École James R. Henderson
Weekly Update
Friday, October 2nd, 2020
Dear Families,
Happy October! We have been so fortunate to have mostly good weather this week, and students did a very good job of staying in their seats with a quiet activity during the couple of indoor recesses. Today, we did have students come into the school as soon as they arrived, due to the heavy rain: this went very smoothly, and students were able to physically distance easily as they arrived. The only reminder to be super-safe is to ensure that your child enters through their regular cohort door (even if they have to walk a little further in the rain!) Thank you.
Our Staff and Students took time on Wednesday to participate in Orange Shirt Day, to learn about and discuss what happened to many First Nations children who attended Residential Schools here in Canada, and to reflect on the freedom and privilege we have to attend a school in our neighbourhood where we can be who we are, surrounded by caring adults. We are committed to continuing our journey to learn about our role in the Truth and Reconciliation call to action, and will be including strategies and goals to support this in our School Climate Goal this year.
We are looking forward to recognizing the 40th year of the Terry Fox Run next Friday, October 9th. Classes will be able to sign up for a time to do a run/walk around the track, and families who would like to support the Terry Fox Foundation may do so using the online link below. Thank you for your support of this important charity!
We had our first Parent Council Meeting last night, and had a strong turn out of parents and caregivers. Welcome to the new members, and thank you to our returning members for sharing your time and experience to support our school community. Some of the traditional committees are "on hold" for now (Family Movie Night, Mayfair, Hot Lunch, Staff Appreciation and Learning Commons), but we were still able to fill many of the Executive Roles:
2020-21 School Advisory Council Executive
Chair: Erica Benn
Treasurer: Mark Foster
FInance Committee: Mark Foster
Secretary: Angela Haibach
Consumables Committee: Natasha Muller/Renee Lowry
Eco-initiatives Committee: Natalie Douglas/Tina Holland
Fundraising Committee: Jillian McCormick/Tina Holland
Parent Involvement Committee (PIC): Mark Foster
Our Staff Representatives this year are M Higginson and Mme MacKay. Merci à tout le monde pour votre temps et votre enthousiasme!
The LDSB Parent Involvement Committee is looking for a parent/guardian of a student who is attending the Virtual School to represent Remote Learners/Families this year. If you are interested, or would like additional information, please contact Mme Peart pearts@limestone.on.ca.
Please be aware that the COVID Daily Screening Tool was updated this week: all students (and staff) must do the daily assessment, and follow the guidelines from Public Health. There is a link to the online screening tool below.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mme Peart & Mrs. Davey
COVID-19 Daily Active Screening
COVID-19 Screening Tool
Parents and caregivers must review the following checklist with their child/student before sending them to school each day and before putting them on a school bus.
Please use the online COVID-19 School Screening Tool available in English and French (released October 1, 2020). You can print or download this version in English or French (by clicking on the top right). We are working on translations in additional languages. This new screening tool replaces what was provided previously (Sept. 21, 2020 version).
Henderson Hawks Spirit Wear!
Want to look spiffy, stay warm and show off your Henderson Hawks Pride? Check out all of the amazing clothing and accessories available at our École James R. Henderson School E-Store:
Upcoming Events
- Friday, October 9th: JRHenderson Terry Fox Day
- Monday, October 12th: Thanksgiving
Friday, October 16th: IEP distribution
Monday, October 26th: Gould Lake Visit (Gallupe/Goffaux, Bruder/Martin)
Tuesday, October 27th: Gould Lake Visit (VanderVecht & Vines)
Terry Fox Marathon of Hope
Due to the unusual start to the school year, we will be recognizing Terry Fox Day on Friday, October 9th: classes will each have a turn to run/walk around the track to honour the legacy of Terry Fox.
We will not be accepting any cash donations this year, but families are welcome to support this wonderful cause by donating to: http://www.terryfox.ca/JamesRHendersonPSKingston. Together, we can all make a difference!
#terryfoxschoolruns @terryfoxfoundation
School Council Information
Safe Arrival: Reporting a Student Absence
There are three options to use to report a student absence:
- call the automated attendance phone line at 1-855-257-9349 **Always enter "lates" as a full day even if the child will only be absent for half a day. It will adjust automatically once the student arrives.
- use the SchoolMessenger App on your phone.
- use the SchoolMessenger website portal.
For more information on how to report an absence please click on the link below.
Stay up to date!
Please continue to check the LDSB microsite for updated information on the Director's messages, Frequently asked Questions, Family Reference Guide, Wellness Resources & Supports, Remote Learning info, Public Health info and Ministry of Education information. This area is updated regularly as information becomes available or changes.
School ReOpening Reference Guide
Limestone DSB Frequently Asked Questions
LDSB Website https://www.limestone.on.ca/
LDSB Twitter https://twitter.com/LimestoneDSB
LDSB Facebook https://tinyurl.com/wbhjtku
LDSB Instagram https://instagram.com/limestonedsb?igshid=1epyma6c0g5qd
James R Henderson Parking Guide
École James R. Henderson Public School
Email: jrhen@limestone.on.ca
Website: https://jrhenderson.limestone.on.ca/
Location: 361 Roosevelt Drive, Kingston, ON, Canada
Phone: 613-389-2330
Twitter: @JRHenPS_LDSB