The Roadrunner
Ben Franklin Elementary School
December 2023
As you read this edition of the Ben Franklin newsletter, I hope that you can reflect on positives over the last 12 months! Here are a few positives from me over the last 12 months:
Remodel of heating and air conditioning in all of Ben Franklin!
It is so nice to have consistent heat throughout the building with our new boilers.
Throughout the summer and into the beginning of fall it will be much more comfortable in the building!
PTO fenced in our playground
This increases the safety/security of our students.
Great staff
Without great staff, kids would not enjoy their learning!
These are just a few of the positive things, but there are many many more! I hope your new year is bright and filled with joy. Thank you for your continued support of Ben Franklin Elementary.
When dropping off/picking up:
~Pull as far forward as possible. Traffic flow is greatly affected when this does not happen.
~Students should be getting out of the passenger side of the car.
~Parents should NOT exit the car.
~Please send winter gear everyday.
~Student will go outside unless the temperature/wind chill is below zero.
~Students are expected to go outside with their class each day.
If you or someone you know is looking for a job, please check out this link.
Joshua Mailhot
Early Out for Professional Development 2024
1:30 Dismissal
January 17
January 31
February 28
March 20
April 10
April 24
May 8
May 22
We’re Ready for School, But is School Ready for US?
What a great start to this year's fundraising efforts! Without our families support, we would not be able to help fund teacher and school requests. We are currently in the phase of replenishing funds that have been distributed over the last year. We appreciate your hard work with the pizza fundraiser and you joining us at turkey bingo! We love coming together for the benefit of the students. Please consider joining in at a meeting! First Tuesday of every month at 5:15 in the library. We are full of funsies!!
Kind regards and warm fuzzy feelings,
Ben Franklin PTO
December 25 - January 1 - Winter Break
January 2 - PTO Meeting (5:15 Library)
January 15 - No School
January 17 -Early Release (1:30 dismissal)
January 31 -Early Release (1:30 dismissal)
Second Grade Field Trip
RED Events
Read Every Day (RED)
Help grow the love of reading with your child.
2024 Dates:
January 19
March 8
May 17
Ben Franklin Elementary Vision
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