St. Daniel Comboni School
November 2022
Principal - M. Thompson
Vice-Principal - K. MacDonald
Head Secretary - D. Whiteman
Assistant Secretary - S. Konings
Superintendent - T-L. Peel
Trustee - D. D'Souza
Pastor - Father Jan
Virtue of the Month - Conscience
Lord God,
Gracious and merciful God of all creation, during this season of remembrance, we remember how you have gifted us with free will. You have given us the virtue of conscience to ensure that we will know the good and decent way to act and then choose to act that way. We come to you now asking for the grace and strength to form and to follow our conscience in order to bring life to your plan for a safe, caring inclusive community here at St. Daniel Comboni School. May your virtue of conscience free us to make decisions that serve the good of all your people.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, Your son, who lived to show us your way.
Conscience is the voice of God within us. A developed conscience helps us make decisions that support truly loving relationships. God helps us to choose to be good people.
From the perspective of the Catholic Graduate Expectations, a person of conscience...
- Makes decisions according to gospel values
- Accepts accountability for one's own actions
Therefore I do my best always to have a clear conscience toward God and all people.
(Acts 24:16)
In November we recognize
Albanian Heritage Month
Hindu Heritage Month
Ontario is home to a large and vibrant Hindu community. Since the first Hindu immigrants arrived in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century, Hindu Canadians from across Ontario have made significant contributions across all fields: science, education, medicine, law, politics, business, culture and sports. Hindu Canadians have helped build Ontario into the multicultural success story that it is and have helped to build this province into the best place to live, work and raise families. They continue to help foster growth, prosperity and innovation throughout Ontario.
School Hours/Bell Times
The schedule is as follows:
9:15 am School Starts
9:55 am - Junior/Intermediate Recess (15 min)
10:38 am - Primary Recess (15 min)
11:36 am - 12:36pm - Junior/Intermediate Lunch Hour
12:16pm - 1:16pm - Primary Lunch Hour
1:56pm - Junior Intermediate Recess (15 min)
2:39pm - Primary Recess (15 min)
3:30pm - 3:45pm - FDK Dismissal
3:45pm - Dismissal grades 1 to 8
Treaties Recognition Week Nov 6th - 12th
Indigenous Veteran's Day - November 8th
Remembrance Day - November 11th, 2022
Parents are welcome to join our assembly at either 10:56am or 1:25pm if we are in person. If not we will all be online at 10:56am. A link will be provided. Thank you.
Report Cards and Interview Evening
Interview evening is on November 17th, 2022 by request from the teacher. It can be done in person or by telephone. A notice will be going home very soon.
Cross Country and Flag Football Celebrations!
On Wednesday, October 19th, 2023, our school's Cross Country team attended the Brampton West Athletic Association Meet. 48 students from grades 4-8, raced in 8 different races ranging in length from 2-3.5 km in length. Our athletes did extremely well! Our grade 7 girls team won their race! We had 12 athletes qualify for the school board final held on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022, at Centennial Park, Etobicoke. In each race there were 140 runners from 135 schools. Race Results: Danelle 57th ⅘ Girl's race, Chance 72nd ⅘ Boys race, Destiny 110th Grade 6 Girls, Yaw 71st Grade 6 Boys Race, Azariah 110th Grade 7 Girls, Amira 102nd Grade 7 Girls, Ella 101st Grade 7 Girls, Joshua P 79th Grade 8 Boys and Paiton 30th in the Grade 8 Girls Race. Great job runners!
Thank you to our coaches, Mrs. Litimco, Mr. Carreiro and Mr. Silva!
On Thursday, November 3rd, 2022, St. Daniel Comboni sent two Intermediate Co-ed Flag Football teams to play at the BWAA tournament held at St. Jean-Marie Vianney school. Both teams displayed great effort and sportsmanship throughout the day. One team advanced to the semi-final and lost to the eventual champions St. Josephine Bakhita school. The players had a lot of fun making friends and playing a fun fall outdoor sport!
Thank you to our coaches Mrs. Mezzatesta, Mr. Carreiro and Mr. Silva!
Girls Volleyball
The Junior Girl's Volleyball Team had a strong season. In just a few weeks the girls came so far along in both their skill and in their strength as a team. They won 1st place at the Mini tournament hosted at our school, and then went on to place 3rd at the Family Tournament held at St. Roch. Well done girls! You made your school and coaches proud! Thank you to Mrs. Canning and Mrs. Ashien for coaching!
Rachel A
Destiny D
Toluwanimi F (Angie)
Bianca M
Raya M
Elizandra O (Eli)
Khloe S
Arianna V
Addison WM
Alexandra H (Alex)
Boys Volleyball
Congratulations to our Junior Boys Volleyball Team!
Our team represented us very well. We hosted the mini tournament at our school and our team did not disappoint. They had amazing team spirit, worked well together and were able to practice their skills and refine their game. We are very proud of you all! Thank you to Mrs. Ashien and Mrs. Canning for coaching!
Boys Volleyball Team
Halloween and Youth Faith Ambassadors
Our Youth Faith Ambassadors (YFA) went around to each class and led students in a classroom presentation about how we as Christians can still celebrate Halloween. In addition to the classroom presentation, the YFAs left a follow-up activity with each class. This year, we commemorated All Souls Day with memorial leaves. Students decorated a leaf with the name of their loved one(s) who has/have passed. It is important that as a community of faith that we not only celebrate happy moments, but also gather together in prayer and reflection for our dearly departed. We are one family... a school family and together, we are rooted in Christ and faith.
Thank you to Mrs. Steflik, Mrs. Rhule and Mrs. MacDonald who have been guiding and leading our Youth Faith Ambassadors during their ministries within our school. We look forward to many more faith filled activities in our building as a Catholic community.
Thank you to Mrs. Hakimi from Bloomnballons for donating the Halloween Balloon Arch to our school! The students were so excited to be able to walk through the arch and go into the gym to have some fun with their classmates and friends. Lots of class pictures and memories were created under the balloon arch. Thank you to all of our parents and volunteers, especially Mrs. Marchao and Mrs. Sousa who made the day memorable for our students by organizing and selling the glow bracelets! Thank you to our Grade 8 leaders in Mrs. Rhule's class for the set up and take down! Thank you to Mrs. Bachoo for the entertaining, kid friendly music!
Equity, Inclusive and Anti - Racism Commitment and Work at St. Daniel Comboni
At St. Daniel Comboni , as a staff and as an administration, we are committed and continue to do work around interrupting any forms of discrimination and racism. We continue to strive and work towards creating safe and inclusive spaces for all. Conversations, modelling and creating safe spaces where anyone can feel comfortable to elevate their voice and act - be a racism interrupter. Below is a series of posters that will be in each class, paired with work that teachers and as a school community we will continue to engage in as part of our equity and inclusive work. Each poster has been supported and provided to all Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board schools by the Department of Equity and Inclusive Education.
X-Movement - X-Others
KISS N RIDE / Parking Lot
- NEVER LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE. Kiss and Ride lanes are to be “moving lane ways”, not parking spots. This ensures that emergency vehicles can get in if they have to and for the flow of traffic. Please do not leave your vehicle at any time. If you need to directly drop off your child, please park your car. For safety reasons, have the children exit the car from the passenger side of the vehicle only. If they are unable to do this without your help, you must park your car and walk your child in.
- PLEASE CONTROL YOUR SPEED. Kiss and Ride is the type of environment where students behave unpredictably and could quickly ‘pop out’ in front of you. Please give yourself the greatest chance of avoiding an accident. We are all working together to minimize risks to our children.
- DO NOT PARK IN AN ACCESSIBLE SPOT without a pass. This limits our families who require these spots for their children with physical needs. Please be respectful of this.
Remember that the driveway is a one way only. Please follow the signs to ensure that safety or all students and family.
Tips to prevent the FLU
It’s flu season and we want to make sure students stay as healthy as possible. Getting the flu shot this year is more important than ever, in order to reduce the chance of having an illness that can be confused for COVID-19. Influenza (flu) spreads easily from one person to another and Peel Public Health has some tips to help reduce the risk of catching the flu and spreading it.
Get your annual flu shot: The flu shot is your best defense against the flu. The flu virus changes frequently so you need to get the vaccine every Fall. There are many locations across Peel where you can get your flu shots by appointment only:
- Family Doctors’ offices
- Walk-in clinics
- Pharmacies
Remember to physically distance and wear a mask at the clinic to help protect yourself and others.
Be sure to contact your healthcare provider to book an appointment, as walk-ins are not accepted due to COVID-19 safety measures.
Keep children home when they’re sick: If your child develops flu-like signs and symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue), keep them home from school. Contact your health care provider if symptoms are severe.
Practice good hygiene: Help your child get into the habit of covering their nose and mouth with a tissue when they cough or sneeze and throw tissues in the trash. Cough or sneeze into a sleeve or elbow, if they don’t have a tissue. They should also avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth. This is how germs are spread.
Wash your hands: Encourage your child to wash their hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after they cough or sneeze.
For more information, call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700 or visit www.peelregion.ca/flu.
Please do not send food for birthdays or special occasions. If you have any questions, please talk to your child’s teacher or the school staff. We look forward to your co-operation in making this a safe year for all of our students.
Concussion/Head Injuries
If your child has a medical condition, please ensure that the school is aware of it by submitting the proper forms and medication as soon as possible.
Health and Safety Protocols
Masks are encouraged to be worn by students however they are not mandatory.
All staff and students should self-screen every day before attending school.
Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes will be available throughout the school for use, as well hand sanitizer will be placed in all classrooms that do not have a sink and hand soap.
The Ministry will continue to offer access to rapid antigen tests for students. Please contact the school should you require any if your child experiences any symptoms.
There are no longer any restrictions on the use of water fountains, however, individuals are encouraged to use fountains to fill a cup/bottle from which to drink. We ask that you send your child to school with a reusable water bottle to fill, especially during hot days.
We will continue to be transparent as it relates to COVID-19 cases, and notify the community should a case be reported to the school. Thank you in advance for keeping us informed so that we can continue to make our community aware and safe.
Absence Reporting / Safe Arrival
SafeArrival is an application within SchoolMessenger that will allow parents/guardians to report their children’s absences in one of the following three ways:
- SchoolMessenger App
- SchoolMessenger website https://go.schoolmessenger.ca
- Toll Free number 1-844-435-3440
What is SafeArrival:
- SafeArrival is an absence management system that improves student safety.
- It supports school staff to follow up on unexcused absences.
- It allows parents and/or guardians to notify the school in advance about an upcoming absence.
- Better Attendance Management for Enhanced Student Safety
- Faster and Easier Attendance Management
- Simplified Parent Reporting Tools
- Accessible, Convenient and Secure
- Automated Key Tasks With SafeArrival Administrative Tools
School Council - Next meeting is November 24th @ 6:30pm online
Chair - A. Marchao
Co -Secretaries - L. Marchao , D. Samaroo
Treasure - M. Sousa and
OAPCE Reps - R. Maamari, M. Di Matteo
Parish Rep - C. Forte
Teacher Reps - V. Bachoo and D. Boutilier
Our meetings moving forward will be held online. If necessary we will move to in person and advise the community.
Links will be emailed out to the community a few days prior. All parents/guardians are welcome to join our meetings!
Personal Electronic Devices and Cell Phones
You can visit the parish website at https://guardianangelsbr.archtoronto.org/en/ for more information. As information is communicated to us about sacraments we will share with the community.
St. Daniel Comboni Catholic Elementary School
Email: St.DanielComboniCatholicElementaryInfo@dpcdsb.org
Website: https://www3.dpcdsb.org/COMBO
Location: 120 Veterans Drive, Brampton, ON, Canada
Phone: 905-495-4621