October 2022
Partners In Prevention is a collaboration of community stakeholders whom work together to share resources in an effort to decrease substance use, misuse, and abuse in our communities.
Congratulations to Darren Mattozzi on 24+ years committed to substance prevention!
Beginning of October, local prevention professionals teamed up to present Darren with a plaque honoring Darren and his dedication to substance prevention throughout the region for the last 24 years. Darren wears many hats in several communities including Coalition Coordinator for Reardan RECAP. We are lucky to have him as an ally and resource for our local and regional prevention networks.
Tacoma Pierce Health Department’s Expands their Escape the Vape Campaign
Escape the Vape: Toxic Attack
Successful Outreach, Events, and Trainings
SRHD facilitated Quit Coach Trainings during September 2022
Name of County: Spokane County
Name of Coalition/Organization: Spokane Regional Health District
Name of event or campaign: Quit Coach Training
Summary of your event or campaign (date of event, campaign on social media, billboard)
In the month of September, the Spokane Regional Health District facilitated Quit Coach Trainings with Nurse Family Partnership and WIC staff. Quit Coach training is for anyone wanting to coach a youth or an adult on how to quit using commercial tobacco or vaping products. If you or your organization is interested in Quit Coach training, please reach out to Amanda Dugger at adugger@gssac.org. or 509-324-1618
September's CBD Townhall was a success! See it here!
Local CPWI Coalitions, Spokane Regional Health District, and other community partners united to host CBD Townhall. The event was offered in a hybrid capacity via zoom or in-person. We utilized a new tool called the "OWL" which was useful!
Upcoming Events
Happening November 8-9, 2022 and offered virtually and/or in-person in Yakima, WA.
Together, the local CPWI coordinators with special community guests dive in to heart-felt topics like mental health and substance abuse. Listen here today!
Illicit Drug Tool-Kit for First Responders
The resources provide key points from the NIOSH recommendations for how First Responders can protect themselves from exposure to illicit drugs, including Fentanyl.
Properly Using PPE to Avoid Illicit Drug Exposure for First Responders
County Substance Prevention Highlight
RECAP hosts PAX training at Reardan School District
Reardans RECAP coalition hosted another successful PAX Good Behavior Games Facilitator Training.