Views at Valley
September 2019
A Note from Mrs. Johnson
Greetings, Valley Mills families!
We have had a busy month learning how to be safe, respectful, responsible, and focused in our lessons. We are utilizing Second Steps to have daily reminders in our classrooms. We also have had a record number of positive referrals, where students are showing exceptional instances of being responsible Valley Mills Vikings.
We have had some really neat opportunities to welcome guests, including the Decatur Central Hawks Basketball coach, John Ashworth to talk about how we can prevent bullying in our school. Our very own Kiersti Binette and Edie Perkins introduced the students to Bully Beans, where students learn how to prevent bullying and how to be responsible bystanders. Overall, we are working on helping students understand how their words and actions can positively impact our school community.
Our first Dine and Donate was a success, thanks to El Rodeo. We are excited to host our next Dine and Donate on September 17 at Culvers from 5-8 pm. Please come out and support our school.
We are so excited to continue learning and growing together!
Thank you,
Mrs. Johnson
Valley Mills Elementary
Principal: Rebecca Johnson
Assistant Principal: Stephanie Werner
Lead Teacher: Jennifer Keller
Treasurer: Sheena Turner
Secretary: Toni Leedy
CIS Coordinator: Kirsti Binette
Nurse: Hailey Music
Location: 5101 South High School Road, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Phone: (317) 856-6363
Twitter: @vmvikes
Dates to Remember:
9/6-Book Fair Opens
9/6-Team Time
9/6-Fire Fighter Friday for 3rd + 4th
9/9-Extended Day
9/10-Last day for trash bag fundraiser
9-10-Pastries with Parents 8am
9/10-Parent/Volunteer Orientation
9/12-Decatur Skate night, see flyer below
9-13-Last day for Book Fair sales
9/23-Spirit Week
10/2-Student Led Conferences-No School
10/3-Flu Shots
10/4-Team Time 9:15-10am
10/8-2nd Grade Fire Safety
10/10-Fall Festival
10/25-Cool Smiles
10/31-Vision Screening
10/24-Fall Picture retakes
Title 1 Survey
Thank you to all our volunteers for the 2018-2019 school year! If you plan to volunteer this school year please remember to fill out an electronic volunteer form.
Pastries with Parents
In Our Community
Our MSD Decatur Township Firefighters will come to Valley Mills the first Friday of every month, on rotation visiting with our 1st-4th graders.
Bus Drivers Needed
Bus Drivers Needed
Flexible Hours:
6 am to 9 am and 2 pm to 5 pm
You only work when students are in school
Pay: $16.00 per hour for sub drivers
Free and completed in 6 weeks
Please call 317-856-8060 ext 204
Mark Anderson
From the Board of Education:
It is the Board’s commitment to provide a safe, positive, productive and nurturing educational environment for all of its students. Any individual who believes a student has been or is the victim of discrimination, bullying, or harassment should report the situation to the building principal or designee or complete the School District’s Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying report form, which is available online at