Overtime Athletics
Summer Camp
Overtime Athletics uses multi-sport programs and camps to benefit children physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. Our programs are designed to help kids develop skills such as teamwork, confidence, acceptance, and sportsmanship.
Our camps are structured to introduce kids to a variety of sports. We present a new sport each day, allowing the kids to develop multiple skills throughout the week.
Each day is structured around skills and drills, followed by games. This way, they learn the skills of the sport, as well as how to work together as a team. Most importantly, we make sports FUN.
Our activities include soccer, Flag Football, Ultimate Frisbee, Handball, Wiffle Ball, Dodgeball, and more. Every day we celebrate and recognize sportsmanship, positive attitude, and teamwork with our OTA Awards (a camp favorite).
Weeklong Schedule:
Monday: Soccer and Kickball
Tuesday: Flag football and Ultimate Frisbee
Wednesday: Art and Handball
Thursday: Wiffleball, Dodgeball and Capture the Flag.
Friday: World Cup Challenge (2 teams compete in 5 challenges for points. All points get added up to see who the winning team is at the end of the day!).
Daily Schedule:
9:00am - 9:15am: Registration and roll call.
9:15 am - 9:45am: Warm up (tag, sharks and minnows, freeze etc.)
9:45 am - 10:45am: skills and drills (specific to activity)
10:45am - 11:00am: break, water, light snacks
11:00am - 12pm: Matches/games
12:00pm - 12:30pm: lunch
12:30 - 2:00pm: low intensity activities (Lego towers, minute to win it!, trivia challenge, coloring)
2:05pm - 2:35pm: skills and drills
2:35pm - 3:45pm: games/matches
3:45pm: Awards (OTA stickers for sportsmanship, teamwork, team player)
4:00 - 4:30pm: pick up.
Wednesday Art Day Schedule:
9:00am - 9:15am: Registration and roll call.
9:15 am - 10am: Warm up (tag, sharks and minnows, freeze etc.)
10:00 am - 12:00pm: Art sculpture class (Kids get to build clay action figures with an art teacher)
12:00 pm - 12:30pm: lunch
12:30pm - 2:00pm: low intensity activities (Lego towers, minute to win it!, trivia challenge, coloring)
2:05pm - 2:45pm: skills and drills
2:45pm - 3:45pm: games/matches
3:45pm: Awards (OTA stickers for sportsmanship, teamwork, team player)
4:00pm: pick up.
Date: Monday July 10 - Friday July 14, 2023
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location: The Grange & Paint Brush Park Multipurpose Field
Cost: $275 Resident/$295 Non Resident
Resident Sibling Discount - $233.75
Non-Resident Sibling Discount - $250.75
Ages: 6 - 12 years old
Registration Deadline: EXTENDED UNTIL JULY 3rd!!
*Please send a water bottle and a sack lunch daily for your child(ren).
Register HERE or call The Grange at 303-814-2358