Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 29 July
2021 Important Dates
Week 2
Fri 30th July: Yr 6 Confirmation Retreat
Sun 1 Aug: Y6 Confirmation
Week 3
Mon 2 & Tues 3 Aug: Yr 5 Culture Nature and Challenge Days
Thurs 5 Aug: Interschool Cross Country
Fri 6 August: Human Development Workshops
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Welcome back
All the students looked really refreshed after their holiday break. As we mentioned in the correspondence before returning to school, we now welcome six new students to school this term.
You will notice over this year how the general appearance of our school grounds and gardens has improved considerably. Over the holidays our grounds man, Robert has improved the Mary’s Garden area outside the year 5H room, planted roses, upgraded garden beds, cleaned the gutters, worked on the library roof, air rated the soil on the oval and lunch eating area, worked on the new veranda for our library, placed a new school sign up on the hall entrance from the main carpark area plus a myriad of other small jobs over the break. Thank you, Rob. He also became an Australian citizen last week.
Robert's Kindy Helpers!
Good luck to our Year 6 Confirmation candidates being Confirmed this Sunday in our Parish Church. Thank you to Mrs Ricciardone, Miss Hurst and Mrs Meyer on preparing our students for this Sacrament. Fr Tony Chiera visited the candidates at school this week to support the students in their final preparations for Confirmation.
New Rego Plates
Many thanks to Craig Saunders for coordinating the new registration plates school fundraiser. The funds will all go towards the new playground six seasons Aboriginal garden incorporated into our new playground. You are still able to purchase the plates tomorrow from the office or Saturday morning from 9-11am, and thereafter from the office during school hours.
COVID Updates
We all need to remain vigilant in regard to keeping our community COVID free during the CURRENT positive situation in WA. The outbreaks of the virus in other states and territories is obviously of serious concern. While we all hope that the current border restrictions will continue to keep WA safe, the experiences from the other states, and our own recent lockdown, highlight how easily and quickly the Delta variant can spread within the community.
Dance Concert
For those of us lucky enough to have attended the dance concert at the end of last term, you will all agree it was just a sensational event for our children to participate in. Congratulations to the students and especially Mrs Haines for allowing our students to reach such a high level of excellence. We look forward to the junior classes participating at our outdoor Christmas concert on Tuesday 7 December.
Sloan Drive
Please be conscious of the pace that you travel when driving along Sloan Drive. Pick up in the afternoon is excellent with all vehicles travelling to pick up from Endicott Loop. We need this to happen in the morning as well for the safety of everyone.
Busselton Council have placed funding in their 2022 budget for traffic modification and new footpath extended to school in Sloan Drive.
Tanks Full
Our two huge water tanks in the lower carpark are currently full. One tank waters the school oval for a week over summer. We had two costly unsuccessful attempts to sink a bore earlier in the year. Another tank fitted is estimated to cost over $20,000. Is anyone aware of grants given to communities to harvest rainwater?
Did you know
- Mrs Sinclair offered to take water skiing lessons on the oval last Tuesday.
- ‘Boof’ the kelpie from Kojonup, is the only WA entrant in Australia and New Zealand working dog challenge.
- Martha and Rayne (PPL) were locked out of the Pre Primary area on Thursday as they weren't tall enough to open the gate lock. They didn’t seem too distressed as they were officially clocked at 147 words per minute talking and laughing waiting for someone to come along and help.
- Milla Patterson (3) has a beautiful little French Bulldog named Luna. Luna is very playful and continually chews sticks.
- Joel Martin (PPB) read his book “Tom the Cat”, to Mr Lee at 9.02 on Thursday morning.
- There is Running Club at 8am on Wednesday mornings at school. Our Chess club is on Wednesdays at lunchtime and the Dance Troop practice on Friday mornings at 8am.
- Harry, Grace, Beau and Mahli came in to the office to show off their marvelous work.
- Emma Le Goueff (1) has one fang missing from the top shelf. (A tooth fell out last week!)
- Mr Lee has been away this week. He met with the Executive Director on Monday and attended the Catholic School Principal Conference for the rest of the week.
- Rooney, Beau and Campbell (2) are on our Facebook page advertising our new registration plates!
- Mr. McSevich leads the OLC chess club on Wednesdays at lunchtime.
- Cruz Uros is the current under 12 and under 14 State Champion Surfer.
Alexis Giglia (4Del) is going to Darwin to represent WA in Gymnastics. Congratulations Alexis!
Shady characters sent to the principal’s office....Lucky it was for good news. The amount of progress in writing and spelling from the beginning of the year to now is exceptional. Congratulations guys
Tuning Musical Instruments
During Lunchtime
God Moment
Watching Mrs Meyer with her Year One back up band doing the MJR presentations at assembly last week
Matilda and Tessa tallied whether the teachers can roll their tongue or not. Interesting!!
RE Updates
Sacrament of Confirmation
Term three was off to a busy start, with our Confirmation candidates participating in a workshop with their parents in week 1. The students, along with their parents, explored the Sacrament and discussed the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit that they will receive. They have had another busy week of preparation this week, with a visit from Father Tony yesterday and a whole day retreat scheduled for tomorrow. They will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday morning at 8.30am. Confirmation allows the students to confirm their commitment to the Catholic faith themselves, after their parents initially made that decision at their baptism. It strengthens our faith and reminds us to live like Jesus. All members of the OLC family are invited to attend the mass and to pray for these students in the next stage of their faith journey.
Bishop’s Religious Literacy Assessment
The Bishops' Religious Literacy Assessment is a large-scale, standardised assessment for catholic school students in years 3, 5 and 9, that consists of a series of Religious Education (RE) tests developed and marked by the Office of Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA). The purpose of the BRLA is to measure student learning of the content in the RE curriculum. Formal school and student reports are produced by the Office and will become available to schools in Term Four. The BRLA provides a ‘point in time’ snapshot of student performance in RE. Students’ knowledge and understanding of the content of the RE curriculum is assessed using a combination of multiple choice, and short and extended response items. Students’ faith is not assessed. The use of the BRLA complements the school based assessment programs in RE. OLC students in years 3 and 5 have participated in a practice and an equating test this week, and will complete the actual test next week.
Can You Spare a Dollar for Our Parish?
Our Parish church and presbytery are in desperate need of upgrade. With low attendances at church, and the only source of income being collections at masses, the financial situation is becoming critical. Please read the finance reports attached to get an idea of the urgency. If you are able to help out with plumbing or building labour for a bathroom renovation, or can alternatively make a donation to the church to help with the upkeep, Fr. Francis would be most appreciative. Thank you for your consideration. If you wish to make a DONATION to our Parish, you may deposit it directly to our Parish Account BSB: 086-006 A/C: 848054647
Help an OLC Family
Dear OLC Community,
Thank you for your efforts alongside that of our Dunsborough community to support the Clift family following the sudden passing of Dave earlier this year. So far, we have raised a massive $14,195 of our $50,000 goal! Amazing effort! If you are able, even if in a small way to contribute to this Go Fund Me Campaign and share it on your social media platforms, Annmarie and the children would be forever grateful. With many thanks and blessings!
Mrs. Amie Meyer
Click on the link to the campaign here to donate:
https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-dave-clifts-family?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1Sporting Schools Program
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Term three I will be offering Specialised Coaching Sessions for the years 3 to 6 with the Sporting Schools Program. The program will be held Thursday afternoons at 3:05pm– 4pm. There are still some places available.Only students in years 3-6 are eligible to attend. There are a limited number of positions in the program (which I must stick to).
This term I will be running modified Football and Soccer on the Thursday afternoons. The students will need to bring appropriate sport outfits and an afternoon snack on Thursday.
Positions will be filled on a first in basis, so please return the notes to the front office as soon as possible.
The Program will be supervised by Mrs Sinclair and is FREE.
On Wednesdays I will be continuing running club and some games. No need to complete a form for the Wednesday session. Your child can just turn up.
Program details
Wednesday 8am – 8.30am
Thursday 3:05pm – 4pm (signed form required)
Issue 5 is out. Please have orders in by Friday 6th August. Online orders only through Loop.
community news
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/