RPI Pulse Newsletter
January 16, 2022
A note from the principal's desk...
I hope you are having a great weekend. Not a ton of things this week. Please look at the two items below and our P2 character strength of the week. This would be a great week to look at the P2 for families conversation starters!
- NO SCHOOL TOMORROW in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Public Health will be at Reeths-Puffer Intermediate School on January 20-21, 2022 to screen the 5th graders' vision. If you wish to opt out of this service call or send a written notice to the office prior to our arrival. They will need to wear a face mask for this screening.
Have a great week everyone!
Yours in Rocket Pride,
Scott Panozzo, Principal
100 Hours Challenge
The Reeths-Puffer Wellness Committee is challenging all staff and students (and families) to participate in 100 hours outdoors in the month of January. This challenge is inspired from 1,000 Hours Outside .
This is an attempt to match nature time with screen time. Children are spending an average of 1200 hours a year on screens. Let's work to encourage spending this time outdoors and shift towards a more productive and healthy outcome. :)
This challenge will began on January 1. If you are feeling inspired to try 1,000 hours outdoors, that challenge runs through the end of the calendar year.
CLICK HERE for the sheet to track the number of hours outside every month! Anyone who turns in this sheet on February 1 will be entered into a prize drawing!
The Positivity Project
This week's character strength: Perseverance
Our definition this week is: You complete what you start despite obstacles. You never give up.
"Don't quit." "Never give up." etc. These are quotes that many use when they talk about perseverance. However, in a time when the "reset" button or swiping up are so easy to do, we sometimes struggle with working hard to stick with something. As a parent, I know how hard it is to help kids understand that failing is an OK thing. Try this quote with your kids:
F.A.I.L. = First Attempt In Learning
P2 for Families: Take a look at the P2 for Families Section of their website.
Password: P2 (must be capital)
Protect Young Eyes - Digital Trust Framework
CLICK HERE for the website.
CLICK HERE for this excellent framework to model best practice phone usage.
After School Programs Continue
Yoga: Wednesdays - Pick up 3:45
Endurance Adventure: Thursdays - CLICK HERE for updates
We also have some counseling brochures by the front door in the main office. More descriptions are included! CLICK HERE for more information. Please contact Mrs. Peel (our school counselor) for more information: peelk@reeths-puffer.org
Food Service Information
- Fill out your Free/Reduced Application. CLICK HERE. Even if you think you don't qualify, the rules have changed and other IMPORTANT school programs are based off of this information. Thanks for doing this!
A La Carte Snacks at Lunch
School Calendar
3: School Resumes
After School Endurance Adventure (pick up at 3:45pm)
5: After School Yoga (pick up at 3:34pm)
10: After School Endurance Adventure (pick up at 3:45pm)
10: School Board Meeting (5:30p -- ESB)
12: After School Yoga (pick up at 3:34pm)
17: No School / MLK Day
19: After School Yoga (pick up at 3:34pm)
21: 2nd Marking Period Ends
24: 3rd Marking Period Begins
After School Endurance Adventure (pick up at 3:45pm)
26: After School Yoga (pick up at 3:34pm)
Reeths-Puffer Intermediate
Website: www.reeths-puffer.org
Location: 1500 North Getty Street, Muskegon, MI, USA
Phone: 2317449280
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reeths-Puffer-Intermediate-863900696970981/
Twitter: @scottpanozzo