Patriot Post
August 2022
Welcome to Beckman!
Registration Dates
August is approaching quickly which means that the start of school is just around the corner. Please plan to attend the registration date assigned to your class listed below. Incoming 9th graders will be contacted by their Link Leaders with specific information pertaining to orientation on August 2nd. Please see attached for the ASB order form for the 2022-23 school year.
August 2nd – Freshman Orientation “Link Cru”
August 3rd – Freshman Registration (8:00 - 12:00)
August 4th – Sophomore Registration (8:00 - 12:00)
August 5th – Junior and Senior Registration (8:00 - 3:00) Lunch break from 11-12
August 8th – Makeup Registration (9:00 - 1:00)
What Can Aeries Do For Me?
- Schedule weekly progress reports that get sent to your email with your student's grades and progress.
- View grade books and see missing assignments.
- Review and print unofficial transcripts
Website: https://parentnet.tustin.k12.ca.us/ParentPortal/LoginParent.aspx?page=default.aspx
Class List with Teachers and Period Order
Athletic Schedules and Team Websites
If you are looking for specific information about an athletic team, please refer to our Athletics Website at this link.
Parking Lot Drop Off and Pick Up
PTO Corner
Welcome back to our new and returning Patriots!
Next week will be your student’s registration day at Beckman High School.
We are excited for all the new experiences your student will have this coming year. The experiences that the Beckman Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is dedicated to for all students at Beckman.
The mission of the Beckman PTO is to enhance the educational experiences of your student at Beckman High School. Your generous membership donation provides resources for classrooms, programs, the performing arts, and athletics that are not covered by the State or District funds. Please be assured 100% of your membership directly support Beckman’s students and teachers. At your convenience, check us out at https://www.beckmanhspto.org to find out more.
If you have already signed up, thank you! If you have not, please consider signing up for your membership today and join the Beckman 180 by using the following link: https://www.beckmanhspto.org/membership
You may also join the Beckman PTO by stopping by our registration booth near the entrance of the school. Checks and Credit Cards are accepted at the booth as well.
As a token of our appreciation, any membership of $50 or more will include a free Beckman spirit T-shirt available for pick-up at the PTO registration booth between August 3, 4, 5 and 8.
Should you have any questions, please reach out to us at beckmanhspto@gmail.com.
Again, welcome back to Beckman!
Website: https://www.beckmanhspto.org/
A Few Important Links
The Tustin Unified School District (Tustin USD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. The District prohibits, in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity, unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying, based on actual or perceived race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, veteran or military status, medical condition, pregnancy and related conditions, retaliation, or political beliefs; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Your child has a right to a free public education, regardless of immigration status. The District will take steps to assure that the lack of English will not
be a barrier to admission and participation in District programs. A copy of the District’s nondiscrimination policy is available from the Tustin Unified School District Office.
The following position is designated Coordinator for Nondiscrimination at Beckman High School to handle complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and to answer inquiries regarding the District’s nondiscrimination policies:
Mai Huynh
Assistant Principal
Administration Office
(714) 734 - 2900 / ext: 85522
Any student who feels that he/she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying should immediately contact the Coordinator, the principal, or any other staff member. In addition, any student who observes any such incident should report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.
Any school employee who observes an incident of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying or to whom such an incident is reported shall report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.