Ruess Roundup - November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
This time of year reminds us all of the many things for which we are grateful and allows us to be very intentional in sharing our gratitude with others. Like each of you, I look forward to taking time to reflect and create the long list of things for which I am grateful. I indeed have a long list of things for which I am very grateful for, some of those include: being an educator and getting the opportunity to do something I truly love each and every day, being a part of the Festus R-VI School community, the tremendous support received from our Board of Education, our School Families and Community Members, the opportunity to work closely with Outstanding Employees who work collaboratively to serve and lead our mission aimed at preparing ALL Students for Success. I truly am grateful.
I hope each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you each have a long list of things for which you are grateful. Enjoy the beginning of this 2023 holiday season.
I hope you have time during the upcoming holiday season to relax and enjoy time with family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving
Today marks the 64th school day (out of 171 student attendance days) which means we are 37% through the year and closing in on the end of the 2nd semester of the 2023-2024 school year.
Mark your calendars: the final attendance day of Second Semester is slated for Wednesday, December 20, 2023. This day will be an Early Dismissal with a Regular Start Time. Thus, Wednesday, December 20th will NOT be a late-start.
The 74th annual Twin City Chamber of Commerce Christmas Parade will be Monday, Nov. 27 at 7pm. This year’s theme is “Superhero Christmas.” The parade will follow its usual route: line up on Mississippi Ave in Crystal City at 6pm and then Bailey Road to Festus’ Main Street ending near the Festus Library. The Grand Marshal this year is Chamber President Nick Rayoum.
Thankfully, recent temperatures have been beautiful, BUT since it is November, the threat of inclement weather is always a possibility. Know that for the 2023-24 school year, the first four (4) school days that are canceled due to weather/emergency conditions will be traditional snow days and those missed days will be added to the end of our school year calendar. Any day missed above those 4 will be designated as an Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) day whereby students will have a virtual learning day. Individual teachers and building principals will (if they have not already) be sending more specific plans in the event we use an AMI Day. Hopefully, no inclement weather will impact our schedule but it is always better to be prepared.
Keep in mind though that if you FOLLOW Me on “X” (formerly Twitter) at FestusR6Supt, you can be among the FIRST TO KNOW when weather is impacting a school day. You will get a Remind message about any school closings. We also let the local media stations (AM 1400 KJFF, Channels 2, 4, 5, 11, & 30) know any time school is canceled.
The Performing Arts Center was selected as an Outstanding Design in the auditoriums/music rooms category in a contest in American School & Universities Magazine. More information can also be found at
Festus Boys & Girls Cross Country Teams Excel At State Meet
The Festus Boys won the state cross country championship in Columbia on November 4. This is the boy's 11th title in the past 15 years. The other years were 2nd place finishes. Carson Driemeier (3rd), Tate Uding (13th) and Jimmy Wacker (30th) qualified for all-state honors.
The Festus girls took 3rd place at the state cross country meet in Columbia on November 4. The team finished just four points behind the 2nd place team. Jeannie Thornborrow (21st) qualified for all-state honors.
Food Drives
Food drives wrapped up in the Elementary, Intermediate and Middle Schools on Friday. Classes at the elementary and intermediate schools competed among their grade levels to see which class could collect the most food. The middle school competed against other middle schools in Jefferson County. Students should be very proud. They donated hundreds of pounds of food and thousands of items. Brendan's Friday Backpack Program and the Ozark Food Pantry will receive the donations.
All of the food collected at the intermediate school.
Food collected at the middle school. (There is more under the table)
Middle School Tiger Talent Teacher Elementary Students A Lesson
Members of the Middle School Tiger Talent performed a puppet show for elementary school students during Red Ribbon Week. The play’s theme was “Stand up for what you know is right.” The message for elementary students is to stay away from drugs and alcohol and do what is right.
Performing the show
Tiger Talent
FHS Hosts Student Council District Convention
The Festus High School student council hosted more than 800 student council students from across southeast Missouri for the District convention on November 1st. They hosted the event in the Performing Arts Center. The students came from more than 30 schools from here to the bootheel.
Sawyer Partney (left) and Ava Beers emceed the event
The keynote speaker among the crowd of students
I have a couple of special guests joining me today to close out our monthly newsletter. Each month for the remainder of the school year I will be interviewing a few seniors (that have volunteered) to be in the Senior Spotlight! Today I have Emma Doerrer and Sawyer Partney.