Sea Dragon's Diary
Week of November 1st-5th
Student Safety at Pick Up
If you are picking up your student(s) in a car, please park and walk your student to the car. I have seen a number of close calls with students crossing the street to their car. Many times students are walking across the street between cars. Also, please pull over or go around the block to find a spot to park. We have the gates open from 3:05-3:25. One tip is that there are many more open parking spots at 3:20, then there are at 3:10-3:15.
Thank you for your understanding and looking out for the safety of all of our students.
Universal Design Learning Workshop for All Families Video
Apex School FUNdraiser
We are halfway through our Apex School FUNdraiser and the kids couldn't be more excited!
This is the PTA's ONLY fundraiser and helps to fund Field Trips, Assemblies, Family Fun Nights and so much more for the Lin Howe community!
Our FUN "RUN" will take place next week, Thursday, November 4th, but the Apex pledge site will remain open through Sunday, 11/7.
November Theme and Social Justice Standard
November is Family Stories Month / Gratitude Month / National Inspirational Role Model Month
National Native American Heritage Month
Justice 13: Students will analyze the harmful impact of bias and injustice on the world, historically, and today.
Diversity 10: Students will examine diversity in social, cultural, political, and historical contexts rather than in ways that are superficial or oversimplified.
Teaching the Truth about Native American History
Smithsonian Heritage and History Month Events: November
Join us online for vibrant performances, lectures, and family activities that celebrate our nation's rich cultural heritage and history.
Día de los Muertos virtual celebrations and resources
ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) Meeting November 3rd
Hello Lin Howe Families,
I am happy to announce that our first ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 3rd. There is an invitation in this email with information that includes the time, zoom codes, and agenda. This year I will be the point person along with Pamela Greenstein regarding support for our English Language Learners. We look forward to working with our community this year to support all our EL students!
Best Regards,
Brian Raber
Hola Las Familias de Lin Howe,
Me complace anunciar que nuestra primera reunión de ELAC (Comité Asesor del Idioma Inglés) está programada para miércoles 3 de Noviembre. Hay una invitación en este correo electrónico con información que incluye la hora, los códigos de zoom y la agenda. Este año seré la persona de contacto junto con Pamela Greenstein con respecto al apoyo para nuestros estudiantes del idioma inglés. ¡Esperamos trabajar con nuestra comunidad este año para apoyar a todos nuestros estudiantes EL!
Brian Raber
Zoom Link: https://ccusd.zoom.us/j/87076050754?pwd=L2pNUE0xQWY5WEYzcTZxNElyR3I0QT09
Please email Mr. Chabola at caseychabola@ccusd.org if you are available to help.
FREE Family Fun Night- Outdoor Movie- Friday, Nov. 5th
Save the Date - Family Fun Night Present Outdoor Movie - Toy Story 4
Friday, November 5, 2021
Lawn at Linwood Howe
Here is the sign up link as it is not hyperlinked in the flyer
•We’d love to know who will be coming. Sign up here:
Campus Beautification DATE- November 6th and SIGN UP
Save the Date
Lin Howe Beautification Day
November 6, 2021
This is a community event where we will be cleaning, weeding, and painting parts of our campus.
Sign Up to Help https://signup.com/go/SiDLBjt
TK/K/1/2 Vocal Music Update
TK/K/1/2 Vocal Music
Happy Autumn! We have been having so much fun singing our fall-themed songs in our vocal music class. In music this month, every TK/K/1/2 student has been practicing "Danse Macabre," our fall-themed classical music piece by Camille Saint-Seans. Ask your student to perform "Danse Macabre" and act out the skeletons and ghosts in the graveyard in the song!
If your student is in TK or Kindergarten, please ask them for their "Pass the Pumpkin" song map that was handed out this week. You can also ask them to sing "Oh My Aunt Came Back," and look for an "Ask Me" sheet for "My Aunt Came Back" over the next few weeks. You can even make up a new verse to the "Aunt Came Back" song if you would like!
If your student is in 1st grade, ask your student to sing "Black Cat," and ask them to perform the song map that they received (or will receive this week) for "Black Cat."
If your student is in 2nd grade, please ask them to sing "Hey there, ___, someone's on the phone," and show you the hand motions to the "Tikka takka, tikka takka, wally woo woo" part of the song. You can sing the song to each other, if you would like!
Please also check your student's vocal music Seesaw account, where optional singing activities and games have been posted for you to practice and respond to if you would like to participate. If you have any questions about the vocal music program, feel free to reach out directly to Ms. Koplinka-Loehr at:
Danielle Koplinka-Loehr: daniellekoplinkaloehr@ccusd.org
We hope you are having fun listening to your students' wonderful singing voices!
Tribute to Heroes is an annual event by the Exchange Club of Culver City
Culver City Exchange Club supported Lin Howe through donations to help with our parent equity workshops.
Tribute to Heroes is an annual event by the Exchange Club of Culver City. All donations are 100% tax deductible and are received by the Exchange Club of Culver City Charitable Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, federal tax ID 54-2145774. All net proceeds go to our local charitable partner, New Directions for Veterans, to combat homelessness among Los Angeles-area vets.
The Exchange Club of Culver City is a community service organization established to help local children, teens, and families in Culver City and surrounding areas. Culver City Exchange has inaugurated Tribute to Heroes to honor our local veterans, emergency responders, and other heroes and to help fight veteran homelessness.
Shout Out to our Cafeteria Staff!!
Imelda and Lorena are serving 310+ Lunches everyday! And as high as 42 breakfasts!
This is the most we have ever served at Lin Howe and they are rocking it!
FYI - November and December FREE breakfast and lunch menus are posted on our website at www.culvercafe.org.
Counselor Corner with Mrs. Nelson
PARENTS please send photos to our yearbook crew for the 2021-2022 Linwood E. Howe yearbook!
Looking for photos from school events on campus (Halloween parade/APEX/Fire station etc)
Send photos to yearbooklinhowe@gmail.com
Environmentalists agree that an important action we can take to combat climate change is to adopt a plant-based diet
“Securing a brighter future for our children and future generations requires countries to take urgent action at home and abroad to turn the tide on climate change. It is with ambition, courage and collaboration as we approach the crucial COP26 summit in the UK that we can seize this moment together, so we can recover cleaner, rebuild greener and restore our planet.” Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister.
Here are the goals stated by the COP26:
1. Secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach
2. Adapt to protect communities and natural habitats
3. Mobilize finance ($100bn in climate finance per year)
4. Work together to deliver
Make sure to check it out, and hold your governments accountable for what they agree on! Join the movement now!
Link to previous Dragon's Diaries
Linwood E. Howe Elementary School
Email: caseychabola@ccusd.org
Website: https://linhowe.ccusd.org/
Location: 4100 Irving Place, Culver City, CA, USA
Phone: 310-842-4338
Twitter: @LinwoodEHowe