St. Patrick Catholic School
Principal's Weekly Newsletter
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Congratulations to Mrs. Byers and her Kindergarten students on leading their first Mass yesterday.
They did a great job! Our older students are always willing to help our younger students!
May 4, 2023
Dear families,
Join us tonight for the 7th/8th grade music concert, and next week Tuesday for the 5th-8th grade band concert, both in the Dutcher Gym. The students have been working hard on their programs!
Our eighth graders have accomplished so much during their time at our school. Academically they have achieved at high levels while being involved in many extracurricular activities from athletics to band to Battle of the Books and more. Because of their hard work here at St. Patrick, they have set a course for success as they move forward.
Eighth graders will be celebrating with their honors Mass on Wednesday, May 17, at 5:15 p.m. This is the perfect way for our students to finalize their time here at St. Patrick Catholic School. The Mass is a way of celebrating the Catholic faith while celebrating each of our eighth graders individually and the group as a whole. I have been blessed to work with these fine young individuals over the past school year. They have shown tremendous growth, served as commendable role models, and will go on to do great things in high school and beyond.
Mr. Wiebers
Cancer awareness week is all about praying for those affected by cancer. Families were able to purchase a ribbon and pray for those with cancer. Proceeds went to the American Cancer Society. Ribbons are on display throughout our building.
Our 5th/6th grade students went on a field trip to the Living History Farm on Tuesday. They learned so much about Iowa history! We love having our students learn outside of the classroom.
Ms. Hill's class had a toiletry drive to collect items for patients and families at the Stead Family Children's Hospital who are unable to travel back and forth each day while their child is in the hospital.
It is not too late to sign up!
Late registrations are welcome but do not receive t-shirts. Use the registration form that came home in backpacks or download one here to be a walker or runner. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus for serving breakfast again this year. Not a runner or walker? Come and cheer the group on and pay $5 for breakfast in the gym.
Share our Facebook Event to invite your friends and family to run, walk, and enjoy breakfast with us!
Field Day Volunteers Needed
St. Patrick Night at the Bucks June 10
Save the date! Your family will be able to purchase discounted tickets online directly from the Bucks website, by phone, or in advance at the ballpark. This is a Saturday game followed by fireworks for an evening of fun with the St. Patrick family. If you know of anyone interested in our school, you are welcome to invite them to come and see what a wonderful group we are! Tickets can be purchased online starting May 18th.
Stock Up on Scrip
Scrip cards and certificates are great for graduation and wedding gifts. Stock up for the spring and summer months! Place your order through your Raise Right account, email scrip@cfcatholicschool.org, or print a paper form.
Spring Volunteer Sign Up upcoming needs are at the top of the list
St. Patrick Catholic School
Clover Patch Preschool Ages 3-5
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Email: office@cfcatholicschool.org
Website: cfcatholicschool.org
Location: Cedar Falls, IA, USA
Phone: 319-277-6781