - NO School: Teacher Institute Day
1/2 Day Lunch Order
Please fill out if you would like your child to receive a sack lunch on our 1/2 days this school year. The form is due Tuesday, Sept. 5
School Safety & Law Enforcement Drills
Part of our mission in Unit 5 to keep all of our stakeholders safe involves teaching best practices for responding to emergency situations. Over the past few years we have worked to strengthen these practices with our first responders throughout our area. Our school community has adopted and practiced the Standard Response Protocols by the ILoveUGuys Foundation. The standard response protocols are based on five actions that can be done to respond to all emergencies.
HOLD - During a HOLD, students would stay in their classroom with the teacher and wait for an all-clear before moving to the next class. We might call a HOLD for a spill or other unsafe situation in the hallway.
SECURE - We would call a SECURE if there was an unsafe event happening outside of the school. Exterior doors are all checked and students are not allowed to leave the building until it is safe.
LOCKDOWN - A LOCKDOWN would be called if an extremely unsafe situation existed in the school. Students and staff would lockdown their classrooms until police could secure the building.
EVACUATE - In the case of a fire, gas leak, or any other situations that make inside the building unsafe, we would EVACUATE the building using plans that are posted in each classroom.
SHELTER - If weather conditions are unsafe, we would call a SHELTER which would cause students to move to the safest locations within our building.
For more details, a parent handout is linked here. The handout is also available in Spanish and linked here.
As a matter of teaching and learning how to respond in an emergency, every other year the last three actions are practiced with our first responder agencies in our Law Enforcement and Fire Drills. This will include leaving campus and moving students to our primary reunification site at Eastview Church. Under the School Safety Drill Act, a law enforcement drill must be observed within the first 90 days of school.
This year’s lockdown drill/reunification walk through at Eastview Church will occur on Monday, September 18, 2023. If you do not want your child to participate in the lockdown drill/reunification walkthrough, please complete the following Opt-out Request and return it to your child’s classroom teacher by Wednesday, September 13, 2023.
5th Grade Spotlight
What's up in 5th grade...
In 5th grade, they are continuing to practice routines and expectations within the classroom. They have started morning meetings (student-led) and have been taught many community-building games. During reading, they are creating our own islands based on the read aloud Weslandia. In writing, they are setting up a writer's workshop and focusing on why writers write. In science, they are about to start the unit on ecosystems and how matter moves through them. In math, they are starting chapter one, which focuses on volume. This unit will culminate with a Volume Zoo, where the kids create a 3D zoo animal out of shoeboxes, etc., and they will end up finding the total volume of their animal.
National Read A Book Day!
Wednesday, Sept. 6
There are many benefits to our children reading or being read to. As well as improving literacy skills, reading enhances concentration and memory and builds vocabulary. It also reduces stress as you find yourself getting lost in the book!
Tips to help our students read at home:
- Have them find a cozy, well-lit area
- Read aloud or listen to them read.
- Create a healthy snack bag for them while they read or listen to a story
- If it's been a while since they have read or heard a story out loud, start with their favorite story/author
All schools in Unit 5 have implemented a positive behavior support system known as PBIS. PBIS is a “positive behavior support” that is a proactive, comprehensive, systematic, and individualized continuum of support designed to provide opportunities for all students to achieve social and learning success while preventing problem behaviors.
A robust reinforcement system is a significant component of PBIS. Here at Carlock, we use Eagle Feathers as our acknowledgment system. Students can use these feathers throughout the year! In addition we will hold a few whole school PBIS incentives for our students. Acknowledging and reinforcing positive behavior is one of the best ways to encourage appropriate behavior. Students aim to gather these throughout their day by following our behavioral matrix. The three foundations of the Carlock behavioral matrix are Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.
We have learned over the past few years from reviewing the data collected that the behavior of our Carlock Eagles is excellent! We are striving to be our best! Our PBIS team meets monthly to discuss the positive behavior systems we have in place at Carlock and the data that gives us feedback to evaluate how we are doing.
Box Tops for Carlock
Help the Carlock PTC to earn a few dollars! Download the app, scan receipts and click on Carlock!
Wesley Distribution Ministry
Wesley United Methodist Church invites anyone in need to come to our
free household paper products pantry, the Wesley Distribution Ministry,
413 E. Washington Street, Bloomington on the third Saturday of each
month from 9 to 11:30 AM.
Connect with Carlock
The Carlock Corner will be sent throughout the school year for families to stay updated with Carlock happenings.
Location: 301 W Washington St, Carlock, IL, USA
Phone: 309-557-4412
Carlock Cell Phone: 309-989-2643 (text or call) use after 2:30pm if no one answers main line
Twitter: @Carlockeagles