Belleville High School
Greetings, Tiger Families, this is a SPECIAL newsletter providing information on Giving to BHS. When speaking to our families and community members, we are often asked "How can I help?". Under most circumstances, the answer is always through VOLUNTEERING and GIVING. Unfortunately due to COVID, we are still unable to have visiting volunteers, but we are providing the opportunity to give in the areas of: Academic Excellence, Student Improvement, Student Care Packages, Teacher/Staff Appreciation, General Needs, and the Amazon Wishlist. These are areas that school funding doesn't cover, but we know the value and impact they add to maintaining a positive and productive environment!
NOTE: this can all be found on the PaySchools web page for BHS
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: celebrations, rewards, and awards for students who have proven outstanding Academic Performance in the classroom.
STUDENT CARE PACKAGES: for students who have lost an immediate family member, are hospitalized for more than 3 days, or students who have been displaced.
STUDENT IMPROVEMENT: celebrations and rewards for students who are showing improvement in Academics, Attendance, Behavior, and Leadership. This includes Students of the Month!
TEACHER/STAFF APPRECIATION: includes refreshments during PT Conferences, Teacher Appreciation Days, and general Staff Recognition.
GENERAL SCHOOL GIVING: allows us to apply contributions towards needs above, as well as general building beautification, fairs, and current projects.
AMAZON WISHLIST: this list was created by Student Council, our Counselors and Social Workers to meet specific needs for students. These items are frequently updated and can be applied to your Amazon cart. Upon purchase, these items are sent directly to the school.
We thank you in advance if you have chosen to provide financial support in any of these areas. Our students, staff, and families greatly appreciate it!
~ Principal Crockett, AP Mrs. Green, AP Mr. Roberson, AP Mr. Wright, BNT Director Mr. Wilsey, and AD Mr. Brodie