Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 9th September 2021
God, our Father
Bless these men,
that they may find strength as fathers.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters,
may honor them always
with a spirit of profound respect.
2021 Important Dates
Week 8:
Fri 10 Sept: School Photos; OLC's Got Talent
Week 9:
Mon 13 Sept: Y3 Koomal Dreaming - Ngilgi Cave / Dental Screening: PP, Y3, Y6
Fri 17 Sept: Y3M/L Performance Assembly
Week 10: Book Week
Mon 20 Sept: PP Koomal Dreaming Quindalup Cultural Walk
Wed 22 Sept: Book Week Dress Up day / OLC SAC Meeting
Fri 24 Sept: Free Dress - Sporting Colours - Donations - Last Day of Term 3
Term 4 Commences Mon 11 Oct
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Happy Father’s Day
We all hope all the fathers, grandfathers and father figures in our community had a relaxing day. Thank you for all the great work that you do in being excellent role models for those in your care.
Playground Update and Help Needed
With a great effort by Alister, Nikki, Honor, Matt and Chris, the design of the playground is nearly finished. This means you better get your carpentry and gardening skills ready for the start of construction during the coming school holidays. The time to complete the playground will be a matter of how much help is provided by the school community, and yes, there is something that all parents, grandparents and friends can help with. We will have two main groups of helpers, the first is the on site help with the building of the playground and completing the surrounding gardens. The second group of helpers will make the playground furniture within the comforts of their own home. The materials and designs for the furniture will be provided and could be as simple as preparing balancing beams, as an example. Even if you only give an hour, we would like to see your hand go up in enthusiasm. So if you can give an hour or more, please text message Craig on 0407 470 349 and let him know if you can help on site or off site, or both. Days and times of help will be broadcast to those interested and should you be unable to make it on that day, that’s okay, there will be other days. We look forward to working with as many people as we can to make this wonderful addition to our kids school.
OLC’s Got Talent
Thank you to Mrs. Haines for co-ordinating OLC’s Got Talent. We look forward to watching the many varied acts tomorrow afternoon. There will be no formal assembly. OLC's Got Talent will commence at 1.40pm. Parents are welcome to attend. Fresh eggs and Worm Wizz for sale with all proceeds going to Wheelchairs for Kids.(Bring some cash)
Book Week
On Wednesday 22 September we have our dress-up parade for book week. Assembly will commence at 9am. Our Star Citizens awards will also be presented at the assembly.
Registration Plate Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone in our school community for the generous support of purchasing our CAPE registration plates. There are still double-digit number plates available which can be purchased at the office for $500, and the triple digits are available for $300. Many thanks to Carolyn Trowbridge and our human dynamo Fran, in the front office.
Mr Torrese in charge!
I will be taking Long Service leave for the final two weeks of term. Mr Torrese will be acting principal in my absence.
Interschool Sports
It has now been confirmed that our interschool Athletics is being held on Thursday 21 October at Hay Park in Bunbury. Our bus load of competitors will leave school at approximately 8am.
School Photos
Our school photos are being held today and tomorrow. Thank you to all families for ensuring your children were in full school uniform with hair well groomed.
Final day of term
On the final day of term, Friday September 24, all students are welcome to wear their sporting colours, and bring a gold coin donation. All funds raised will go to local charities. Thank you for your much needed support in this area.
Did you know
Year 4Del were working on their novel study at 10.19am last Monday
- Van (K) wore his Adelaide Crows jumper to school Wednesday. There is also a completely different Van coming to OLC next year, he is not a Crows supporter.
- Ariana Giglia is coming to OLC next year.
- Maxwell Blechynden, Tim Dwyer, Zoe Mant and Georgia Gatty went to Mr Lee’s ute to collect some potting mix, plant containers, petunias and marigolds. A usually reliable source, (Maxwell) assured Mr Lee that they did not test drive his car before returning the keys.
- Ruby (4 Dan) makes delicious chocolate chip cookies.
- Our chooks are laying many high-quality eggs at the moment.
- Our potato crop is ready to be harvested.
- Being humble means recognising that we are not on earth to see how important we can become but to see how much we can make a difference in the life of others.
- Woolworfs is a magnificent way to spell Woolworths when you are in year 2.
OLC Art Exhibition 3-5th June 2022
The P&F will be running an Art Exhibition fundraiser in the June long weekend of next year. The exhibition will be similar to the annual Fine Art @ Hale School Exhibition and engages and showcases artists in the southwest region. With your help the event will raise money to assist with the visual arts program at OLC with funds going towards artist in residence programs, equipment, and activities to foster the creativity of our students and provide opportunities for engagement, critical thinking, and community connection. The P&F are looking for a sub-committee to be involved in the inaugural OLC Art Exhibition. If you would like to be involved, please email olcparentsandfriends@gmail.com or touch base with Annie Mussell 0408940560.
P&F Committee Members 2022
The OLC Parents and Friends committee raise funds for the purpose of providing amenities and enhancements for the benefit of all our students. OLC’s unique community spirit is evident in our vast network of committed parent volunteers. We are currently looking for volunteers; parents, grandparents and family members to join the P&F committee. There is an array of opportunities to be involved and support OLC. If you would like to be involved, please email olcparentsandfriends@gmail.com.
God Moments
- Observing Freida and Holland (Y5) from the challenge academy explaining their knowledge on bees to the Year One class. The Year One class then went on to make bees.
Class Happenings
Heaps of dads were able to attend the kindy class activities over the past fortnight.
Mrs Birch's Pre-primary class harvested their potato crop last Monday afternoon during their Indonesian lesson. They planted 20 potatoes (Kentang in Indonesian) and dug up 383 "new potatoes". Farmer Leahy harvested hers on Wednesday.
Year One
Making popcorn in science understanding that things change.
Year Two
Lots of work happening with money, persuasive text writing and mixtures in science and technology.
Year Three
Have completed some brilliant science work with chocolate welding.
Year Four
Have completed Rosary lapbooks and are currently investigating properties in science.
Year Five
Mr Jones' class has being doing pottery in art lessons and creating 3D food information text boxes.
Year Six
Are creating some impressive work in our new outdoor classroom by the Mia. This is going to be an impressive area of our growing school.
Challenge Academy
Are presenting their learnings on bees to all classes during this week.
2021 NAPLAN Results
OLC has once again experienced terrific results on our NAPLAN assessment this year.
In both years three and five our school results were above (well above in some areas) the national average.
This is fantastic reward for the whole school and small-group school intervention programmes as well as the enormous effort attitude and expertise of all our teachers and support staff.
Our aim is to not only maintain but to keep growing these results but analysing them very closely to ensure strong improvement in all areas.
Congratulations and well done to all our year three and five students on the perseverance and rigour that they showed during the assessment process.
Here is a link to FAQ Brochure for parents and carers:
Adrian Torrese
Assistant Principal
Term 4 Uniforms
Canteen News
RE Updates
Making Jesus Real by volunteering.
We are so blessed to live in this beautiful place, and we are constantly looking for meaningful ways that our students can "Make Jesus Real" in their daily lives. With this goal in mind, the Year 6 students have been invited to participate in a local opportunity to give something back to our community and to make a difference to the people around them.
St. George's Anglican Church runs a weekly community kitchen called "Manna and Mercy," which next week is resuming sit down meals for anyone in the community to attend. This takes place every Tuesday evening between 5.00pm and 6.00pm.
Each Tuesday for the rest of the year, 2 students from the Year 6 classes will help to set up tables and chairs and prepare the space for the sit-down meals. This will take approximately 1-1.5 hours from 1.00pm.
Alongside helping others, this provides an opportunity to develop new skills, awareness of others and self-confidence in our children. A number of our beautiful staff members also volunteer to help out in different roles at these weekly events. The Spirit of Jesus right there!
Bishop’s Jubilee
Congratulations to Bishop Gerard Holohan who celebrated the 50th Anniversary of his ordination as a priest last weekend. He was first ordained as a deacon, then a priest, and
in 2001, he was ordained as a Bishop. In commemoration of this, we will be holding a prayer service at tomorrow's assembly. All parents, family and friends are welcome to attend.
Good luck to Alexis Giglia who will now go to Darwin next week to represent WA as a member of the Women's Artistic Gymnastics Country Team, after the event was previously postponed due to lockdown. Good luck Alexis!
Amie Meyer
Assistant Principal RE
community news
Community Environmental Opportunity
Dunsborough Dental Mobile
The Dunsborough Dental Mobile will be closed from Tuesday 14th September to Monday 11th October. The Clinic will re-open on Tuesday the 12th October.
For clinic closures between 3rd September through to 24th September please contact 9757 8211 for emergency dental treatment or your family dentist.
For closure on school holidays Tuesday 28th September to 11th October please contact 9754 4460 for emergency dental treatment or contact your family dentist.
For any enquiries please email dunsboroughmobile@health.wa.gov.au and we will respond to your email when we open on Tuesday 12th October.
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/