April 2023 Hawk Talk
I hope you are all enjoying a wonderful start to our Spring Break. Seeing so many of you at our Open House event this last week was wonderful. The students were so proud to show off their hard work, and the very next morning, the entire school participated in a school-wide parade through all of the classrooms to celebrate their achievements this year.
We also opened our NEW Social and Emotional Learning room this week. This room is for students to learn and grow with the support of our school counselor. Mrs. Derry will run small groups, lunch bunch, and fun Fridays using this new room. We are excited to have this space dedicated to our students' social and emotional growth!!
Over spring break, it is so important to give students time to reset, relax, and enjoy being a kid!! Here are some ideas you could do to help your child have a great spring break:
- Set aside time for your child to play with peers their own age. Seeing their peers outside of school and having time to interact will strengthen their bond and give you some insight into how they interact with other children their own age.
- You don't need to plan every second of their day. Children need to have an unstructured time of the day where they have a choice in what they do and can use their imagination. The best types of unstructured play happen outdoors or with simple toys such as blocks, legos, balls, or any imaginary toys such as dolls, dinosaurs, cars, etc. You can learn a lot about a child by watching how they play while using their imagination.
- Check out your local parks and walking trails together. Getting outdoors as a family and putting away those electronics helps everyone feel refreshed and gets everyone talking and interacting.
- Take out those playing cards and board games and have a family game night. Playing games with one another promotes taking turns, being kind in our words, and how to have good sportsmanship. Some of my best memories are of playing board games with my family.
I hope the suggestions above help you have some ideas of how you can have a wonderful spring break with your child while promoting healthy and positive interactions together.
As always, Our Hawk Talk is filled with important information for the month of April.
With Love,
Mrs. McNeil
Principal at Maple Hill
Important Dates in the Month of April
April 11- School resumes
April 11- Student Council Meeting 2:40 pm - 3:40 pm
April 12- MHCC Virtual Meeting (see below)
April 13- Early out day- TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st -5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
April 14- Hawk Walk 8:15 am (see below)
April 17- CAASPP Testing begins for 3rd-5th grade (see below)
April 20- Early out day- TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st -5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
April 25- TK and K ONLY Minimum Day- dismissal at 11:30 am
April 25- Student Council Meeting 2:40 pm - 3:40 pm
April 27- Early out day- TK/K dismissed at 11:30 am and 1st -5th dismissed at 12:40 pm
Maple Hill Community Club VIRTUAL Meeting
Please join the principal and the Maple Hill Community Club Exec Board to learn about the wonderful things we do to make school fun and give back to our students. We will be sharing details about our Spring Movie Night and more opportunities to get involved in this amazing organization. We need more parents to come and be a part of our Community Club, and that starts with you joining our meetings. We would LOVE to have you all come.
Wednesday, April 12 · 8:15 am – 9:00 am
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/dem-egte-zmx
Our Fall Enrichment Leaves have been added to our Maple Hill Giving Tree.
CAASPP Testing Schedule
Hawk Walk- Friday, April 14th
Students are encouraged to wear their favorite sports attire to our Hawk Walk. Our theme is Team Maple Hill.
We need parent volunteers for the Hawk Walk. Parents help to pin on tally sheets and mark laps during the Hawk Walk. Please talk to your child's teacher if you are able to volunteer that day.
April Hawk Character Trait: Caring
Our SEL enrichment lesson this month will focus on being caring, compassionate, and understanding the importance of practicing self- care. Kids will learn to recognize their own personal cues and triggers for certain emotions and in turn, learn to identify and use self-regulation and calming strategies when necessary. We will also have a meaningful discussion on compassion and ways to express it with our friends and family during times of need.
Here are some literature suggestions:
TK-1st: Respect and Take Care of Things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_2KuxfOJbY
2nd-3rd: The Good Egg :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g925MVri0EE
4th-5th: What If Everybody Did That: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxKZHdJ4d24
Additional Self-Care Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAVkotaNeBQ
Book Discussion Ideas:
Discuss manners and why respect and responsibility are important traits to have in life.
Discuss why it is important to take care of our community and how our actions can affect others.
Brainstorm coping strategies to use when dealing with hard situations. Practice self-care strategies that will positively impact them such as a controlled breathing exercise.
Mrs. McNeil- Principal at Maple Hill
Email: kmcneil@wvusd.org
Website: www.maplehillschool.org
Location: 1350 Maple Hill Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: 909-861-6224