November Newsletter

Hurffville Huskies November 2023 Newsletter
Dates to Remember
November 8th: PBIS Fall Festival
November 9th: NJEA Convention- No School for Students
November 10th: NJEA Convention- No School for Students
November 15th: Make Up Pictures, Club Photos, and 5th Grade Group Photo
November 16th: PTO Virtual Meeting - 10 a.m.
November 22nd: Early Dismissal- 2:10 p.m.
November 23rd: Thanksgiving Break- School Closed
November 24th: Thanksgiving Break- School Closed
Fall Festival
Our marking period reward for or PBIS program is a Fall Festival here at Hurffville Elementary School. The Fall Festival will take place on Wednesday, November 8th. We ask that students dress warm that day. All activities will be outside weather permitting. If you are interested in volunteering for the event, please click on the button below to sign up!
Veteran's Day Drive
Our Future Act Club is organizing a donation drive for Veteran's Haven in Hammonton, NJ, as a tribute to Veteran's Day. During November, we are requesting the donation of new items such as toiletries, gloves, hats, socks, T-shirts, undergarments, undershirts, sweatpants, and sweatshirts. Your support will go a long way in showing our appreciation for the sacrifices made by our veterans. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Make Up Pictures
On Picture Day, it's important for students who need to take pictures to arrive at 9:30. The photography session usually starts first thing in the morning, so please be on time to avoid any delay
5th Grade Career Day
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We are currently planning a Career Fair for our 5th grade students and need the help of parent/guardian volunteers to make this event possible. Hurffville Elementary School’s Career Day is scheduled for Monday, March 11, 2024 from 1:20-3:30 pm.
Our 5th graders have taken a career inventory and identified their top three career interests. We hope to have a representative among the 10 presenters for as many of their career interests as possible. Over a two-hour timespan, groups of 2 presenters will be rotating to 5 classrooms allotting each presenter 10 minutes to share and answer questions for each class. We encourage you to bring in any photos, visual aids, or props that will help students better understand your career, or you are welcome to send an email in advance with photos / PowerPoint / etc. for the teachers to project onto the classroom screen.
Please be on the look out for the Career Day Invitation via Swiftk12.
Picking Up Students Early- New Information
For early dismissal, a parent/guardian must report to the Hurffville vestibule and sign out the student. If an adult other than the custodial parent/guardian is to pick up the student, the parent/guardian must authorize the student’s release in writing ahead of time. The authorized person must show photo identification. No student will be released to a minor or an unauthorized adult. All authorized persons must be listed in the emergency contact information in PowerSchool.
We ask that parent/guardians email your child's homeroom teacher and our attendance office at HurffAttendance@wtps.org to let us know of any dismissal changes.
Hurffville School Hours 2023-2024
Regular School Day – 9:30 a.m. - 3:50 p.m.
Early Dismissal Day – 9:30 a.m. - 2:10 p.m.
Delayed Opening Day (2 hours) – 11:30 a.m. - 3:50 p.m.
Last Week of School Early Dismissal w/No Lunches – 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 pm
Technology Information
Supporting Our Community
The Washington Township Middle School Future Acts Clubs are dedicated to the cause of community service, and two of their biggest events take place in November and December. In November, the clubs provide Thanksgiving meals to around 200 families in the District. In December, they assist with providing holiday gifts. If you need assistance, or you know of any of your neighbors who may need assistance, please click the link below
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Morning Drop Off
- Buses park along the fire lane of the building.
- Buses will be arriving at the same time as private vehicles. Please follow the directives of the staff members on duty who are assigned to guide your vehicle.
- Families dropping off students should follow the red arrows on map. Students will be received by an staff member on duty and escorted to the 5th grade entrance.
Afternoon Dismissal
Please let us know if there are any changes to your child's normal dismissal. Please contact the main office to notify us of any changes.
- Car Rider students will be dismissed through the 5th grade doors. Families picking up students, should follow the red arrows on the map. If the staff member on duty is waiting for your child to arrive, please use the parking spaces in the back of the parking lot to wait for your child.
- Buses will continue to park along the fire lane. Please do not drive through the bus lane.
Late to School
After 9:30 a.m. you will need to sign your child in to school. There will be a table outside with a sign-in sheet. You must sign your child in upon arrival. Once you sign your child in a staff member will meet them at the front door to receive a pass and guide them to class
Looking Ahead to December
December 14th: Cookies with Santa 6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.
December 15th: Junior Achievement Day
December 22nd CHOP Pajama Day and Santa Visit and Early Dismissal Day
December 25th - January 1st: Winter Break- School Closed
January 2nd: Students and Staff Return