Important update
For Bremerton High School students & families
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Wednesday, April 27 updates
Update to office hours
- There was an error in teacher office hours in our communication yesterday. This information has been corrected below.
- Every teacher will have an open Zoom / Google Meet for office hours Thursday and Friday from 12:20 - 1:20 pm.
Media coverage
Our pivot to online learning has generated considerable media interest. We had a news station interviewing students off-campus this morning. This was not coordinated or preapproved by the District. We will always request parent permission prior to coordinating any media interviews with students.
AP testing
- AP testing is scheduled to begin on Monday, May 2.
- If school remains online next week, AP testing will continue as planned.
- Students who are scheduled to take an AP test should come to school for their scheduled AP test.
- The testing schedule and test locations will not be changing.
Technology assistance
- Our Tech Hotline will be staffed from 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Thursday and Friday for students and staff needing technical assistance.
April 26, 2022
Good evening Bremerton High School students and families:
Bremerton High School will be pivoting to Connected/Virtual Learning (online) for Thursday, April 28 and Friday, April 29. This change only impacts Bremerton High School. All other schools in the District will continue with in-person learning.
This short-term shift to Connected Learning is due to a staffing shortage. We’ve seen an increase in staff absences at Bremerton High School for a variety of illnesses, including COVID. Like many districts, we are experiencing a substitute shortage and do not have adequate staffing to be able to teach all of our classes - even with BHS and District office staff helping to cover classes.
Our plan is to resume in-person learning on Monday, May 2. We will evaluate staffing levels on Sunday night and update families by 8 p.m.
IMPORTANT: Tomorrow, please remind your student to take home their Chromebook and any books or assignments they need for school on Thursday and Friday.
Accommodations & transportation
- Students who need space to work or do not have reliable internet access can come to school. Space will be available for students to participate in Connected/Virtual Learning.
- Morning buses will run on their regular schedule.
- Afternoon buses will depart BHS at 12:20 p.m. (see schedule below).
Schedule & attendance
Students will be expected to participate in online classes following the schedule below. Attendance will be taken.
Teacher office hours
School meals
Breakfast will be only be available for students who are learning at school Thursday and Friday.
Lunch will be available for all BHS students from 11:50 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.
Students who are learning at school can eat lunch at school, or take a “grab-and-go” lunch home.
"Grab-and-go" lunches will be available for pick-up from 11:50 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. for students who are learning at home. They will be distributed at the Ohio Street entrance (where lunches were distributed when school buildings were closed).
- Athletics will continue as planned.
- Any changes to practice or games/meets will be communicated by the coach.
Please know that we do not make these decisions lightly, as we understand the impact on our students and families. We appreciate your patience and kindness as we work to provide the most supportive learning environment possible in the midst of this new challenge. Our sincere desire and plan is to return on Monday fully staffed and ready to engage with our students in successful teaching and learning.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Phone: 360-473-1000